Open Xadras opened 9 years ago,'_Terrace
-- ==================
-- Magisters' Terrace
-- ==================
-- ======================================================
-- Texts & Scripts
-- ======================================================
-- Wretched Bruiser sagt: The power! More, more, more!
-- Wretched Bruiser sagt: It seethes and burns...
-- Wretched Bruiser sagt: It's MINE!
-- ======================================================
-- Spawns & Pooling
-- ======================================================
-- 96954 - 96965 free spell summoned imps
-- free for 2nd boss pre event visual 96800,96798
DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `guid` IN (96942,96949,96950,119763,120145,42407,96851,96858,96861,96862,96863);
INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `spawnMask`, `modelid`, `equipment_id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`, `spawndist`, `currentwaypoint`, `curhealth`, `curmana`, `DeathState`, `MovementType`) VALUES
(42407, 24762, 585, 3, 0, 0, 231.6494, -181.3027, -9.4707, 1.5929, 7200, 0, 0, 20000, 15775, 0, 2),
(96942, 24809, 585, 3, 0, 0, 231.6494, -181.3027, -9.4707, 1.5929, 7200, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0),
(96949, 24808, 585, 3, 22646, 0, 151.645, -19.5972, -21.3513, 3.21141, 7200, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0),
(96950, 24808, 585, 3, 22646, 0, 100.368, 19.7939, -21.2107, 0.645772, 7200, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
-- ======================================================
-- NPC Research
-- nh maybe lower levels
-- Kalecgos 24848-mob_mgt_kalec
-- UPDATE creature_template SET WHERE entry = 24848;
-- ======================================================
-- Tyrith 24822
UPDATE `creature` SET `curhealth`='0',`curmana`='0',`DeathState`='0' WHERE `id` = 24822;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `unit_flags`='2',`dynamicflags`='32' WHERE `entry` = 24822;
DELETE FROM `creature_addon` WHERE `guid` = 96975;
INSERT INTO `creature_addon` VALUES
-- Sunblade Sentinel 24777,25571- mob_sunblade_sentinel
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minlevel`='69',`maxlevel`='70',`minhealth`='65000 ',`maxhealth`='66172',`armor`='7089',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='2000',`maxdmg`='2500' WHERE `entry` = 24777; -- 425 3125 -- 2,200 - 4,900
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor`='7089',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='4217',`maxdmg`='4405',`unit_flags`='32832' WHERE `entry` = 25571; -- 2460 2929 -- 10,543 - 11,012
UPDATE `creature_onkill_reputation` SET `RewOnKillRepValue1`='24' WHERE `creature_id` = 24777;
UPDATE `creature_onkill_reputation` SET `RewOnKillRepValue1`='30' WHERE `creature_id` = 25571;
-- mob_sunwell_mageblood_guard!?
-- Sunblade Mage Guard 24683,25568- mob_sunwell_mage_guard
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0, `curhealth` = 22356 WHERE `id` = 24683;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 22356, `maxhealth` = 22356, `armor` = '5474',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '1250',`maxdmg` = '2375' WHERE `entry` = 24683; -- 27000 875 2375 -- 2,500 - 4,000
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5474',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '2500',`maxdmg` = '4000' WHERE `entry` = 25568; -- 1125 2625 -- 3,000 - 4,500
-- Sunblade Blood Knight 24684,25565- mob_sunblade_blood_knight
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0 WHERE `id` = 24684;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = '26939',`maxhealth` = '27000',`minmana` = '14955',`armor` = '6792',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '2000',`maxdmg` = '2500' WHERE `entry` = 24684; -- 4900 0 2000 -- 1,500 - 3,500
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = '28724',`maxhealth` = '29000',`minmana` = '14955',`maxmana` = '15775',`armor` = '6792',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '4331',`maxdmg` = '4526', `unit_flags` = 32832, `equipment_id` = 2099 WHERE `entry` = 25565; -- 4900 2019 2409 -- 8,661 - 9,051
-- Sunblade Magister 24685,25569- mob_sunblade_magister
UPDATE `creature` SET `curhealth` = 22000, `curmana` = 14955 WHERE `id` = 24685;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minmana` = 14955, `armor` = '5474',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '744',`maxdmg` = '1694',`lootid` = 24684 WHERE `entry` = 24685; -- 13 963 -- 744 - 1,694
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minmana` = 14955, `armor` = '5474',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '3975',`maxdmg` = '4135',`unit_flags` = 32832, `lootid` = 24684, `equipment_id` = 1652 WHERE `entry` = 25569; -- 1868 2187 -- 7,950 - 8,269
-- Sunblade Warlock 24686,25572- mob_sunblade_warlock
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0, `curmana` = 14955 WHERE `id` = 24686;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5474',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '719',`maxdmg` = '1469' WHERE `entry` = 24686; -- 63 813 -- 719 - 1,469
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5474',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '4008',`maxdmg` = '4237', `unit_flags` = 32832, `equipment_id` = 2100 WHERE `entry` = 25572; -- 1832 2290 -- 8,015 - 8,473
-- Sunblade Imp 24815,25566- mob_sunblade_imp
-- Imp cannot be enslaved.
