LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Unused column bug: HappinessToScience #11089

Open Hokath opened 3 weeks ago

Hokath commented 3 weeks ago

I haven't looked into the cpp yet but I just tried out this column with a value of 50 and it is giving me 6 million science per turn. It attributes this to "traits" image

Hokath commented 3 weeks ago


Seems like it takes the value but then multiplies it not into a happiness number, but a science number?!

axatin commented 2 weeks ago

The name is misleading. It's a BNW column, for the Rationalism policy: +10% Science while the empire is Happy

azum4roll commented 2 weeks ago

It's still bugged, since the current implementation tries to square your science per turn.

Hokath commented 2 weeks ago

Aha yes I stumbled upon the BNW text somewhere in the mean time.

So does this mean it is bugged in base CP?

azum4roll commented 2 weeks ago

Wait no, it looks correct and I must've misread somehow.

The only wrong thing is attributing it to trait only for VP, when no trait gives this ability.

It may have also be multiplied by 100.