LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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Arctic Expansion AI #2164

Closed saamohod closed 8 years ago

saamohod commented 8 years ago

Bug Report Template

Mod Version (i.e Date - (4/23b)): 7-7

  1. Mod List (if using standard CPP set, leave blank):

Tectonics Map Script Thal's Flag Promotions

  1. Type of error (i.e. crash, interface bug, AI quirk):

AI is settling useless arctic regions while ignoring much better tundra to the North.

20160713182234_1 QuickSave (2).zip

ilteroi commented 8 years ago

a savegame from just before the city was founded would be perfect ... but yeah, that happens time and again, don't know why they love snow so much

saamohod commented 8 years ago

Sadly, I cannot provide a savegame for the required period. I only spotted these frozen cities long after they were founded. I will be keeping an eye though.

saamohod commented 8 years ago

Expansion bug.zip 20160713182234_1

Here is another savegame. It might help if you decide to investigate another manifestation of strange AI behaviour. As you can see in the screenshot the relatively nice area in tundra at the lake with some nice resources is not occupied in year 1916.

ilteroi commented 8 years ago

it could be that all the civs in the screenshot have a high bias for coastal cities ... but the ice-locked ones are still bad

Der-Zorn-Gottes commented 8 years ago

I don't even know - the deity AI can somehow grow these icetowns larger than my tradition capitol. Once I played against rome, which had more than o dozen of these, and it was the strongest AI I have ever met.

ilteroi commented 8 years ago

any plot you can build on is not so bad - in the lategame yield from improvement (especially great person improvements) completely dominates the natural yields.

add to that the bonuses you get from buildings, then a size 20 city needs only 5 or 6 plots to work.

AI also uses food trade routes a lot to get their new cities up to par.

but here's the thing, for the selection of the city location they consider only the natural yields (everything else is too speculative) so the score for these cities should be simply bad.

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

A simple 'x% of no-yield tiles = major penalty' function would probably suffice, @ilteroi .

ilteroi commented 8 years ago

that's already there. if there are too many "bad" tiles (no yield) we bail.

but then again what i was trying to express is that even a city in the artic can be fine with a little help. so especially if there are resources there it may make sense. but an ice-locked city shouldn't count as coastal maybe

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

I think ice features already block that, right?

LoneGazebo commented 8 years ago

I leave this to you. :)

ilteroi commented 8 years ago

looking at the code there are indeed some things that could be improved ... i'll mark this as fixed