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minmana`='6882',`armor`='3427',`speed`='1.20',`mindmg`='200',`maxdmg`='500',`baseattacktime`='1400' WHERE `entry` = 24815;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minmana`='6882',`armor`='3427',`speed`='1.20',`baseattacktime`='0' WHERE `entry` = 25566;
-- Sunblade Physician 24687,25570- mob_sunblade_physician
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid`='0' WHERE `id` = 24687;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `modelid_A`='22586',`modelid_A2`='23098',`modelid_H`='22586',`modelid_H2`='23098',`minmana`='14955',`armor`='5474',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='1150',`maxdmg`='2350',`spell1`='0',`spell2`='0' WHERE `entry` = 24687; -- 100 1300 s1 44583 s2 44599
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `modelid_A`='22586',`modelid_A2`='23098',`modelid_H`='22586',`modelid_H2`='23098',`minmana`='14955',`armor`='5474',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='4138',`maxdmg`='4377',`unit_flags`='32832',`equipment_id`='1470' WHERE `entry` = 25570; -- 1889 2368 s1 46045 s2 46046 -- 8,275 - 8,754
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='0',`modelid_other_gender`='23097' WHERE `modelid` = 22586;
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='1',`modelid_other_gender`='22586' WHERE `modelid` = 23097;
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='0',`modelid_other_gender`='23099' WHERE `modelid` = 23098;
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='1',`modelid_other_gender`='23098' WHERE `modelid` = 23099;
UPDATE `creature_onkill_reputation` SET `RewOnKillRepValue1`='12' WHERE `creature_id` = 24687;
UPDATE `creature_onkill_reputation` SET `RewOnKillRepValue1`='15' WHERE `creature_id` = 25570;
-- Wretched Skuller 24688,25577- mob_wretched_skulker
-- loot! pickpocketid!
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0 WHERE `id` = 24688;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '6492',`minlevel` = '68',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '200',`maxdmg` = '400', `lootid` = 24689 WHERE `entry` = 24688; -- 35 95 -- 100 - 160
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '6492',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '300',`maxdmg` = '900',`unit_flags` = 32832, `lootid` = 24689, `equipment_id` = 1556 WHERE `entry` = 25577; -- 90 170 -- 220 - 300
-- Wretched Bruiser 24689, 25575- mob_wretched_bruiser
-- Wretched Husk 24690,25576- mob_wretched_husk
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0 WHERE `id` = 24690;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5235',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '100',`maxdmg` = '200',`lootid` = 24689 WHERE `entry` = 24690; -- 13 63 -- 50 - 100
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5235',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '300',`maxdmg` = '600',`unit_flags` = 32832, `lootid` = 24689 WHERE `entry` = 25576; -- 23 73 -- 70 - 120
-- Coilskar Witch 24696,25547- mob_coilskar_witch
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0, `curhealth` = 22976 WHERE `id` = 24696;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5714',`minhealth` = '22976',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '750',`maxdmg` = '1750' WHERE `entry` = 24696; -- 0 1000 -- 750 - 1,750
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5714',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '3910',`maxdmg` = '4140', `unit_flags` = 32832, `equipment_id` = 27 WHERE `entry` = 25547; -- 1782 2243 -- 7,819 - 8,280
-- Sister of Torment 24697,25563- mob_sister_of_torment
-- lootid 24698 misses stuff
UPDATE `creature` SET `id` = 24697 WHERE `guid` = 96792;
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0, `curhealth` = 22976 WHERE `id` = 24697;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5714',`minhealth` = '22976',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '719',`maxdmg` = '1469',`lootid` = 24698,`spell1` = 44547, `spell2` = 44640 WHERE `entry` = 24697; -- 63 813 -- 719 - 1,469
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = '5714',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '4082',`maxdmg` = '4415',`unit_flags` = 32832,`lootid` = 24698 WHERE `entry` = 25563; -- 1791 2457 -- 8,163 - 8,829
-- Ethereum Smuggler 24698,25551
-- useable spells on nonheroic mc
