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Weapon swapping macro triggers GCD in combat #2559

Closed Xadras closed 8 years ago

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Originally reported by: Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante)

showtooltip Lifebloom /equip Gavel /equip Windcaller /cast Lifebloom

When I am out of combat this macro allows me to switch weapons and cast Lifebloom at the same time. In combat, if I have another weapon equipped and I try to use this macro, it switches to the gavel and windcaller orb but does not cast lifebloom.

After swapping weapons, my action bars do not show that a GCD has been activated(greyed out buttons). However, I am locked from using any abilities just like a normal GCD. Not 100% sure if this is a bug or not, maybe my macro sucks. I always thought you could weapon swap in combat with no gcd trigger whatsoever. If this is a bug, its a major one for warriors and druids for sure.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):


Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by teddys (Bitbucket: teddys, GitHub: teddys):

spell reflect/changing stance is not on the regular gcd you can go def stance, equip 1h shield and cast spell reflection all at the same time pretty sure someone would have reported this weeks ago if it wasn't working correctly

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Evolve (Bitbucket: Evolveuwotm9, GitHub: Unknown):


Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

And switch wep fucks you up in that regard currently anyway, it can only get better from here. Yes I know how to bind stuff to spell casts.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

Yea I understand now that at max health I would lose the hp. However, you said that if I am under max hp then I only lose that difference in health.

The highest health weapons are 49 stam. If im just 500 hp under max health then I would not lose hp at all. If I am in a situation where I need to switch to bear, it is extremely likely I will be atleast 500(not 3k) hp under max(500 hp is only about 12% hp even in s1 gear). Same with intellect, I doubt I will be max mana in these situations, so I will not be losing mana. With hots rolling, EVEN if I was at max hp, it would still be an effective hp increase due to being able to outheal any incoming dmg from the 14% dmg reduction.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Evolve (Bitbucket: Evolveuwotm9, GitHub: Unknown):

look, every time u switch wep, the WEP u are currently holding will cost u every single HP and Mana it grants you --> no matter if u switch to wep with even higher stamina or not(for the case where u are full hp and mana) y 30 stam isnt 3K, its 300 HP, missed "0" there

the equipitebyname api isnt just switch macro its bound on spell cast and gives you gcd equal to wep switch(normalized gcd without spell haste effect on gcd value), this means that if u fuckup(no mana, ur in gcd, LoS or cc) you will switch weps without that cast resulting in double GCD-- which means u will be fucked even more than before, i created brand new addon for that and its still bugging as fuck because u cannot fix the problem of LoS on TBC, there is no API function to bypass that)

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

if this equipitembyname macro allowed you to switch without a gcd in retail, and you currently cant switch without a gcd due to this api not being in the game, then its a bug, and i can think of many ways fixing this bug would be useful(in current gear)

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

alright well admittedly i didnt know that about losing stats. even if thats the case however, any heals applied before the weapon switch are using my healing weapons value, and any heals im using after i switch out of bear form are applied using the healing weapons value again due to switching back. the health is not lost because im switching to a higher health weapon and healing through it. the only thing i am losing is the intellect.

anyway, im having a hard time trusting what you say when you dont even know basic stamina conversions... 30 stam isnt 3k hp... its 320 hp roughly...

besides its mainly for the armor, which if we are making bets, im willing to bet you dont understand how armor works either. 7.7% armor is not equal to 7.7% dmg reduction.

for instance, equipping earthwarden takes me from 44.8 to 52.5% armor. on a 1k max swing, this is reducing a 552 damage melee swing to a 475 dmg melee swing. damage reduction is based on relative values, not on the 1k max. this increase in armor value is essentially giving me 1 - (475/552) or 14% extra physical dmg mitigation.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Evolve (Bitbucket: Evolveuwotm9, GitHub: Unknown):

wow 7,7 :O u know that when u switch weps, u lose ALL of the stats same way as if u previously didnt have any wep at all?(the mechanic isnt rly switch, its working like this--> it puts your weapon to inventory and equips your 2nd wep u clicked on) Its not about difference in wep stats currently holding and switched u always lose everything that wep granted u. And when u switch back to healing weps AGAIN u lose the stats of earthwarden u were holding. Everytime you switch weps, u lose fucktons of stats unless you are under current hp/mana value lower than the stats it would cost u(lets say u have 5k HP , but u have 10k maximum HP, it wont influence you if you switch wep with 30 stam, but if u have 10k/10k HP and u switch, you will lose 3K HP just from switch. same goes for intelect etc.

