LooLzzz / docking-station

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[SERVER] KeyError: 'docker.io/tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0' #35

Open cryptedx opened 2 months ago

cryptedx commented 2 months ago


I am von version 0.3.1. I tried a clean re-install.


    image: loolzzz/docking-station
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 3002:3000
      - ./config:/config
      - ./data:/data
      - ./logs:/logs
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /opt/stacks:/opt/stacks



JanisV commented 2 months ago

Same for me with KeyError: 'docker.io/redis:6.2-alpine' on v0.4.2

LooLzzz commented 2 months ago

Can you please post the contents of /config/settings.yml?

Also, try the following again:

I've added custom service to my stacks which is using docker.io/redis:6.2-alpine as an image,
Unfortunately I'm not getting the KeyError when entering Docking Station.

cryptedx commented 2 months ago

For sure! Here you go:

  cache_control_max_age: 1d
  discovery_strategy: opt-out
  dryrun: false
    - devcontainer
  possible_homepage_labels:  # order matters!
    - org.label-schema.url
    - org.opencontainers.image.url
    - org.opencontainers.image.source
  possible_image_version_labels:  # order matters!
    - org.label-schema.version
    - org.opencontainers.image.version
    - docker.io/library/
    - docker.io/
  time_until_update_is_mature: 1w

  enabled: false
  interval: 1d
  max_concurrent: 1

I tried it. Issue persists. Sorry for the bad news.

di5cord20 commented 2 months ago

I'm experiencing the same issue as @cryptedx . Tried the following but no change

  - docker.io/tensorchord/
  - docker.io/library/
  - docker.io/ 
LooLzzz commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry guys,
but I'm not able to reproduce this issue on my side.

Here's the compose file I'm trying to reproduce with:

    image: docker.io/redis
    command: ["sleep", "infinity"]

    image: docker.io/tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0
    command: ["sleep", "infinity"]

Everything is loading just fine, no errors


If you have the know-how, try to debug it yourself and let me know if you find anything.

I have a fully working devcontainer at the root of the repository.
Just adjust the stacks location in volumes: to the proper path for your machine.

Closing this as can't reproduce.

cryptedx commented 2 months ago

I have found out the issue. It is because of the sha256 checksum from immich default docker compose file at the images. When I remove it, then it is working.

    container_name: immich_redis
    image: docker.io/redis:6.2-alpine@sha256:d6c2911ac51b289db208767581a5d154544f2b2fe4914ea5056443f62dc6e900
      test: redis-cli ping || exit 1
    restart: always
    container_name: immich_postgres
    image: docker.io/tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0@sha256:90724186f0a3517cf6914295b5ab410db9ce23190a2d9d0b9dd6463e3fa298f0
Arcturuss commented 1 month ago

can confirm, removing sha256 from immich docker-compose file fixes it. @LooLzzz could you please reopen this issue? or maybe it will be tracked in some other place with other similar KeyError problems?

LooLzzz commented 1 month ago

Again, the thing is - I can't reproduce it on my system

    image: docker.io/redis:6.2-alpine@sha256:d6c2911ac51b289db208767581a5d154544f2b2fe4914ea5056443f62dc6e900
    command: ["sleep", "infinity"]

    image: docker.io/tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0@sha256:90724186f0a3517cf6914295b5ab410db9ce23190a2d9d0b9dd6463e3fa298f0
    command: ["sleep", "infinity"]

Seems fine with no errors in the console
What am I missing here?


cryptedx commented 1 month ago

Could you try to setup immich? The you will have the same scenario like we have.


LooLzzz commented 1 month ago

Could you try to setup immich? The you will have the same scenario like we have.


Yep Immich is already setup and running on my machine as well


di5cord20 commented 1 month ago

Could you try to setup immich? The you will have the same scenario like we have. https://immich.app/docs/install/docker-compose/

Yep Immich is already setup and running on my machine as well


Is Immich setup using a single stack or did you separate the containers? Like others have posted, I too am experiencing the same bug. Removing the sha2 didn't fix the issue on my end unfortunately.

For reference, i tried this on a server that only has Immich, Docking-Station, a very few other containers. I do have docking-station working on other servers where immich is not deployed. image

cryptedx commented 1 month ago

I have one immich docker composer stack