LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Cannot dow Arabia for dozens of turns, supposedly due to a peace treaty #11039

Closed danielsolaro closed 6 days ago

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

_1. Mod Version: 4.9.1

2. DirectX Version DX 11

3. List of Other Mods Community Patch Vox Populi VP - EUI Compatibility Files Squads for VP VP Events Overhaul Reforestation for VP Devotion Ideology Religious Victory More Unique Components for VP SMAN's Duchy of Brittany GH's Catalonia Change VP Options Cambodian Civilization Colonialist Legacies' - Phillipine Republic for Vox Populi Colonialist Legacies' Canadian Dominion for VP Colonialist Legacies' Inuit for VP Even More Resources for Vox Populi Favorite Religion Randomizer Global - Random City Names Goths for Vox Populi Historical Religions Edit Hokath's Afghanistan for VP InGame Editor+ Jarcast & Hokath's Tibet for VP League Project Alerts & Assign All Cities Leugi's Israel for VP Manchus for Vox Populi MC and LITE's Nubia for VP Misc Tweaks for VP New Beliefs Mods Notification Settings Pineappledan's Chola for Vox Populi Pineappledan's Phoenician Civilization Pineappledan's Vox Populi Tweaks * Quick Turns Religion - Permanent Pantheons Tomatekh's Kyivan Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise) for VP Upgrade All Units Button in Military Overview WH - Military Log for VP World Congress Reformation

4. Describe the Issue NOTE: its the same game from https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Community-Patch-DLL/issues/11033 . I hope its ok to just reuse that mod folder with a new save I attached this time.

Have been unable to declare war on Arabia for a long ass time. They are down to 2 cities and have no allies outside a city state. I have one three allies and one vassal. I initially thought it had to do with my allies or some old alliance Arabia had, but its been quite a while and this peace treaty never ends. I could force a dow through IGE.

_5. Save Game From 1 Turn Before contains a save of turn 331 right before I used IGE to force the dow, and contains a bunch of autosaves from previous turns in case you need to check anything save on mediafire

8. Steps to reproduce the Issue (Optional) no idea, sorry

9. Screenshots of the Issue (Optional) 20240622133343_1

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

Damn forgot the victory condition bug, too, on the same game. If you can take a quick look at the victory screen, please, else I will take a screenshot later. Issue was it showing less required capitals to win domination and not counting the greek vassal (they still have their capital).

EDIT: Hokath just fixed one of the issues of this commentary for his modmod (religious victory), maybe both the amount of capitals and the ignored vassals were related to it. image

azum4roll commented 1 week ago

Potential duplicate of #11019. Did you sign a third-party peace deal?

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

I honestly don't remember, but I have time now to check stuff. Will load the game and check my past deals. if you need me to look at anything else its a good time :P

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

No third party peace treaties.

saamohod commented 1 week ago

Potential duplicate of #11019. Did you sign a third-party peace deal?

I'm having the same issue in my game. I've signed a peace treaty brokered by a third party by paying me some gold per turn. Dozens turns later I'm still unable to DoW them, it says I can't declare because I'm having peace treaty, but the peace treaty has expired long ago.

axatin commented 1 week ago

I assume this was a third-party deal. As discussed in #11019, expired third-party peace deals don't show up in the deal history (fixed for the next version). @danielsolaro Do you still have earlier save files, and can you use them to check again it is was a third-party deal?

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

@axatin I assume you intended to post a screenshot? I will check if I have the saves and if it loads correctly now edit: I have all autosaves turn by turn

axatin commented 1 week ago

In the autosaves a few turns after you made peace, you should be able to find the deal in the deal history, either as a normal peace deal or as a third-party one. Can you check which one it is?

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

I don't know which peace deal you were talking about, that's the thing. Which deal would be "this" that you mentioned. So I went back and loaded a few different auto saves for any deal that looked sus.

EDIT: a function to export all deals the match had would be wonderful for debugging...

danielsolaro commented 1 week ago

Just tried to DOW Arabia on autosaves 180 and 200, past the 70 turns of that third party peace deal. Confirmed can't dow anymore.

axatin commented 6 days ago

Thank you for checking. Then it's the same issue as #11019, should be fixed now.

(the issue in #11019 was that peace from third-party deals never expired, so my question was just if there had ever been a third-party peace deal)