LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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AI beats me to Great Lighthouse and notification is stuck until reload #4630

Closed Albertolona closed 6 years ago

Albertolona commented 6 years ago

1. Mod version (i.e Date - 4/23):

VP 8-6-2 2. Mod list (if using Vox Populi only, leave blank):

Tectonic map script 3. Error description: notification is bugged

4. Steps to reproduce (optional): should occur on the next turn

Supporting information: Please note that you can attach .zip files by dragging-and-dropping them. If possible, zip up all supporting data and post that way.

  1. Log files (always attach your Logs folder, located at My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5. Make sure you have enabled logging before experiencing an error! Go here to find out how: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=487482):

  2. Save game (always attach a save that was made a turn before the error; located at My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/ModdedSaves): Elizabb17.zip Elizabb17.zip

  3. CvMiniDump.dmp file (attach if experiencing a game crash. Located at Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization V):

  4. Screenshots (optional):

Albertolona commented 6 years ago

Sorry it may in fact be 2 turns.

Anyway, the problem regards York can no longer build the wonder. The notification appears to be bugged and unresponsive.

LoneGazebo commented 6 years ago


Mzimoxs commented 6 years ago

This is the same issue as #4572.

LoneGazebo commented 6 years ago

Can’t help any of you without logs.

Albertolona commented 6 years ago

Forgot to enable logging after reinstall.

Do you want the logs anyway?

Albertolona commented 6 years ago


TechpriestEnginseer commented 6 years ago

Has nothing of value since the log clears after every restart of the client. We need the logs when the notification occurs.

Albertolona commented 6 years ago

So why does Gazebo need the logs?

The notification is due to appear in a turn or two.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 6 years ago

Because the bug here is a UI bug not a DLL bug. It's easier to find out when the bug appears in the DLL than in the UI since everyone's DLL should be exactly the same. I can't seem to replicate the problem at all which is why we need you to open up your save, replicate the bug, and send us those logs.

Albertolona commented 6 years ago

Elizabb17PostBug.zip Logs.zip


LoneGazebo commented 6 years ago

C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS(6b) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (No-EUI)\LUA\NotificationPanel.lua:307: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

@TechpriestEnginseer I'm out today, any chance you could look at what's not being indexed properly in the no-EUI lua?

TechpriestEnginseer commented 6 years ago

This seems to be related to the iGameValue which isn't been able to index the portrait index to its right value.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 6 years ago

It's hard to replicate since sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. There doesn't seem to be a wonder untouched or a pattern emerging here. It's only a "rare" bug at best.

Mzimoxs commented 6 years ago

Considering it happens every time someone beats me to a wonder, I tend to disagree. If there's anything I can do to help, please just say it.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 6 years ago

Do you happen to have a slow computer? Some computers who aren't optimally performing for Civ 5 may hamper UI performances.. as such in this case when I noticed that if my computer isn't performing at its best, the bug shows up more often.

Mzimoxs commented 6 years ago

Nah, I'm way over the recommended specs.

LoneGazebo commented 6 years ago

Missing any DLC?

Mzimoxs commented 6 years ago

Of course not, you've asked that before...

As I understand it, this notification is supposed to provide the information "City x can no longer work on wonder y, the lost production is converted to z culture". (Because this information is missing since those erronous notifications popped up.) If you cannot fix it, what about removing it and putting this line back to the top notifications. You know, where combat result and other stuff is.

Albertolona commented 6 years ago

@TechpriestEnginseer I don't have a slow pc and this instance of the bug is 100% reproducable although I have been beaten to other wonders and not seen it.

@LoneGazebo Definitely have all dlc.

@Mzimoxs It seems the bug is in indexing the picture of the wonder hence the black circle. Have you used either EUI or wonder race mod in your current install and since stopped using it?

Are these small wonder portraits preloaded or are they being fetched on demand? I have the game installed on a regular HDD not an SSD.

Edit: I just had another look and in fact what is happening is:

The main circle is showing the WRONG wonder (not sure which one but not the great lighthouse) and the small circle where the civ icon should be is an empty black circle.

I think it is Angkor Wat and thus perhaps defaulting to the first one?

Edit 2: I reinstalled everything this time with EUI, deleted cache and mod data.

The Notification is no longer unresponsive (it doesn't have the smaller secondary circle) but it still shows the wrong wonder (Angkor Wat?).

This suggests the bug is perhaps not being noticed by EUI users although it is still present across both interfaces.

TechpriestEnginseer commented 6 years ago

I have a feeling this is an old vanilla bug that we left unaddressed because it wasn't that huge of a concern(but now we're running out of concerned bugs now)... I'll have to investigate into Civ 5's history of bugs then.

LoneGazebo commented 6 years ago

@TechpriestEnginseer it's possible that this is a missing art asset bug. If a wonder does not have the required resolutions for all of its states, it can bug out the notification panel.

From the SDK:

Each icon atlas is partitioned by the individual size of the icon itself. Various icon types have their own unique set of atlases and sizes that they use.

Here are some example sizes:

Promotions 256, 64, 45, 32 Buildings 256, 128, 64, 45 Citizens 256, 128, 64, 45, 32 Civ Symbols 256, 128, 80, 64, 45, 32 Difficulties 128, 64, 32 GameSpeeds 128, 64, 32 Leaders 256, 128, 64 Natural Wonders 256, 128, 80, 64, 45 Policies 256, 64 Resources 256, 80, 64, 45 Technologies 256, 214, 128, 80, 64, 45 Terrain 256, 64 Unit Actions 64, 45 Units 256, 128, 80, 64, 45 Unit Flags 32 World Sizes 128, 64, 32 World Types 128, 64, 32