LongDirtyAnimAlf / fpcupdeluxe

A GUI based installer for FPC and Lazarus
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Cross compiling from Win64 for Darwin aarch64/x86_86 (v2.4.0b) ld: file not found: Foundation #655

Closed jonyrh closed 6 months ago

jonyrh commented 6 months ago


Cant compile empty project (cocoa) on Win64 (v.2.4.0b) for Darwin aarch64/x86_86 + new online cross bin and libs. Installing previous versions cross bins and libs - not work to.

Compile Project, OS: darwin, CPU: aarch64, Target: C:\fpcupdeluxe_2.4.0b_3.0.0_3.2.2\projects\project1: Success, Hints: 2
Hint: Start of reading config file C:\fpcupdeluxe_2.4.0b_3.0.0_3.2.2\fpc\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file C:\fpcupdeluxe_2.4.0b_3.0.0_3.2.2\fpc\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
Verbose: Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2-runknown [2023/12/25] for aarch64
Verbose: Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Verbose: Target OS: Darwin for AArch64
Verbose: Compiling C:\fpcupdeluxe_2.4.0b_3.0.0_3.2.2\projects\project1.lpr
Verbose: Compiling unit1.pas
Verbose: Assembling unit1
Verbose: Assembling project1
Verbose: Compiling resource C:\fpcupdeluxe_2.4.0b_3.0.0_3.2.2\projects\lib\aarch64-darwin\project1.or
Verbose: Linking C:\fpcupdeluxe_2.4.0b_3.0.0_3.2.2\projects\project1
     error ----->>>>  Debug: ld: file not found: Foundation
Verbose: 52 lines compiled, 0.8 sec
Verbose: 2 hint(s) issued
LongDirtyAnimAlf commented 6 months ago

Confirmed. Will solve.

LongDirtyAnimAlf commented 6 months ago

Please test. https://github.com/LongDirtyAnimAlf/fpcupdeluxe/releases/tag/v2.4.0cp

jonyrh commented 6 months ago

@LongDirtyAnimAlf Thx! All is Good, aarch64 and x86_64 excelent compiling!