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Pristine Black Diamond #1468

Closed Xadras closed 8 years ago

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Originally reported by: Djnotnice (Bitbucket: Djnotnice, GitHub: Djnotnice)

Was farming "Pristine Black Diamond" for 3 Days, i know the dropchance is rather low but even calculating my odds that i've haven't got 1 yet is highly unlikely and its blocking me from getting my epic Mount quest done as a Pally.

Fyi farmed Scholo 10x, Brd x1 and killed about 30-40 Demons next to the Dark Portal

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):


Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Xadras (Bitbucket: Xadras, GitHub: Xadras):

should have a way better dropchance from now on.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Bjarke Christensen (Bitbucket: Doublepirate, GitHub: Unknown):

Have recently given up on this farm. Have tried to get in contact with a gm for 2 day's but not getting an answer.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Iluvbubbles (Bitbucket: Bubsbox1, GitHub: Unknown):

Where was this npc? And who exactly have you or people in your guild run across that "has the mount?"

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):

Chinafarmers! Rechecked one npc and its above wowhead dropchance.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by White (Bitbucket: WhiteV, GitHub: Unknown):

Someone must be getting them somehow. Apparently people in my guild have run across people with the mount.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Iluvbubbles (Bitbucket: Bubsbox1, GitHub: Unknown):

Bumping because oti from the forums said to create a bug tracker. But this one has been here for a while. Having the same problem as Djnotnice. Haven't seen anyone get one/talked to anyone who has gotten one. Have farmed for days to get one in just about every instance it could drop in. I have been getting a ridiculous amount of epics/blues (I've gotten about 30 epics and over 150 blues), which should be just as rare if not rarer than the Pristine Black Diamond. Just looking for something to be done about it so that it is actually possible to complete the mount quest.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Djnotnice (Bitbucket: Djnotnice, GitHub: Djnotnice):

And on the other hand, which is offtopic also got >=10 boe vanilla world epic drops (while farming scholo) which also are rarer which indicates that there might be a mistake with the droprate below 60.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Djnotnice (Bitbucket: Djnotnice, GitHub: Djnotnice):

Gonna add some math here that you can see that not getting at this point it is pretty much impossible. Grinded about 800k xp, -200k(rested xp) which leaves 600k which i divide with 280 (lvl 63 got 313xp per mob and 64 250) which is 2.143 round (Vage numbers not 100% accurate but almost). Taking 2143 mobs which have an average dropchance between 0.24% and 0,31% chance take the average with 0.26%. so 2143x (0.0026^0 x (1-0.0026)^2143) = 0,003776128805494 chance that that occurance happens and every other occurance is 99,63% ~

Spend alot of time in this task, even with the reinsurance of a Gm which stated that the droprate is fine in Strath and Scholo also confirmed the droprate %. Hope that i get rewarded for farming an item which can't(>99% safety) drop in some way and also reporting this bug and helping other paladins who are also stuck aswell or gave up on this task and helping the devs fixing this issue since its an vital part in the bc experience imo. Feel free to contact me also if a question remains

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Xadras (Bitbucket: Xadras, GitHub: Xadras):

Removing component: Misc (automated comment)

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Djnotnice (Bitbucket: Djnotnice, GitHub: Djnotnice):

using http://db.vanillagaming.org/?item=18335 for the dropchance, and ontop i talked already with a gm who has confirmed me the droprates on this sites are accurate. anyway with a 0.25% dropchance its highly unlikely that haven't got one yet (mathed it out) = on the same hand got 3 boe epics <60 from scholo

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):


http://www.wowhead.com/npc=8717/felguard-elite has 0,8287% dropchance from database. 0.3% from wowhead


lets see what we have, wowhead % is not accurate enough.