LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Feature Request: Mission (for Great Diplomat) gives Spy Points and Spy Point per Era off-switch #10984

Open Hokath opened 4 weeks ago

Hokath commented 4 weeks ago

@axatin Thank you in advance whenever you find the time.

I would like to try a more `interactive' way of determining your number of spy points. I would like to be able to expend Great Diplomats for some number of spy points (probably 50). I would also like to disable spy points from Era (including the ones you get from someone else entering Renaissance first), I imagine this as a CustomModOption boolean (when enabled the only sources of spies will be buildings, policies, and the above mission).

Unrelated but it might come up: I'm going to propose moving England's extra spy to the UB. If that happens then it might also be worth removing the large -network points modifier when not everyone has spies.

Hokath commented 5 days ago

I wrote up what I intend to do with these features here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/hokaths-tweaks.690601/post-16629797