Looking4Group / L4G_Core

Looking4Group Core
GNU General Public License v2.0
37 stars 69 forks source link

Alterac Valley #2337

Open Xadras opened 8 years ago

Xadras commented 8 years ago

 Additional Warmasters no longer report for duty upon destroying an enemy tower. However, destroying an enemy tower still eliminates the associated opposing Warmaster.
All Warmasters are linked to each other and their respective Generals and can no longer be pulled individually.
Honor from capturing towers has been increased.
All Commanders and Lieutenants have left Alterac Valley in search for other battle opportunities.
Players will no longer be sent to their starting tunnels on death unless that team controls no graveyards in the battleground.
Many NPCs in Stormpike and Frostwolf holds are no longer elite
Bonus Honor in Alterac Valley is now only awarded during the battle for destroying enemy towers and slaying the enemy Captain. Upon conclusion of the battle, bonus honor is also awarded for intact towers, a surviving Captain, and for victory in the battle. The total bonus honor awarded should be similar to the previous total.
The Horde and Alliance now have a limited number of reinforcements available in the battle for Alterac Valley. The number of reinforcements available is reduced upon player death, loss of towers, and death of Captain Galvangar or Balinda Stonehearth. In addition, all available reinforcements are lost upon the death of General Drek'Thar or Vanndar Stormpike. If a team is reduced to zero reinforcements, the opposing team wins the battle.
Towers and Graveyards in Alterac Valley are now captured in 4 minutes (down from 5). 


 Captain Balinda Stonehearth can no longer be interrupted, silenced, or have her spells slowed. In addition, her water elemental cannot be banished, and does increased damage.
Vanndar Stormpike and Captain Balinda Stonehearth have had their health totals reduced to match the health totals of Drek'thar and Captain Galvangar.
Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley now increase each other's maximum health and damage by 25%. This is a stacking effect.
Horde players will now start the battle closer to Drek'Thar and Frostwolf Keep.
There is now a Join as Party option. 


Xadras commented 8 years ago

Me as rogue, walking into horde main base, and both towers are destroyed and in flame, i cant pass in stealth back to boss, i noticed some braziers on server got ridicilous range of fire aoe ,and throwing me out of stealth ..

If i click on ranged tower / bunker guard and its enemy , he talks to me, i can hear night elf talking,like its friendly...

plus, i can sap my own ranged mobs,they are red to me...

Alterac Valley needs some attention since its so broken ... half of things aint working properly.

Xadras commented 8 years ago


http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Alterac_Valley , http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Stormpike_Guard , http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Frostwolf_Clan


http://www.wowhead.com/npc=11948/vanndar-stormpike , http://de.wowhead.com/npc=11946/drekthar#


Balinda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPnnyj6Zp4c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4O9UNa-KKE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk_mHJoqpkU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-nEftJeXj4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbpgWkPbNc4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTNL71awsxE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlaDEccU8E4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJTLonFOOk8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqZ0LXGkEJ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxxC8WW2Ozg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2yDzcer7Ig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O77U4kwvjLA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHCWs1AP5Bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4OvZvInHus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q4dx6FVLUk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpt4fmo-o-c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPvofce1Z0U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL8THIBGzS0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdP9XKI0LyA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB0jyAKi-qc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LUhSg5k33M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r-g5YB_1k8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHhNCNAGeLA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc98HS6yDmI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2HSKSnffLk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhKbRdyLvCE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ6sdxLP08Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzi_iZOHHJo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0tfNq_bIdw - Ivus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTAq9cZnWQo

Video from patch 1.5.0, showing rogue PvP in the Field of Strife: https://youtu.be/YDUx5fR6TtM?t=169

Video from 1.5.0, entire video takes place in Field of Strife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azXig9-fqcQ Video from 1.5.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WvScFAbwTI Video dated: 27 06 2005 https://youtu.be/KLfK6v4ATw0?t=154 Part 2 of the video dated: 27 06 2005 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7RBF8cYZRs

Xadras commented 8 years ago



Xadras commented 8 years ago

-- https://github.com/Looking4Group/L4G_Core/issues/2337
-- Alterac Valley
-- 30   0   0   3   51  70  40  10  1   Alterac Valley
-- 489  0   0   3   10  70  10  10  1   Warsong Gulch
-- 529  0   0   3   20  70  15  10  1   Arathi Basin
-- 559  0   0   4   10  70  5   5   1   Nagrand Arena
-- 562  0   0   4   10  70  5   5   1   Blade's Edge Arena
-- 559  562     572     4   10  70  5   5   1   All Arenas
-- 566  0   0   3   61  70  15  9   1   Eye of the Storm
-- 572  0   0   4   10  70  5   5   1   Ruins of Lordaeron 

