LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Suggestion to revisit win condition scalability (map size, game speed, amount of civs, etc) #11031

Closed danielsolaro closed 1 week ago

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

Hi! Been asking where to make a general suggestion and got directed here. Sorry in advance.

It seems VP aims to keep balance as consistent as possible despite game settings, which is noble. For that it scales things like instant yields with game speed or policies with the amount of city-states, just some examples I think are healthy. My idea is: winning conditions are affected at very different levels by the game settings, so why couldn't they be revisited to avoid edging cases? As a practical example, science victory is less influenced by these, while domination victory is a heavy product of map size, amount of civs and game speed. I will ignore the AI difficulty setting as its meant to affect difficulty (duh).

I recently had some issues with winning conditions that gave me a light: it asked me to capture less capitals than normally required to win a domination game. You know what? it felt BETTER. It made me ask on discord if that was a change in VP or a bug, unfortunately being the second. Look, why shouldn't a giant game - both in map size and number of civs - not require conquering most capitals instead of all of them? what if we needed to get like 80% of the civ capitals to win? So, the suggestion is that we revisit that and take into account all the variables that make one winning condition much easier or harder than others, to find a good solution in terms of scalability. 80% was just an example that wouldn't work well in all cases, and at minimum would have to round up, but you get the idea.. to discuss this and see what are the best suggestions to put victory conditions in a better state for anyone not playing standard-standard-standard. A big thank you :)

Hokath commented 1 week ago

I've seen this bug too I think. It was just visual (used IGE to check). I assume it's a mod conflict.

In terms of how to suggest these things. Here's what I do Step 1 is usually bring it up in the balance-discussion discord channel to get an idea of what people think and flag up any obvious problems Step 2 is to write a draft proposal in the proposal workshop for a second round of feedback Step 3 is to submit as a proposal to the next (valid) congress, again responding to feedback before the proposing phases end and the threads are locked from changes

RecursiveVision commented 1 week ago

Balance suggestions do not belong on GitHub, they should be proposed in the Vox Populi Congress. Session #8 will be devoted to the integration of the 4UC mod, so you'll need to wait until Session #9 (beginning on October 1st).