LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
286 stars 158 forks source link

Do AIs understand Defensive Pacts when accepting wars #2807

Closed TechpriestEnginseer closed 7 years ago

TechpriestEnginseer commented 7 years ago

I've asked an AI to declare war on someone who had 3 defensive pacts and he was willing to do so for so cheaply (20 GPT?) Do they even understand that declaring war on one means a war on their allies as well?

HalfEmptyMug commented 7 years ago

Also vassals. I've seen AI declare war on civs that they might be able to take on alone, but are horribly out numbered when their allies are considered.

LoneGazebo commented 7 years ago

They do. I'll up the value though.