UPDATE `creature` SET `curhealth` = 28724, `modelid` = 0 WHERE `id` = 24698;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = '28724',`maxhealth` = '29000',`armor` = '7089',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '900',`maxdmg` = '1800' WHERE `entry` = 24698; -- 500 1800
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = '29000',`maxhealth` = '29000',`armor` = '7089',`speed` = '1.48',`mindmg` = '4202',`maxdmg` = '4458',`unit_flags` = 32832, `lootid` = 24698, `equipment_id` = 1591 WHERE `entry` = 25551; -- 1909 2421 -- 8,404 - 8,916
-- High Explosive Sheep 24715- npc_explosive_sheep
-- used in pvp bossfight by the engineer?
-- Brightscale Wyrm 24761,25545- mob_brightscale_wyrm
-- OOC Visual Event needs to be scripted
UPDATE `creature` SET `modelid` = 0, `spawndist` = 15 WHERE `id` = 24761; -- 10
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = 5474, `InhabitType` = 5, `mindmg` = '206',`maxdmg` = '356',`AIName` = 'EventAI', `ScriptName` = '', `flags_extra` = 268435456 WHERE `entry` = 24761; -- 37 187 -- 206 - 356
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = 5474, `speed` = 1.20, `baseattacktime` = 1200, `unit_flags` = 16, `InhabitType` = 5, `mindmg` = '1996',`maxdmg` = '2075', `flags_extra` = 268435456 WHERE `entry` = 25545; -- 1407 1646 -- 5,987 - 6,226 /3
DELETE FROM `creature_template_addon` WHERE `entry` IN (24761,25545);
INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` VALUES
UPDATE `creature_onkill_reputation` SET `MaxStanding1` = 5 WHERE `creature_id` = 24761;
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_scripts` WHERE `entryOrGUID` = 24761;
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES ('2476101','24761','6','0','100','6','0','0','0','0','11','44406','0','7','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Brightscale Wyrm - Cast Energry Infusion on Death');
-- Sunblade Keeper 24762,25567
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `heroic_entry`='25567',`modelid_A`='23090',`modelid_A2`='23092',`modelid_H`='23090',`modelid_H2`='23092',`minmana`='14955',`maxmana`='15775',`armor`='5450',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='1500',`maxdmg`='2500' WHERE `entry` = 24762; -- 0 2000 -- 3,000 - 5,000
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `modelid_A`='23090',`modelid_A2`='23092',`modelid_H`='23090',`modelid_H2`='23092',`minmana`='14955',`maxmana`='15775',`armor`='5450',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='3975',`maxdmg`='4135',`unit_flags`='32832',`equipment_id`='1306',`mechanic_immune_mask`='612379482' WHERE `entry` = 25567; -- 1868 2188 -- 7,950 - 8,270
DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id` = 25567;
INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` VALUES (25567, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0);
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='0',`modelid_other_gender`='23091' WHERE `modelid` = 23090;
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='1',`modelid_other_gender`='23090' WHERE `modelid` = 23091;
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='0',`modelid_other_gender`='23093' WHERE `modelid` = 23092;
UPDATE `creature_model_info` SET `bounding_radius`='0.4596',`combat_reach`='1.8',`gender`='1',`modelid_other_gender`='23092' WHERE `modelid` = 23093;
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_scripts` WHERE `entryOrGUID` = 24762;
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476201, 24762, 1, 0, 100, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Start Movement on Spawn');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476212, 24762, 1, 0, 100, 6, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 11, 44411, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Cast Cube Beam OOC');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476202, 24762, 4, 0, 100, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 1, 0, 0, 28, 44411, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Set Phase 1 Stop Cube Channel on Aggro');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476203, 24762, 9, 5, 100, 7, 0, 40, 3400, 4800, 11, 15232, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Cast Shadow Bolt (Phase 1)');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476204, 24762, 3, 5, 100, 6, 15, 0, 0, 0, 21, 1, 0, 0, 23, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Start Combat Movement and Set Phase 2 