Open Xadras opened 8 years ago
Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
-- Flame of Dire Maul
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `displayId`='6756',`data10`='28859' WHERE `entry` IN ('181346');
-- Flame of Blackrock Spire
UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `data12`='181290' WHERE `entry` IN ('181347');
-- Spawns
DELETE FROM `gameobject` WHERE `guid` IN ('210003','210004','210005','210006');
DELETE FROM `game_event_gameobject` WHERE `guid` IN (15773,210003,210004,210005,210006);
INSERT INTO `game_event_gameobject` VALUES
Original comment by dolpiff (Bitbucket: dolpiff, GitHub: Unknown):
Also the midsummer suppliers aren't selling the caster food in stacks of 5, but of 1.. casters are really fucked unless this is changed before 9 days
Original comment by Tryn (Bitbucket: Trynnith, GitHub: Unknown):
Ahune got fixed, so thanks for that.
Still can't do Torch Tossing: --The braziers aren't marked and you cannot throw the torch Still can't do A Light in Dark Places: --There are still no flames insides the dungeons (at least LBRS, haven't checked others)
At this rate it's impossible to get he 350 Blossom reward items since you can only get 10 Burning Blossoms a day. I have 212 and they expire in 11 days.
Original comment by Tryn (Bitbucket: Trynnith, GitHub: Unknown):
So I'm not sure what sort of changes were made to ahune, but it doesn't feel right. Luna Skymother is not where she is supposed to be (someone mentioned she was further into the dungeon, but you can see where she's supposed to be).
Also, I don't remember Ahune having these wind elemental spawns.
Original comment by Tryn (Bitbucket: Trynnith, GitHub: Unknown):
Updated 6-21
Biggest issue: Can't summon Ahune in normal. Quest giver not present in normal [] and Ahune isn't already spawned like he was yesterday and current is in Heroic.
Outland bonfires don't do anything.
Original comment by Tryn (Bitbucket: Trynnith, GitHub: Unknown):
Haven't tested to see if all the extra world zone fires are up (forget if they were added in WotLK as part of the achievement). Haven't tested/ looked for outlands fires (don't know if they were added). The 2 lower level quests to interact with 4 bonfires on the 2 Azeroth continents works. The cities bonfires works (both factions). Haven't rechecked A light in the Darkness since I don't see anything updated about it. Torch Tossing still doesn't work in any city. Pole dancing doesn't work.
Originally reported by: Tryn (Bitbucket: Trynnith, GitHub: Unknown)
As usual, simply enabling Midsummer festival as an event leaves most of the features not working.
Not Working: Torch Tossing - Ribbon Pole - Midsummer Supplier - (missing) - edit: missing from SW, but at Rut'theran Village
Attempting to do A Light in the Darkness - - The flames in the dungeons are simply missing:
Haven't tested the Bonfires yet or other quests.
I'm not positive, but I think this is supposed to start around June 21 (so it may be close enough).