LoneGazebo / Community-Patch-DLL

Community Patch for Civilization V - Brave New World
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AI operation result stats #5885

Closed ilteroi closed 4 years ago

ilteroi commented 4 years ago

some more pivot magic.

one test game, standard pangea, 400 turns in. zulus and assyria eliminated.

this is the military statistic. doesn't look too bad at first glance but i don't have a good reference to compare to. note that "too dangerous" means that the muster point was overrun by enemies.



and this is the civilian result


don't know what's up with all those failed diplomat missions. also no concert tours at all, but maybe that's a fluke.

RecursiveStar commented 4 years ago

I suspect the diplomat missions are failing due to a change I made to GetBestApproachTowardsMinorCiv - latest pull request should fix.

ilteroi commented 4 years ago

next game. standard fractal, 430 turns.


similar picture. "NoUnits" for NavalSuperiority is actually a not-bad result, means they were killed in action.