Lomotif / lomotif-ios-issues

A public repository to collect issues and bug reports for Lomotif iOS
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[1.8.9] iPAD 3, iPhone 6/ iOS 9.3.1 - User not able to export video on Twitter, when user take videos from Camera roll to make Lomotif video. #355

Open pallavipillai opened 8 years ago

pallavipillai commented 8 years ago

Frequency: Every time

Steps to reproduce-

  1. Create 3 videos from your iOS device.
  2. Launch the Lomotif application
  3. Tap on start
  4. Select those 3 videos from camera roll.
  5. Click on apply button from top right corner
  6. Select any music.
  7. Click on apply button from top right corner
  8. Go to Create Screen
  9. Add a sticker
  10. Add a filter, for example, Richie Rich
  11. Enter a title
  12. Export the Lomotif video to Twitter

Actual Result - The video doesn't get exported to Twitter. It keeps uploading for minutes and then error get displayed as "Twitter upload failed"
http://prnt.sc/awmv4r http://prnt.sc/awmv9q

Expected Result - The video should be exported successfully on Twitter without any error

hiteshbheda commented 8 years ago

@xiuie I can't reproduce this issue for build [1.8.9] on iPhone 6 / iOS 9.3.1


vysohanych commented 8 years ago

I can't reproduce it on build v1.8.2 (1.8.10) on iPhone 5S iOS 8.4.1

hiteshbheda commented 8 years ago

@xiuie I can't reproduce this issue for build [1.8.10] on iPhone 6 / iOS 9.3.1

pallavipillai commented 8 years ago

@xiuie - The issue exists for build [1.8.12] iPhone 6/ iOS 9.3.1