LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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AI use of ranged units in cities #2367

Closed Zoidbergesq closed 7 years ago

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Mod Version:

Community Patch v. 88

1. Mod List:

In addition to the Community Patch: InfoAddict (v. 22); NoAltitudeTraining (v. 1); R.E.D. Modpack (v. 27); Historical Religions Complete (BNW or GK) (v. 45).

2. Type of error:

AI quirk: AI archers - and, I assume, AI ranged units in general - fortify and do nothing rather than attack.

4. Additional information:

When I have a strong AI city (its last one) surrounded by my archers, who are out in the open and vulnerable, the AI elects to fortify their single ranged unit (an archer) rather than bombard my ones who are attacking the city. With no other units out in the field and no possibility of reinforcements from elsewhere, the AI is essentially choosing to have its capital inevitably reduced to zero from my continuous archer bombardment rather than fighting back from the relative safety of a city by attacking my archers; it should be able to kill all three - maybe two - of my archers (who are out in the open, on flat terrain) without dying itself.

In other words, in terms of three archers vs one archer in a city, the AI only ever seems to choose the option where it gains much less overall, choosing to remain fortified and eventually inevitably die rather than fight back and almost certainly win overall (and at least definitely kill an archer or two).

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

I suppose I don't know if this is a deliberate choice, or a compatibility issue, or a bug..

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

thank you for the detailed description ... a savegame would be good to have

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Dido_0165 BC-1850.zip

There it is.

Does this issue sound familiar, or is something up with my game?

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Thanks very much for looking into this, by the way.

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Also, are marshes actually meant to yield 3 food (as it is in my game), rather than 1 (which is what it says in the Civilopedia)?

pandasnail commented 7 years ago

Marsh adds 1 food to the 2 food of Grassland, which I believe is the only place it can spawn.

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

yeah for some reason marshes are even better than grassland ... anyway the archer issue is not known, hope i can load the save, sometimes it's tricky

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Ah ok - seems a bit odd. Though I suppose they're a hassle to upgrade to farms which are, at least, eventually better than 3. And maybe back in the day marshes were decent for food.. lots of wild animals etc etc.

Yeah, I've found the archer issue in multiple games actually. So do you - in your games - get fired on by ranged AI units from cities if you're sieging it from a couple of tiles away (when the AI's field army has been defeated)? My melee doesn't get fired on either, even if they're in range of the archer (if not the city itself).

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

@LoneGazebo : damn, crashes on load again. care to give it a try? i really need to find out why that happens to me

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Is there any more compatibility info I can provide?

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

yes in fact. unfortunately save game compatibility is broken quite often so it is very important to know the exact version of the mod used to create it.

even then i sometimes have trouble loading them, but seems to be a problem with my particular setup.

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

I'm playing a new game with everything updated. I'll go to war and if it happens again I can upload that.. might be easier with everything properly up-to-date.

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Playing 8-12 and still the same issue: I have an AI city surrounded, from two tiles away, and it refuses to bombard me with its archer (even if I'm not attacking it), choosing instead to stay pointlessly fortified.

It even did this when I had a unit on very low health, which it could have just killed.

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Along with the constituent parts of the Community Patch - (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6a) - I'm using Historical Religions, InfoAddict, R.E.D. Modpack and NoAltitudeTraining. Could it be an issue with any of these?

It's really frustrating! Makes combat far too east, even on immortal/deity..

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

in this case i don't think it could be the additional mods ... anyway, do you have a savegame from the 8/12 version?

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Attila_0128 BC-2220.zip

This is a situation where I have melee - rather than ranged - surrounding their city. I assume the same would happen if I had ranged units in place of the melee ones.

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

again no luck loading this. maybe the G can help.

i'll keep my eyes peeled for this, but i hardly have time to play anymore ...

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Ah ok, no worries. How do I go about getting G's help on this.. ?

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

Any luck?

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

still figuring out #2411

LoneGazebo commented 7 years ago

@ilteroi any updates?

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

nah - are you able to load that save?

LoneGazebo commented 7 years ago

I can't load it either. I chalk it up to mod conflict.

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

unfortunately this happens quite often, also with people who use VP and nothing else ...

LoneGazebo commented 7 years ago

Is your copy of Civ localized for Germany?

Zoidbergesq commented 7 years ago

It is not, no. It's UK.

LoneGazebo commented 7 years ago

Not you, sorry, @ilteroi.

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

good question. not sure - civ5.exe says it's english - and i play in english - but i never made a conscious choice.

ilteroi commented 7 years ago

@LoneGazebo : just to let you know, i'm having some problems right now, my machine crashed and visual studio is now broken it seems. since i'm juggling multiple windows sdk versions and visual studio versions it might take a while to get it back in working order.

LoneGazebo commented 7 years ago

Oh no! If you can give me a quick fix for the problem I mentioned on your latest fefe via github that'd be grand. If not, no worries (and no rush).