when Mana is at 15% (Phase 1)');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476205, 24762, 9, 5, 100, 6, 35, 80, 0, 0, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Start Combat Movement at 35 Yards (Phase 1)');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476206, 24762, 9, 5, 100, 6, 5, 15, 0, 0, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Prevent Combat Movement at 15 Yards (Phase 1)');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476207, 24762, 9, 5, 100, 6, 0, 5, 0, 0, 21, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Start Combat Movement Below 5 Yards');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476208, 24762, 3, 3, 100, 7, 100, 30, 100, 100, 23, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Set Phase 1 when Mana is above 30% (Phase 2)');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476209, 24762, 0, 0, 100, 7, 6100, 8600, 15000, 25000, 11, 20741, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Cast Shadowbolt Volley');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476210, 24762, 0, 0, 100, 7, 9000, 12000, 12000, 15000, 11, 44765, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Cast Banish');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2476211, 24762, 7, 0, 100, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Sunblade Keeper - Set Phase to 0 on Evade');
DELETE FROM `spell_script_target` WHERE `entry` IN (44411, 44432);
INSERT INTO `spell_script_target` VALUES (44411,1,24809);
INSERT INTO `spell_script_target` VALUES (44411,1,25558);
INSERT INTO `spell_script_target` VALUES (44432,2,24809); -- doesnt work at need to have ground state on corps with right visual
INSERT INTO `spell_script_target` VALUES (44432,2,25558);
-- Nether Energy Cube (Ground) 24809,25558
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 16, `faction_H` = 16, `speed` = 1.20, `unit_flags` = 33685504, `mechanic_immune_mask` = '2048',`AIName` = 'EventAI',`flags_extra` = 128 WHERE `entry` = 24809;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 16, `faction_H` = 16, `speed` = 1.20, `unit_flags` = 33685504, `mechanic_immune_mask` = '2048',`flags_extra` = 128 WHERE `entry` = 25558;
DELETE FROM `creature_template_addon` WHERE `entry` IN (24809,25558);
INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` VALUES
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_scripts` WHERE `entryOrGUID` = 24809;
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2480901, 24809, 4, 0, 100, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Nether Energy Cube (Ground) - Die on Aggro');
-- INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2480902, 24809, 6, 0, 100, 6, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 11, 44432, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Nether Energy Cube (Ground) - Cast Cube Beam OOC');
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_scripts` VALUES (2480903, 24809, 1, 0, 100, 7, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 11, 44434, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Nether Energy Cube (Ground) - Cast Cube Explode OOC');
-- [UNUSED] Sargeron Trickster 24699,25561
-- [UNUSED] Nether Shade 24695,25559
-- Nether Energy 24781,25557
-- Flame Strike Trigger (Kael - 5Man) 24666,25554
-- 12922 Imp(General Template, Core calculated)
-- Broken Sentinel 24808,25546
-- [UNUSED] Brightscale Serpent (1) 25544
-- [UNUSED] Arcane Nightmare (1) 25542
-- ==========
-- Bosses
-- ==========
-- Selin Fireheart 24723,25562- boss_selin_fireheart
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `mindmg`='2600',`maxdmg`='3600',`mechanic_immune_mask`='753876991',`baseattacktime`='1400',`flags_extra`= flags_extra|'1'|'4194304'|'16777216' WHERE `entry` = 24723; -- 2,000 - 3,500
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `mindmg`='4000',`maxdmg`='6500',`armor`='7400',`unit_flags`='32832',`mechanic_immune_mask`='753876991',`flags_extra`= flags_extra|'1'|'4194304'|'16777216' WHERE `entry` = 25562; -- 4000 - 6500
-- Fel Crystal 24722,25552- mob_fel_crystal
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 8000, `maxhealth` = 8000, `unit_flags`='33816576',`armor`='6310',`mechanic_immune_mask`='1073741823' WHERE `entry` = 24722; -- 6900
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 15000, `maxhealth` = 15000, `unit_flags`='33816576',`armor`='6800',`mechanic_immune_mask`='1073741823' WHERE `entry` = 25552; -- 12575
