Looking4Group / L4G_Core

Looking4Group Core
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Quest] Besieged! #2871

Open bk187 opened 7 years ago

bk187 commented 7 years ago

So one of the first quests for the Alliance in Shadowmoon Valley isn't working as intended simply because Wildhammer Defenders are doing too much dmg on Infernal Attackers so you can't get the kill credit for doing dmg to them. So the possible fix is = 1. Reduce the Wildhammer Defender's dmg on Infernal attacker by 50%

  1. Give the kill credit to play after dealing even 100 dmg or so
AnonXS commented 7 years ago

Time for https://github.com/Looking4Group/L4G_Core/commit/101f043e7f14f393cecf892ceddf032c7a327f52 to shine.

UPDATE creature_template SET flags_extra = flags_extra|256 WHERE entry = 21419;

quest can still be completed as not all infernals are instantly attacked by defenders.

Selphius commented 7 years ago

As far as I remember, dmg and all is good from guards. What's wrong though is that infernals spawn rate is too low. I mean when one died, another one should spawn and fly from the sky. Making it never ending siege.
