LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Multilingual support #11007

Closed the-star-sea closed 2 weeks ago

the-star-sea commented 3 weeks ago

Does anyone know where to add new language support for the mod? Very interested in using gpt4 api to do it.

axatin commented 3 weeks ago

You have to create a modmod. To do so, use "ModBuddy" from Firaxis' Civ V SDK and create a new mod. Copy all the text files used in VP and CP to the new mod, mirroring the original folder structure. Translate the text in the files and replace "Language_en_US" with the tag of the language you want to localize. In ModBuddy you need to make sure all the files are loaded and the dependencies are correct (localized CP depends on CP, localized VP on VP). See here, this was a project to make a German translation of VP. It has long been discontinued now, and the structure of CP and VP has changed completely in the mean time, but still you can get an idea of how the result should look like.

azum4roll commented 2 weeks ago

VP also doesn't have full support for genders/plural forms (English doesn't have gendered nouns after all), so some generated text may look off in different languages.