Looking4Group / L4G_Core

Looking4Group Core
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Spellstrike and Robe of the Elder Scribes procs overwriting #3887

Open draedo2 opened 7 years ago

draedo2 commented 7 years ago

It appears that the buffs gained from the spellstrike set (lesser spell blasting ID 32106) and Robes of the Elder Scribes from Nightbane (Spirit of arcanagos ID 34597) Seldom proc together and when it does occur they appear to overwrite each other instead of stacking.

So as an example, If you cast shadow bolt and it procs spirit of arcanagos from the chest, you will gain the buff Next shadow bolt procs lesser spell blasting from spellstrike it will remove the spirit of acanagos buff and replace it with lesser spell blasting.

It would appear they are both using the same buff icon and this was an issues caused by that fact on the feenix server.

AnonXS commented 7 years ago

http://db.hellfire-tbc.com/?spell=32108, http://db.hellfire-tbc.com/?spell=34597

honeyhoney commented 7 years ago

Do you have any evidence to suggest this a bug and not how it worked in retail?