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Totem Threat / Aggro #402

Open Xadras opened 9 years ago

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Originally reported by: Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx)


Totems produce an awful lot of aggro. Should they produce any aggro? Should the aggro they produce be redirected to the Shaman?



Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Spectral (Bitbucket: Spectralus, GitHub: Spectralus):

Any update on this? Really annoying when doing instances. Can cause wipes if tank isen't fast enough.

3 totems: Healing Stream Mana Spring Mana Tide

Currently these 3 totems cause threat when they tick, making mobs go kill the totems instantly before someone else manage to hit them.

These totems should not generate any threat.

Only found a source for Mana Spring - sure this can be taken for Mana Tide as well: 2007/01/15 ... Mana Spring totem doesnt cause threat ... http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/18607-how-do-aggro-and-threat-work-in-wow/

Unfortunately I can't find a valid source for the Healing Stream totem. I can only speak from my long WoW experience. The amount of threat generated through the healing of the totem should not count towards the totem itself but the player(s) who receive(s) the heal.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):

Issue #2357 was marked as a duplicate of this issue.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Xadras (Bitbucket: Xadras, GitHub: Xadras):

Removing component: Mechanik (automated comment)

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):


-- CCs on Totems
-- Totem Fix ingrimm manaflut fehlt
-- totems with 5 or less hp
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `mechanic_immune_mask`='1073741823' WHERE `entry` IN ('15490','5925','15803','15447','15463','15497','15492','15474','5913','2630','15479','15488','15487','15489','5923','5924','15485','15486','15480','15484','15483');
-- more than 5 hp
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `mechanic_immune_mask`='1073709055' WHERE `entry` IN ('3968','15430','15478','15439');
Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):

By TheMoopy on 2007/12/03 at 5:35 PM (Patch 2.3.0) http://www.wowwiki.com/Threat

Outside of building threat due to damage dealt the only thing that increases our threat is frost shock.


http://forums.elitistjerks.com/forums/topic/7001-totem-aggro-broken-again/ Classic WoW, hat sich da vlt was getan von Classic zu TBC?

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):


Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):

Das Totem des Windzorns wird auch aktiv von NPCs angegriffen, da es entweder Aggro erzeugt, oder als potentielles Ziel gewertet wird.

Karazhan Trash:

Spektrales Streitross wirkt Sturmangriff auf Totem des Windzorns V.

Sturmangriff von Spektrales Streitross trifft Totem des Windzorns V für 3754 körperlichen Schaden.

Aran castet auch sehr gerne mal auf Totems, bevorzugt Manaquelle.

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by AbaddonLoktar (Bitbucket: AbaddonLoktar, GitHub: Unknown):

Sollten totem überhaupt aggro ziehen? Zb mana quell zieht immer insta aggro (obwohls wenn der warri tank pullt Nichtmal mana herstellen kann)

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):

Selbst wenn der Schamane sich einige Male schlagen lässt, was auch Aggro verursachen sollte, ziehen diese Totems sofort Aggro.

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):

Als nicht Schamanen-Spieler kann Ich 2 Totems 100% nennen:

http://looking4group.de/database/?spell=25567 Totem des heilenden Flusses in allen Rängen

http://looking4group.de/database/?spell=25570 Totem der Manaquelle in allen Rängen

Ob andere Shamanentotems auch übernatürlich viel Aggro erzeugen und somit von NPCs sofort nach einem Pull angegriffen werden weiß Ich nicht.

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Xadras (Bitbucket: Xadras, GitHub: Xadras):

Dafür bitte dann einen eigenen Report.

Welche Totems sind das genau?

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by AbaddonLoktar (Bitbucket: AbaddonLoktar, GitHub: Unknown):

Demoshout macht hier glaub gar keine Aggro is glaub ne andere Baustelle

Xadras commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
