LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
285 stars 158 forks source link

CP: Events – Development Thread #1527

Closed LoneGazebo closed 8 years ago

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Here's my current working list – not complete, and mainly just brainstorm ideas:


    C A bad harvest (ends at fertilizer)
        Lose 20 food scaling with era
    C Mysterious plague (ends at scientific theory)
        Lose 1 population
    P Failed research (ends at scientific theory)
        Lose 20 research, scaling with era
    C Fire! (era-specific, ends at replaceable parts)
        Targets all era buildings, potential for loss at 15% for each
    P Dishonorable knight (starts at chivalry, ends at renaissance era)
        Lose 50 culture, 50 GAP
    C Windstorm (farm)
        Farm destroyed
    C Scarce game (camp)
        Camp destroyed
    C Mine collapse (mine)
        Mine destroyed
    C Hurricane (fishing boat, buildings) - coastal only
        Lose two fishing boats, 20% chance for buildings
    C Hard times (village)
        Village destroyed
    C Bandits (lumber mill)
        Lumber mill destroyed
    C Outlaws (only if unhappy) 
        2 barbs spawn
    C Rioting (only if unhappy)
        Resistance for 2 turns
    C Looters (only if unhappy)
        Lose 100 gold, scaling
    C Arsonists (only if super unhappy)
        10% chance of buildings destroyed
    P Inflation (ends at banking)
        Lose 100 gold, scaling
    P Artifacts lost (ends at archaeology)
        Lose 30 culture, scaling
    C Idolaters (ends with majority religion in city)
        Lose 30 faith, scaling
    Volcanic Eruption (near mountain)
        Destroy farm, camp, village, 20% building destruction, -2 pop

    Corporate espionage (requires corporations)
        Lose 500 gold
    Cyber-terrorism (requires computers)
        Lose 1000 gold, 1000 science

    A bountiful harvest (requires farm)
        Gain 30 food, scaling
    impressive hunt (requires camp)
        Gain 30 food, scaling
    Sign from the heavens (ends at theology)
        Gain 20 faith, scaling
    Message from god (requires religion, starts at theology)
        Gain 50 faith scaling
    Immigrants (only possible for cities under size 15)
        Gain 1 population
    Baby boom (only possible for cities over 15)
        Gain 2 population
    Oral traditions (ends at printing press)
        Gain 20 culture, scaling
    Research breakthrough (starts at writing)
        Gain 30 science, scaling
        5 turns WLTKD
    Market day (ends at economics, no market in city)
        Free market for 10 turns
    Good catch (coastal)
        Gain 30 food
    Bountiful Oasis (no caravansary, has mathematics)
        City gains free caravansary
    Natural Wonder (has railroad, no hotel)
        City gains free hotel
    Natural Wonder
        Gain 50 culture, scaling


Era-Specific Ancient C Market (requires market) Polyglot: +1 culture, -1 gold Our language only: +1 gold C Monument (requires monument) Our forefathers: +1 culture Our gods: +1 faith C Council (requires council) Hereditary: +1 culture Merit: +1 science C Pyramids (requires archaeology) Science! +5 Science Tourism! +5 Tourism Heritage! +5 Culture C Nomads (ends at philosophy) Incorporate: +1 population, 3 turns of resistance Give land: + 50 border growth, -50 gold Do nothing C Council (requires council) Side with council: -100 Golden Age Points Reject council ruling: 2 turns of resistance Bribe councillors: -100 Gold C Fishing Expedition (coastal, fishing required) Food: +30 Food, -10 gold - 50% chance Trade: +50 Gold 50% chance Discovery: +30 science, -10 gold 50% chance P Cosmic Event (ends at astronomy) Stop looking at the sky! -100 Golden Age Points The Gods have forsaken us! -30 faith Do nothing! 2 resistance in all cities P Plague of Locusts (ends at civil service) Pay to restore the grain: -300 gold, lose 2 farms Pay to restore half the grain: -150 gold, -30 food in all cities, lose 3 farms Do nothing: -60 food in all cities, lose 4 farms P Itinerant Soothsayer (have pantheon) Invite to court: +30 culture Sacrifice to gods: +30 faith Military Training (ends at chivalry) Focus on melee: melee gain drill I, or 15 XP if they have it. Focus on ranged: ranged gain accuracy I, or 15 XP if they have it. General training: all units gain 10XP Classical P Philosophical rift (starts at Philosophy, ends at scientific theory) Lose 40 science Lose 40 culture Lose 20/20 P Poetic Saga Recorded Gain 50 culture Gain 50 faith Gain 50 tourism P Senates Demanded (chain event, requires Writing) Reject demand: 3 resistance in all cities, +2 gold in all cities Allow demand: +1 culture in all cities, -1 gold in all cities C Governor makes demands (requires unhappy, senates must be allowed) Accept: Lose 200 gold, 200 GAP Reject: 4 barbarian units rise up near city P Foreign Dignitaries Lavish: Lose 200 gold, gain 100 tourism Simple: Lose 100 gold, gain 50 tourism Reject: Gain 100 GAP C Dedicate a Memorial (starts at military theory, ends at chivalry, requires barracks) Praise Generals: gain 200 GG points Praise Admirals: gain 200 GA points Praise soldiers: gain 2 spearmen and 1 archer Praise sailors: gain 2 triremes C Amphitheater: Popular Dramas: +2 Gold Classical Dramas: +1 Culture C Baths Public Use: +2 Culture, -1 Production Patrician Use: +1 Culture, +1 Gold C Lighthouse Public upkeep: -1 Gold, +1 Production Private upkeep: +1 Gold