-- Research

-- Horde Side

-- Rezz Horde

-- 13117

-- 10981

-- 12053

-- 13798

-- 12051

-- 14282

-- 13179

-- Drek'Thar 11946
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minlevel`='73',`maxlevel`='73',`baseattacktime`='1158',`lootid`='11946',`mechanic_immune_mask`='1072644095' WHERE `entry` = 11946;

-- East Frostwolf Warmaster 14772
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14772;

-- Iceblood Warmaster 14773
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14773;

-- Tower Point Warmaster 14776
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14776;

-- West Frostwolf Warmaster 14777
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14777;

-- Frostwolf Bowman 13359
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `modelid_A`='13398',`modelid_A2`='13400',`modelid_H`='13398',`modelid_H2`='13400',`minhealth`='10000',`maxhealth`='10142',`rank`='0',`mindmg`='500',`maxdmg`='1000',`attackpower`='0',`baseattacktime`='1400',`minrangedmg`='1000',`maxrangedmg`='2000',`unit_flags`=36937 WHERE `entry` = 13359; -- 66 137 2000 200 600 uf 4608
UPDATE `creature_onkill_reputation` SET `MaxStanding1`='7' WHERE `creature_id` = 13359; -- 6
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_scripts` WHERE `entryOrGUID` = 13359;
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES
('1335901','13359','1','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','21','0','0','0','20','0','0','0','23','1','0','0','Frostwolf Bowman - Prevent Combat Movement and Prevent Melee and Set Phase 1 OOC'),
('1335902','13359','9','1','100','3','0','80','2300','3900','11','22121','1','0','40','2','0','0','0','0','0','0','Frostwolf Bowman - Cast Shoot and Set Ranged Weapon Model (Phase 1)'),
('1335903','13359','7','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','22','1','0','0','40','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','Frostwolf Bowman - Set Phase 1 and Set Melee Weapon Model on Evade');

-- Neutral Mine
-- 10982
-- 11603
-- 11604
-- 11605
-- 11677
-- Miniboss Horde
-- 11947
-- Alliance Side
-- Trash
-- 10990
-- 11675
-- 11678
-- 10986
-- Miniboss Alliance
-- 11949
-- Rezz Alliance
-- 13116
-- Flag Alliance
-- 12050
-- Patrol 
-- 12127
-- 14283
-- Tower 
-- Stormpike Bowman 13358
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `modelid_A`='13390',`modelid_A2`='13392',`modelid_H`='13390',`modelid_H2`='13392',`faction_A`='1217',`faction_H`='1217',`mingold`='262',`maxgold`='347',`minhealth`='10000',`maxhealth`='10142',`rank`='0',`mindmg`='500',`maxdmg`='1000',`attackpower`='0',`baseattacktime`='1400',`minrangedmg`='1000',`maxrangedmg`='2000',`unit_flags`=36937 WHERE `entry` IN ('13358'); -- 65 135 2000 200 600 uf 4608  4500
UPDATE `creature_onkill_reputation` SET `MaxStanding1`='7' WHERE `creature_id` IN ('13358'); -- 6
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_scripts` WHERE `entryOrGUID` IN ('13358');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES
('1335801','13358','1','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','21','0','0','0','20','0','0','0','23','1','0','0','Stormpike Bowman - Prevent Combat Movement and Prevent Melee and Set Phase 1 on Spawn'),
('1335802','13358','9','1','100','3','0','80','2300','3900','11','22121','1','0','40','2','0','0','0','0','0','0','Stormpike Bowman - Cast Shoot and Set Ranged Weapon Model (Phase 1)'),
('1335803','13358','7','0','100','2','0','0','0','0','22','1','0','0','40','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','Stormpike Bowman - Set Phase 1 and Set Melee Weapon Model on Evade');

-- Neutral Mine
-- 10987
-- 11600
-- 11602
-- 11657
-- 12922
-- Dun Baldar
-- 13797
-- 13447
-- Vanndar Stormpike 11948
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag`='1',`unit_flags`='4096',`pickpocketloot`='0',`equipment_id`='8015',`mechanic_immune_mask`='1072644095' WHERE `entry` = 11948;
DELETE FROM `creature_equip_template` WHERE `entry` IN ('8015');
INSERT INTO `creature_equip_template` VALUES

-- Dun Baldar North Marshal 14762
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14762;

-- Dun Baldar South Marshal 14763
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14763;

-- Icewing Marshal 14764
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14764;

-- Stonehearth Marshal 14765
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='140000',`maxhealth`='140000',`armor`='6800',`speed`='2',`mindmg`='3450',`maxdmg`='6900',`unit_flags`='36928',`lootid`='0',`mingold`='0',`maxgold`='0' WHERE `entry` = 14765;

-- 13816