Open Xadras opened 8 years ago
Original comment by meme (Bitbucket: homemer, GitHub: Unknown):
The thread on the forum claims that reflective shield wasn't breaking stealth before, but several comments in the thread claim it has always done so. Basically this post adds to the confusion ;)
Original comment by teddys (Bitbucket: teddys, GitHub: teddys): 1) 2011 is well after TBC 2) that post pmuch says that reflective shield wasn't breaking stealth before
Like I already told schaka I couldn't find any evidence supporting my claim other than my own personal experience from old arena tournament and people that played there.
I can't dig through old videos because I'm on shit laptop most likely for another like 10 days, but as soon as I'm back home I'll look into finding more evidence.
/e also none of the changes about reflective shield are shown in the patchnotes ...
Original comment by meme (Bitbucket: homemer, GitHub: Unknown):
Another post supporting reflective shield breaking stealth.
Schaka claims reflective shield does not trigger combat, but wowpedia suggests otherwise, though the page does not mention combat until well after TBC is over at which point the talent might've changed.
By reflecting DoT damage, Reflective Shield can be an effective way of preventing opponents from leaving combat in order to drink or resurrect, as the regular reflected damage will keep them in combat, regardless of distance or line of sight.
Original comment by teddys (Bitbucket: teddys, GitHub: teddys):
Original comment by Quinz (Bitbucket: Quinzing, GitHub: Unknown):
Patch 2.1.0 (22-May-2007): Stealth will now be broken correctly by damage shield such as Oil of Immolation.
And ofcourse you can just apply the general rule: damage breaks stealth except fall damage. And if there is an exception to rule, I would think that would be the reporters duty to show from a legit source. Not other private servers that can have the same mistakes due to uncertainties.
Original comment by Delta (Bitbucket: Deltayeah, GitHub: Unknown):
Played 4 years on Archangel, never got out of stealth by the situation Teddy explained. Priest's shield shouldn't reflect rupture or garrote damage to rogue when he is in stealth. For sure.
Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
Posted 13 October 2009 - 08:52 AM And I'm quite sure that it doesn't break cc but it can get rogues out of stealth if they have dots on you and they vanish for example, so it has it's good sides but it could be better to spend points elsewhere.
Original comment by meme (Bitbucket: homemer, GitHub: Unknown):
Any source for this? mentions CC but not stealth, was this fixed in any patch or was it like that in 2.0 too?
It will pop the attacker out of stealth or invisibility if a DoT is reflected back after the attacker goes stealth/invisible.
Obviously this comment could be wrong though.
Yo. I also play a blizzlike realm where reflective shield is also affecting combat/mod and also breaks stealth/vanish, and during my research to ask sope fixes, I also found most of the evidences linked in your thread.
First, I made the same conclusion than Teddys. Why would this break stealth, if 2.4patch says that blind/sheep isnt broken by reflective shield damage.
But well if it was about stealth, they would have write it. They usually give detailled explanation when they fix or improve smt. So i tried to find evidence.
Based forums old discussions there is nothn helpful. And the vids that I checked quickly did not shew anythin. Ill watch more vids but i found that which could pitentially close the discussion imho:
In this post the guy is clearly saying that u need NOT to apply any bleeding effect on the priest if u wanna go OOC/STEALTH after fear.
So i think that combat effect is leggit. Btw threat =\= combat imo, in this case.
I still need to find more stuff, but I start to feel like it is legit, to be kept in combat and to get my vanish broken if I applied garrote on a reflective shield.
Not really .. in that post he suggests to apply expose armor because the damage of rupture would have been wasted because priest can just heal it up easily ( while rogue is in fear ) .. expose armor on the other hand has a duration of 30 seconds and therefore it's a lot more useful because it will still be up after the fear has ended. He mentions that good priests will put up shadow word pain on you so you can only restealth inbetween ticks ( tells me that reflective shield doesn't break stealth again).
Bleeding before a fear is most of the time kind of a waste yeah, but idk, to me saying that implies also not getting stucked in combat. Which justifies also swping as a dpriest. He's talking about good priests, so basically why would a 'good priest' let a rog get ooc if he's smart enough (lol) to sw:p to avoid ooc/stealth. good players in 2008 were actually playing with a similar level of knowledge than actual TBC players. To me there is some hint in this guy's post. Or maybe i spent too much hour trying to find the correct explanation to this mechanic.
Not really .. a basic example would be vile poisons. Noone was using that talent and people weren't shiving wounds at all(not even to classes that can't dispel poisons. Everyone was playing improved poisons and relying on wound proccing from autoattacks/hemo.
Attributes: SPELL_ATTR_UNK4 SPELL_ATTR_PASSIVE -> may have some point to it. SPELL_ATTR_UNK7 SPELL_ATTR_UNK8
Originally reported by: teddys (Bitbucket: teddys, GitHub: teddys)
Put a bleed(garotte/rupture/deadly poison) on a target that has power word shield with the reflective shield talent and restealth/vanish. Observe that you get the reflected dmg while in stealth/vanish and that it breaks your stealth/vanish.
Desired situation : just like the dmg from reflective shield doesn't break cc(because it does no dmg to cced targets), it shouldn't do any damage if you are in stealth/vanish aswell.