Open GrumpyPally opened 7 years ago
*3 levels have now pasted and no defense skill increase. **Multiple levels past, its now back to starting conditions. Never getting past 20 from Max defense
Same for warriors protection talent, Anticipation + 20 defense, doesn't let me raise my def. skill over 350 at level 70 - it should go to 370.
This appears to be working on the instant 70 server. Please look at the database talent records and they should match but likely are out of sync.
This is not working as intended even at max level and after respeccing the talent. my characters defense is stuck at 350/370 and it is not possible to skillup beyond this
My first best guess would be that it bugs visually for players due to increased defense rating gain set in the config.
I will check and try to confirm via ingame api calls if the returned values match the expected.
this is showing as incorrect and even the values returned for dodge/parry/block based on defense imply that the talented defense stats are not being counted. check defense rating from gear /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)) check defense skill from player , this should report the talents anticipation +20, on my paladin menteith, it reports a value of 351 which is an impossible value to attain. perhaps this is a data issue. /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitDefense("player")) this is the conversion from defense rating to defense skill. and this does appear valid. /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage((GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)*150/355))
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(2.6-(GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)*.04+GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_CRIT_TAKEN_MELEE)),1,0.5,0)
Warrior, Paladin:
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(5.6-((20+GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL))*.04+GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_CRIT_TAKEN_MELEE)),1,0.5,0)
As they include the 20 as flat value it was never possible to check talent stats by macro
That is true. But also the defense talents did not up the skill page from 350/350 to 370/370 in retail. This skill page value is possible to check against , cr_defense_skill . as implemented this +20 is already included and need not be hard coded.
Either way there are data issues for players who see 350/370 or 351/370 .
35 BE Paladin - progression realm Anticipation talent 5/5 (+20 defense)
So I have noticed that my defense would not go above the max defense for my current level with this talent. so if lvl 35, my defense would cap at 175/195.
Upon re-spec, my defense dropped to 155/175. I leveled up my defense to 175 prior to taking the anticipation talent. Upon taking the talent i had 195/195 defense.
upon leveling I have 195/200 for defense. Despite letting 3 mobs hit me for over 30 mins, i did not receive any skill point in defense.
Is this something that can be fixed or is this talent only valid at max level?