Map-Specific Coastal



Lumber Mill


Fishing Boat




Customs House

Holy Site








Trade Route

Iamblichos commented 8 years ago

One-Shot Event: National Hero: Reach level 10 promotion level, Heal adjacent units +5, adj mod 10, Unit gains +50% combat strength

Event: TributeMinor: +5 wltkd in Capital,+5 Gold from Temples

Choice: Event: Hyperborean Traveler: discovered all civs on map

Event: TechResearchedFirst: Philosophy

Era Event: After Settling near Krakatoa: Eruption of Theira (bad), positive tourism Santirini.

Adonis-VII commented 8 years ago

C Flood (Requires floodplains) Destroy X buildings on floodplain (not sure if its possible)

I assume no tile changes (e.g. Migrating whales have chosen this new location for breeding; Volcanic eruption: X number of coast/sea tiles become land)

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Yeah, not possible for terrain types to change etc.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 8 years ago

Well, the terrain type could change via LUA.. but the graphical engine wouldn't support it without you reloading your map again.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Indeed, and that's not a viable solution. I think we'll be okay without that.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 8 years ago

However @LoneGazebo, Migrating whales might become an event if LUA can help me in finding a good tile near the city instead of putting it somewhere in the 5 tile radius...

All of these events are temporary.

Vigilantes: Crime in this city has risen to a new high. Civilians have formed a group that is known to prowl on the injustice of government corruption and crimes. What do you suppose we do?

Nation Investments: This nation has the highest poverty in the nation. We can invest in the local businesses and break up the lands of the landowners to give to the people. Or we can continue what we were still doing. What do you suppose we do?

Tax Surplus: It seems that we have a surplus in taxes, what do you suppose we do with it?

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Cool. There's currently no mechanism for affecting happiness or need modifiers in the events system without resorting to a dummy building or policy. That may change in the future, but for now let's try to stick to the existing frameworks. I'm hoping to keep the memory budget for events as low as possible.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 8 years ago

You clearly haven't see the CBP E&D's building list when you pop up IGE. :smile:

We got the event image and sound working however?

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Yep. I'll be seeding the next beta soon which has all that jazz hooked up to it.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Just updated beta 1 on github.

qqqbbb commented 8 years ago

To make things more interesting awards you get should be a random number. Instead of 20 food - a number between 10 and 30, for example. What about E&D events that did not make it to the list? What about civ specific events? Will there be a cooldown system for events? So that you don't get the same one twice in a row.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Not using random numbers, as they need to be reproducible in reverse for functions that expire.

E&D is not my concern, @TechpriestEnginseer is working on that. And yeah, there will be cooldowns, don't worry.

Iamblichos commented 8 years ago

Before we go hog wild with this:

1) Common Events, City, One Shot, Era, Etc. to all civs. 2) Civ Specific

And less is more.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Yep. I'm aiming for around 10 of each (choice and no-choice) per era to start. Once those are done, the we start on civ-specific.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

I'm picking 3 buildings per era to give choices to. Choices will happen per city, unlike Beyond Earth's building decisions, to allow for more granular choices. They'll also be permanent changes for the city. Then around 4 good and 4 bad generic choices.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

That reminds me, @TechpriestEnginseer and @JFDaly , you'll be able to use the lua elements for events as the baseline for your decisions as well - just have decisions fire events. No more (or at least far fewer) dummy buildings and policies for those as well!

El-SiD commented 8 years ago

Maybe this is a silly question, but will it work in MP (i assume event will be popup)?

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

@El-SiD , theoretically yes, however I don't have access to the network push elements we would really need to make it reliable. Events that do not require player choice will definitely work, but right now the DLL is set up so that events with choices are bypassed if you are in a networked game.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Closing this, as we'll be moving the discussion to the forums