Looking-Glass / HoloPlayJS_Issues

A repository for feature requests and bug reports for the HoloPlay.js library. This repository doesn't contain source code. You can download the HoloPlay.js library at http://look.glass/threejs
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message printed to the console over and over #18

Open JuanIrache opened 2 years ago

JuanIrache commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your work!

I'm not sure if issues about HoloPlay Core JS go here or this is only for the old Three JS version.

With the current holoplay-core (0.0.8), every time a message is sent the word "message" is printed to the console, which results in thousands of prints if you are drawing an animation (one console.log for every frame).

I guess the message should only print if the debug option was enabled, but that is not the case now.

alxdncn commented 2 years ago

Hi! You found the right place! That's less than ideal indeed. However, we're currently working on a major refactor of our entire API - as such, we're not making incremental improvements to this product at this time.

I'll keep you posted on updates to the new API as they're coming! Also - saw your work with p5 - very cool!