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[Warrior / Druid] Shouts #3779

Open cnolimes opened 7 years ago

cnolimes commented 7 years ago

None of the shouts (Demo roar/shout, Commanding, Battle) generate threat at all atm.

Make a groupmate bodypull random mob/pack. Try any of the shouts. The mob is still targeting the groupmate that bodypulled, even though no further threat besides the pull was generated.

Tested this further with .debug threatlist and the results confirmed that none of them generate threat. Please do fix this issue.

Xadras commented 7 years ago

Should be ~50 threat -- http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_Shout?oldid=1116420

For demo & commanding shout i can't find a source.

AnonXS commented 7 years ago




cnolimes commented 7 years ago


-- Kenco's research on threat

-- " Battle Shout increases AoE Threat by 55 per person it hits, so if you multiple melee in your group, and multiple mobs coming at you, Battle Shout will increase your threat, to keep it on you instead of everyone else."

-- " Demo Shout increases by 43 per mob demo'd "

-- " With 3-4 targets this isn't enough to keep agro off your healer; however, when tanking a large number of mobs, (for example the imps on the way to luci in MC or the goblins in the BWL lab packs) the healing agro is spread among so many mobs that you can keep agro by spamming demo shout. "

-- Battle Shout: 55 per player receiving buff / Demoralizing Shout: 43 per mob receiving debuff / Hitting your whole group(5 people) with battle shout will generate 275 aggro. / You'll need to hit at least 7 enemies to surpass that(301 aggro)

The Burning Crusade

-- Demoralizing Shout __ 56 (Split) / Battleshout _____ 69 (Split) / Commanding Shout ____ 68 (Split)...When Threat is split as indicated above, that means it is either divided by the number of mobs affected or by the number of creatures aware of your presence. This is determined by whether the ability directly affects the creature or not. For instance, the Threat from Demoralizing Shout shout would only be split by the creatures it directly hits; however, the Threat from Commanding Shout would be split among all creatures engaged with your character.

-- "Battle Shout ____ 68 (Split) / Commanding Shout ____ 68 (Split) / Demoralising Shout __ 56 (Split) "

-- Demoralizing Shout.......43 / Battle Shout.................55

Wrath of the Lich King:

-- " Yes, shouts create threat. And so far the only use of Shout Threat (all shouts cause threat, since you also buff your party members) has served me any use is in Halls of Reflection. Just wait till they've all spawned, use a Commanding Shout and you don't have to waste a Thunder Clap or Shockwave for initial threat. "

-- "Battle Shout ___ 78 (split) Demoralising Shout _ 63 (split)

cnolimes commented 7 years ago

Base Value:

AbaddonL4G commented 7 years ago

included here: https://github.com/cmangos/mangos-tbc/commit/b25ecd0ed9f009a21894bd709f73404ca1aadc4c