Closed Xadras closed 8 years ago
Original comment by Horvic (Bitbucket: Horvic, GitHub: Horvic):
The four advisors should have their max health in both phases 1 and 3 (500k+). - Last Resort's kill pre hp nerf 27/05/07
Pause the video after Thaladred dies add up the damage on the damage meter, just the top eight dpsers equal ~473k add an estimate of the dpsers you can't see and he'd likely be at 560k.
The time it takes them to finish phase 1 is significantly longer than the majority of the kill videos you will find.
Agro doesn't reset between Phase 1 and 3, I'm not certain but I don't think its limited to just Master Engineer Telonicus.
Thaladred's Gaze duration is currently set to 8.5 seconds when it should vary 9-15.
Minor: The emote from live is "Thaladred the Darkener sets eyes on PLAYER" not "Thaladred the Darkener sets his gaze on PLAYER" I think this got changed in a later patch not that it really matters either way.
Lord Sanguinar's first fear should be 2 seconds after release not 10. The cooldown should be 28-35.
Grand Astromancer Capernian sometimes does her activation emote twice.
The first Conflagration should be cast 11-15 seconds after release instead of 18-20 with a 16-17 second cooldown.
Master Engineer Telonicus sometimes forgets to emote on activation, stood within 10y, failed 4/5 times.
Telonicus should not run to you if you have agro at range he should just throw bombs, but he should still melee if you get too close. - LR's video again, you see Telonicus is tanked by a hunter running in circles avoiding all damage. You can see something similar in For the Horde's video as well.
Although in phase 3 LR doesn't use the same movement strategy you can still see Telonicus stood at range throwing bombs in the back at the hunter. -
There's a horrible hack for this issue in the public github but it is broken, has this been looked at?
The phase timers need a little bit of tweaking:
Phase 2 Kael'thas yell
3.5 seconds
Weapons Spawn
95 seconds
Phase 3 Kael'thas yell
Advisors revive
180 seconds
Phase 4 Kael'thas yell
How it should work:
Phase 2 Kael'thas yell
3.5 seconds
Weapons Spawn
91.5 seconds
Phase 3 Kael'thas yell
7 seconds (completely missing)
Advisors revive
173 seconds
Phase 4 Kael'thas yell
We haven't tested phases 4&5 yet.
The ongoing issue with view distance makes an appearance in this encounter. If I'm stood at the boss platform I can't see anything past the middle of the room.
Can you extend the view distance so it at least covers the the largest room in pve? Kael, Solarian, Lootreaver, Al'ar etc all have huge rooms and will have this issue.
Sources: - Last Resort 27/05/07 - For the Horde 28/05/07
Original comment by Anders Andersen (Bitbucket: Netherfrost, GitHub: Netherfrost): Is proccing on HIT AND /not ability landed. This means a lot more classes can use it, and thus its "easier".
Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
(1) you are right initial damage should kill every player 50-100k in it, dot ticking for ~2-3k dmg
Flammenschlag (Flamestrike):
Kurz bevor er einen neuen Phoenix beschwört wird Kael diese Fähigkeit einsetzten. Eine nicht zu übersehende grafische Animation erscheint bei einem Spieler. An dieser Stelle schlägt 3 Sekunden später der Flammenschlag ein. Er ist äquivalent zu dem des Magiers, macht allerdings deutlich mehr Schaden. Der erste Einschlag verursacht 50.000-100.000 Schaden, sodass man also stirbt, die nachwirkenden Flammen verursachen 2000 Schaden pro Sekunde. Niemand sollte in dem Flammen sterben, alle sollten sich von der Animation entfernen und erst wenn die Flammen auf dem Boden erlöschen wieder an die Stelle gehen.
(3) idk on special only
Original comment by Predeath (Bitbucket: Predeath, GitHub: Unknown):
Our findings so far:
Original comment by gemt (Bitbucket: Hacez, GitHub: Hacez): This is the only video I managed to find of a top 10 world kill that had mob health on target unit frames. Good source for mob HP values and timers for prenerf version.
P2-3 seems to be 1:30 indeed. I did not write down the hp values of the various mobs in the fight when we tested it, but at least here there is a source for it. KT seems to have 3.5mill, the p1&3 mobs seems to have between 500k and 600k. The weapons between 200k and 300k.
Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
Issues: Remote Toy Stun Proc Debuff is target of Diminishing Return
Working on Yelltimer / Reduction of Phase Timer has low prio. Time is the same. ,
Original comment by Alexander B (Bitbucket: Saltgurka, GitHub: Unknown):
Originally reported by: Alexander B (Bitbucket: Saltgurka, GitHub: Unknown)
Back to Tempest Keep (The Eye) Issue Hub: Issue #2532
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