Looking-Glass / looking-glass-webxr

WebXR for Looking Glass displays
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feat: add test cases, update config to build bundled lib #14

Closed BryanChrisBrown closed 2 years ago

BryanChrisBrown commented 2 years ago

this PR adds two test cases for three.js and updates the vite config to create a bundled library in addition to the minimal es6 bundle.

To run the tests run npm run dev this will generate a new version of the bundled library to test against.

npm run build will generate a non-bundled version of the library.

npm run production will run both bundled and non bundled builds.

BryanChrisBrown commented 2 years ago

Super nice having demos in the actual repo now! Will save people a yarn link headache. Some feedback:

  • A /tests folder typically includes a test suite. I would rename it to /examples or /demos
  • It looks like you have duplicate dist builds?

Nice to haves:

  • It would be nice to run each demo separately
  • Some css polish (add some margins/padding) on the sandbox page would be nice along with some links back to the github repo (in case it gets published somewhere)

so, there are two different builds now,

the builds in /dist are the npm ready builds that don't bundle dependencies

the builds in /dist/bundle have the dependencies bundled in and are useful for using it with Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.