LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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CTD during city state turn #11095

Closed boombar123 closed 2 weeks ago

boombar123 commented 3 weeks ago

1. Mod Version (X.Y.Z). Current Version: 4.11.0 4.11

2. DirectX Version dx 11

3. List of Other Mods mods

4. Describe the Issue I narrowed it down to a single city state using IGE When I kill that city state with IGE game also crashes. When i kill any other city state, game DOES NOT crash Also tried making peace/war with everyone, deleting units for that city state etc.. still getting same CTD Its always around industriall era every game this and previous version of Vox Populi

Database.log Lua.log xml.log

CvMiniDump.dmp QuickSave.zip

8. Steps to reproduce the Issue (Optional) click next turn

RecursiveVision commented 3 weeks ago

@boombar123 Zip up and upload your additional MODS (the non-VP ones) please.

ilteroi commented 2 weeks ago

no need ... null pointer. no city in the plot.

        CvPlot* pPlot = GC.getMap().plot(m_iData1, m_iData2);
        const char* strTargetNameKey = pPlot->getPlotCity()->getNameKey();

        strMessage = Localization::Lookup("TXT_KEY_NOTIFICATION_QUEST_ENDED_LIBERATION");
RecursiveVision commented 2 weeks ago

Mmm... that can't be the root cause of the CTD. The code expects there to be a city there because only other City-State capitals will be chosen for liberation quests, and capitals can't be razed.

The report indicates that the crash happened before, and that it ALSO crashed when the City-State was deleted. So this is actually two crashes.

I'll fix the second one, but still need mods for the first. @boombar123

boombar123 commented 2 weeks ago


boombar123 commented 2 weeks ago

no need ... null pointer. no city in the plot.

      CvPlot* pPlot = GC.getMap().plot(m_iData1, m_iData2);
      const char* strTargetNameKey = pPlot->getPlotCity()->getNameKey();

      strMessage = Localization::Lookup("TXT_KEY_NOTIFICATION_QUEST_ENDED_LIBERATION");

i also tried "Flag city-state as liberated" in IGE turn before ctd happens

boombar123 commented 2 weeks ago

apparently i fixed the ctd by making city state (Melbourne) at war with everyone Now i can also kill it and game doesn't crash

azum4roll commented 2 weeks ago

and capitals can't be razed.


RecursiveVision commented 2 weeks ago

@azum4roll Yeah, I thought of that after. It's fixed.

RecursiveVision commented 2 weeks ago

Can't load the save so fingers crossed it is indeed the same issue for both cases?

RecursiveVision commented 2 weeks ago

Never mind, managed to load it, and looks like it was. I stand corrected @ilteroi.