LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Crash to desktop after giving conquered city back to its original owner. #10466

Closed andreykashin closed 6 months ago

andreykashin commented 11 months ago

1. Mod Version (X.Y.Z). Current Version: 4.2.7 Mod version 4.2.7, vox populi + interface mod that comes with it, nothing more.

2. DirectX Version Not a graphical issue (probably), dx9.

3. List of Other Mods No other mods.

4. Describe the Issue Crash to desktop. Suleiman capitulated on previous turn. I made him my vassal, raised his taxes a bit, then tried giving him his cities back.

I am going to provide names of the cities in russian, besides their english equivalent, as my game is in russian and I am not aware what names you will see if you load my save.

"Анкара" (Ankara) is fine, I can give it without any trouble. Ctd happens after trying to give him "Эдирне" (Edirne). Suleiman accepts my trade proposal, I am able to close the dialog with him, after that - ctd. At first I thought computing movement of my units inside the city border after giving it away was the problem, but crash persisted after moving them all away from the city. I am playing as "Англия" (England) and my vassal is "Турция" (Turkey)


Attached everything I found to the archive. Please let me know if you need anything else from me.

P.S. If possible, please suggest a way of returning the city and continuing my game :)

andreykashin commented 11 months ago

Update: looks like I have found the reason - I had an event regarding Edirne waiting for my decision. I waited a turn after that and the city was given to Suleiman successfully.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 10 months ago

I guess we probably need to set an inability to give a city back if an event happens or remove the event query...