LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Heritage gives +4 tourism for each World Wonder instead of +2 #1979

Closed Ta1kavarpu closed 8 years ago

Ta1kavarpu commented 8 years ago

Bug Report Template

Mod Version (i.e Date - (4/23b)):

  1. Mod List (if using standard CPP set, leave blank): Full CPP Flag promotions Ingame Editor (for testing purposes)
  2. Type of error (i.e. crash, interface bug, AI quirk): Heritage policy from Aesthetics creates a "Tourism from city"-named category into the Tourism breakdown, which is equal to the "Tourism from World Wonders" category (also created by the policy). This effectively gives +4 tourism for each World Wonder.
  3. Steps to reproduce:
  4. Additional information: Some testing I did with IGE. As you can see from the picture, I have 2 GWs each giving +2 tourism, and one world wonder, Stonehenge which gives +2 tourism. However there is an extra +2 tourism from "Tourism from city" which was created by the Heritage. Creating an additional World Wonder increases both "Tourism from World Wonders" and "Tourism from City" by 2, effectively giving +4 tourism. Only policies are Tradition opener, Sovereignty, Aesthetics opener, Humanism, Refinement and Heritage. No techs after Agriculture. Picture below.

Supporting information:

Please note that you can attach .zip files to Issues by dragging-and-dropping them. If possible, zip up all supporting data and post that way.

  1. Log files: Database.log and Lua.log needed
  2. Minidump file (located in your Civ5.exe directory)
  3. Screenshots (if needed)


LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

Interesting. I'll take a look.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

I see it. Fixed.