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Curse of Recklessness with 5/5 improved demoralizing shout #2268

Open Xadras opened 8 years ago

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Originally reported by: Alcz (Bitbucket: Alzc, GitHub: Unknown)

Curse of Recklessness boosts boss attack power by 135 and removes 800 armor (This armor reduction stacks with Sunder debuff so it's great for physical/Overall raid DPS).

Bosses have 330~ attack power. With CoR they have 465~ attack power.

The issue: When you have a warrior specced 5/5 points in improved demoralizing shout it is supposed to be enough to reduce boss Attack power to 55~ even with Curse of Recklessness up. At the moment it seems like bosses are doing dmg as if they have the full +135 AP even when debuffed with 5/5 imp demo shout. This means you can't use CoR safely, and not using CoR is a loss to overall raid dps.


Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anders Andersen (Bitbucket: Netherfrost, GitHub: Netherfrost):

Bosses have 365 AP and it is all working as intended. I would like to see sources for the claims you are putting up.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

I can confirm demoshout working without CoR, haven't done 25s yet tho so can't confirm if it's working with CoR up as well.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

As requested by Anteara I'm making an entry about this. Perhaps this is already implemented correctly.

In preparation for 25 mans for my guild, I was considering the use of Curse of Recklessness (CoR) to boost our physicals, and it made me wonder if the interaction between 5/5 imp demo shout (IDS, warrior talent) and CoR works as it did on retail. This is fundamentally an issue of boss AP scaling. Here's a short rundown of my understanding of the retail mechanic at the time:

Bosses have their physical damage enhanced by their attack power just like other mobs. Most (perhaps all) bosses had 350 attack power. A normal demo shout reduces AP by 300, bringing boss AP to 50 and reducing damage by a lot. With a 2/5 IDS, reduction is 348 AP - for all practical purposes putting the boss at 0 and hence achieving maximum damage reduction. Under normal circumstances, hence, more than 2/5 IDS were a waste for raiding purposes. CoR use changed this.

CoR increases attack power of the target by 135, putting the boss mob at 485 AP. This is very sizeable. However, with 5/5 IDS, the reduction is 420, putting the boss at 65 AP, that is much more manageable. This was the primary reason for any warrior to spec 5/5 IDS.

The purpose of this "bug" entry is to inform about the mechanics that were in place during retail, since it's very significant when considering how to build and buff a raid. If the bosses already do have this type of AP scaling with correct numbers, there is no issue.

Would love to know if the ''math'' calculation has been done correctly for this or if his assumption is true?