-- Vexallus 24744,25573- boss_vexallus
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='130000 ',`maxhealth`='135296',`armor`='5700',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='1550',`maxdmg`='2550',`mechanic_immune_mask`='787431423',`flags_extra`= flags_extra|'1'|'65536'|'8388608' WHERE `entry` = 24744; -- 1550 2550 -- 3,600 - 4,600
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth`='190000',`maxhealth`='195296',`minlevel`='72',`maxlevel`='72',`armor`='5950',`speed`='1.48',`unit_flags`='32832',`mindmg`='2500',`maxdmg`='3500',`mechanic_immune_mask`='787431423',`flags_extra`= flags_extra|'1'|'65536'|'8388608' WHERE `entry` = 25573; -- 3000 4000
-- Priestess Delrissa 24560,25560- boss_priestess_delrissa
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `speed`='1.20',`mindmg`='400',`maxdmg`='600',`mechanic_immune_mask`='9' WHERE `entry` = 24560; -- 200 1000 -- 800 - 1,600
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `speed`='1.20',`mindmg`='800',`maxdmg`='1200',`unit_flags`='32768',`mechanic_immune_mask`='9' WHERE `entry` = 25560; -- 325 1025 -- 1,000 - 1,700
-- Apoko 24553,25541- boss_apoko
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 21518, `maxhealth` = 21518, `speed` = 1.20 WHERE `entry` = 24553; -- 825 1125 -- 1,800 - 2,100
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = 8450, `speed` = 1.20, `equipment_id` = 2214 WHERE `entry` = 25541; -- 950 1350 -- 2,100 - 2,500
DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id` IN (24553,25541);
INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` VALUES (24553, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0), (25541, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- Kagani Nightstrike 24557,25556- boss_kagani_nightstrike
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 20190, `maxhealth` = 20190, `speed` = 1.20, `mindmg` = 544, `maxdmg` = 894 WHERE `entry` = 24557; -- 225 925 -- 1,088 - 1,788
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = 6125, `speed` = 1.20, `equipment_id` = 2215 WHERE `entry` = 25556; -- 1891 2214 -- 8,048 - 8,371
DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id` IN (24557,25556);
INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` VALUES (24557, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0), (25556, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- Garaxxas 24555,25555- boss_garaxxas
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 21158,`maxhealth` = 21158 WHERE `entry` = 24555; -- 622 1375 -- 1,560 - 2,313
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = 5734, `InhabitType` = 3 WHERE `entry` = 25555; -- 1879 2470 -- 8,402 - 8,993
DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id` IN (24555,25555);
INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` VALUES (24555, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0), (25555, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- Warlord Salaris 24559,25574- boss_warlord_salaris
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 26896, `maxhealth` = 26896, `mindmg` = 1000, `maxdmg` = 1300 WHERE `entry` = 24559; -- 850 1450 -- 2,000 - 2,600
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `speed` = 1.2, `mindmg` = 2000, `maxdmg` = 3000, `baseattacktime` = 3800, `equipment_id` = 2096 WHERE `entry` = 25574; -- 850 1450 -- 2,500 - 3,000
DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id` IN (24559,25574);
INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` VALUES (24559, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0), (25574, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- Zelfan 24556,25579- boss_zelfan
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 16152, `maxhealth` = 16152, `speed` = 1.2, `mindmg` = 413, `maxdmg` = 713 WHERE `entry` = 24556; -- 150 750 -- 825 - 1,425
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = 5399, `speed` = 1.2, `equipment_id` = 2095 WHERE `entry` = 25579; -- 1385 1889 -- 6,296 - 6,800
DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id` IN (24556,25579);
INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` VALUES (24556, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0), (25579, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- Yazzai 24561,25578- boss_yazzai
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minhealth` = 21518, `maxhealth` = 21518, `armor` = 4356 WHERE `entry` = 24561; -- 211 675 -- 699 - 1,163
