LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
282 stars 157 forks source link

2Kay Foods Office global(?) bonuses #11088

Closed OneFuriousDon closed 3 weeks ago

OneFuriousDon commented 3 weeks ago

2Kay Office building is giving global bonuses and empire size modifier reduction instead of local ones. This leads to insane needs reductions and yields boosts. I believe it's an overlooked mistake:


and should look like this:


It's like that in both 4.9 and 4.11 (modpacks) CIV5Units.xml file. In it's current state 20 cities with an office building provides not only 100 total unhappiness reduction in each and every one of them but on top of that -100% empire size modifier basically making unhappiness nonexistant.

Hokath commented 3 weeks ago

I just came on here to report this as well :D As I understand it the EmpireSizeModifierReduction is supposed to be Global, and the Needs is not (!) Though I guess grammatically it might have been.

OneFuriousDon commented 3 weeks ago

@Hokath I hope you're wrong. I have 26 cities in my playthrough and as you can tell with 130 unhappiness reduction and -130% empire size modifier my yields go through the roof way up high into the moon. ;)

RecursiveVision commented 3 weeks ago

Nope, this was added intentionally to essentially remove Unhappiness from Needs a long time ago.

Hokath commented 2 weeks ago

@OneFuriousDon It's not more bonkers than the other corporations I will propose a rework later in the year https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/hokaths-tweaks.690601/

OneFuriousDon commented 2 weeks ago

@Hokath I'm glad to hear you see it is OP and totally unbalanced as I do. I will provide my own proposals too as I reworked those bonuses for my own use - will check the thread you linked. :)