Currently, a project is uniquely identified by a particular Maven ID (groupId/artifactId) and the directory in the repo where it resides. If a project is moved within the repo or if it has a renamed ID, it is considered a separate project and will not be shown in freshen related queries.
It is reasonable, to consider either a project of the same ID at a new location or a project at the same location with a new ID as being a continuation of the same project. A more difficult problem would be stably identifying simultaneous project renames and moves. We should handle at least the change of one at a time.
Currently, a project is uniquely identified by a particular Maven ID (groupId/artifactId) and the directory in the repo where it resides. If a project is moved within the repo or if it has a renamed ID, it is considered a separate project and will not be shown in freshen related queries.
It is reasonable, to consider either a project of the same ID at a new location or a project at the same location with a new ID as being a continuation of the same project. A more difficult problem would be stably identifying simultaneous project renames and moves. We should handle at least the change of one at a time.