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor` = 4750, `speed` = 1.20, `equipment_id` = 2097 WHERE `entry` = 25578; -- 1762 2061 -- 7,497 - 7,796
DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id` IN (24561,25578);
INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` VALUES (24561, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0), (25578, 1077, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-- Fizzle 24656,25553- mob_fizzle
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `subname`='Ellrys\' Demon',`armor`='2868',`minhealth`='1760',`maxhealth`='1760' WHERE `entry` = 24656;
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `subname`='Ellrys\' Demon',`armor`='2868',`faction_A`='16',`faction_H`='16',`minhealth`='1956',`maxhealth`='1956' WHERE `entry` = 25553;
-- Sliver 24552,25564- mob_sliver
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `modelid_A` = 22597, `modelid_H` = 22597 WHERE `entry` = 24552; -- 13 963 -- 744 - 1,694
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A` = 16, `faction_H` = 16 WHERE `entry` = 25564; -- 188 735 -- 1,573 - 2,120
-- Kael'thas Sunstrider <Lord of the Blood Elves> 24664,24857
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `armor`='5950',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='1143',`maxdmg`='2044',`baseattacktime`='1400',`mechanic_immune_mask`='753876991', `flags_extra`= flags_extra|65536 WHERE `entry` = 24664; -- 13 1163 -- 894 - 2044
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag`='0',`armor`='5950',`speed`='1.48',`mindmg`='4273',`maxdmg`='4513',`mechanic_immune_mask`='753876991', `flags_extra`= flags_extra|65536 WHERE `entry` = 24857; -- 1957 2437 -- 8,546 - 9,026
-- Arcane Sphere 24708,25543
-- Phoenix 24674
-- ======================================================
-- Visuals & Positioning & Movement
-- ======================================================
SET @GUID:= 42407;
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType` = 2 WHERE guid = @GUID;
DELETE FROM `creature_addon` WHERE `guid`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `creature_addon` VALUES (@GUID,@GUID,0,0,0,0,0,0,'');
DELETE FROM `waypoint_data` WHERE `id`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `waypoint_data` (`id`,`point`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`delay`,`move_type`,`action`,`action_chance`,`wpguid`) VALUES
(@GUID,1, 231.5733, -166.7399, -9.4595,0,0,0,100,0),
-- movement für gartenpat wegen kanalisieren, changed id to not channel on sentinel
SET @GUID:= 96792;
UPDATE `creature` SET `MovementType` = 2 WHERE guid = @GUID;
DELETE FROM `creature_addon` WHERE `guid`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `creature_addon` VALUES (@GUID,@GUID,0,0,0,0,0,0,'');
DELETE FROM `waypoint_data` WHERE `id`=@GUID;
INSERT INTO `waypoint_data` (`id`,`point`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`delay`,`move_type`,`action`,`action_chance`,`wpguid`) VALUES
-- ======================================================
-- Group Linking
-- ======================================================
-- Erster Boss Kristalle Abuse
DELETE FROM `creature_formations` WHERE `LeaderGUID` IN (42407,96942,96871,96872,96870,96873,96874,63889);
INSERT INTO `creature_formations` (`leaderGUID`, `memberGUID`, `dist`, `angle`, `groupAI`) VALUES
(42407,42407, 60, 360, 2),
(42407,96942, 2, 1.57, 2),
-- ======================================================
-- Respawn Linking
-- ======================================================
DELETE FROM `creature_linked_respawn` WHERE `guid` IN (42407);
INSERT INTO `creature_linked_respawn` VALUES
-- 96949 96950 ?
-- ======================================================
-- Gameobjects
-- ======================================================
-- ======================================================
-- Miscellaneous (Loot)
-- ======================================================
-- Sun Touched Satchel much too high dropchance
UPDATE `creature_loot_template` SET `ChanceOrQuestChance`='0.5' WHERE `item` = 35516; -- 2
Thank you for referencing my research :smile:
Well thats what can make github very powerful, but sadly most are closed source.
Complete Dungeon Overhaul for Magisters' Terrace with Focus on Complete Groups, AIs, NPC-Values, Linking, Movement, Immunities, Visuals and Texts.