btw the way it is working now is how it should work, the only thing which isnt working is the LUA API EquipItemByName and I can easily bet 1000 Euro that u know nothing about how to properly set this kind of macro so it wont bug everytime u click on it --> tldr: u wont be able to switch without gcd anyway -.-

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

just tested it, its actually 7.7% armor

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

spell reflect is not instant, you currently cant switch to defensive and equip a shield at the same time.

earthwarden gives 39 stam, only 10 less stam, not to mention the 35 agi enchant that is on it versus the healing enchant on my healing weapon. there are plenty of situations where im in bear longer than 1 or 2 attacks(autos and specials), mitigating much more than 100 hp

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Evolve (Bitbucket: Evolveuwotm9, GitHub: Unknown):

spell reflect is instant

and your case of tanking wep: you lose more HP by switching the wep then u gain from the 5% armor.

this mechanic is relevant in s3/S4 with a lot of idols/totems/relics and proper Healing weapons that have almost exactly the same stats as dmg weps or any other weps.. (s3 healing wep has slightly better stats than s3 dmg wep)

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

or imagine if warriors could switch to defensive and equip a shield at the same time? equipping a shield and being able to spell reflect a cast isnt a big deal?

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

its not an issue of going from t4 weap to s1 weap. its an issue of going from a healing wep to a tanking wep, ie im in caster form healing my buddy, then i get switched on, so i hot myself and go bear form. i would like to be able to switch to bear and equip Earthwarden(tanking weapon) without wasting a gcd. 500 armor(pre bear modifier), and 27 defense is a good 5% dmg mitigation

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Evolve (Bitbucket: Evolveuwotm9, GitHub: Unknown):

its not relevant now since u dont gain any stats from switching in T4/S1... i will post bugreport about this when it becomes relevant, dont bother with it now.

for all retards who will argue: the stats you lose by equiping new wep(hp,mana) are by far bigger than stats you gain with switch(healing bonus/ etc) on T4/S1

anon: https://github.com/ccshiro/cc-buglist/issues/2401 doesnt have anything to do with this problem, its different bug, but ye.. u can test it meanwhile.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Phantelope (Bitbucket: Phante, GitHub: Phante):

Seems fairly relevant in pvp. Druids can use tank weapons for extra survivability in bear. Warriors can swap to shield and not lose a gcd. So with that macro api you could weapon swap in combat without triggering gcd in retail?

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):


By GenXCub on 2008/08/08 at 10:19 PM (Patch 2.4.3) You can swap weapons and shields in combat. However, doing this in combat triggers the global cooldown (whereas it doesn't when you're out of combat)



https://github.com/ccshiro/cc-buglist/issues/2151 , https://bitbucket.org/smolderforge/core/issues/117/scripts-proof-especially-equipitembyname ( evolve all over the net )


-- some idol / totem fixing from nost thx @Leadballoon2000
-- https://github.com/TBC-DB/Database/pull/42
-- Links the aura from Harold's Rejuvenating Broach to Rejevenation spell (spellmask 0x10)
 INSERT INTO `spell_affect` (`entry`, `effectID`, `SpellFamilyMask`) VALUES (32402, 0, 16);
 -- Links the aura from Idol of Rejuvenation to Rejevenation spell (spellmask 0x10)
INSERT INTO `spell_affect` (`entry`, `effectID`, `SpellFamilyMask`) VALUES (27853, 0, 16);
-- Links the aura from Totem of the Plains, Totem of Sustaining and Totem of Life to Lesser Healing Wave spell (spellmask 0x80)
INSERT INTO `spell_affect` (`entry`, `effectID`, `SpellFamilyMask`) VALUES (32401, 0, 128);
Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Evolve (Bitbucket: Evolveuwotm9, GitHub: Unknown):

its not bug weps triggers gcd in combat , unless you macro it through EquipItemByName(swap at the same moment as u start casting spell) lua api (this doesnt work here, will report it when it become relevant)