Open Xadras opened 9 years ago
SELECT * FROM `creature_template` WHERE `entry` IN (15430,15438,15352,15439);
-- Earth Elemental Totem 15430
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction_A`=6,`faction_A`=6,`spell1`=0,`spell2`=33663,`mechanic_immune_mask`='1073709054' WHERE `entry` =15430; -- 6 0
-- Greater Earth Elemental 15352
-- UPDATE `creature_template` SET WHERE `entry` = 15352;
-- Fire Elemental Totem
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `spell1`=0,`spell2`=32982,`mechanic_immune_mask`=1073709054 WHERE `entry` =15439; -- 0 1073709054 0
-- Greater Fire Elemental
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `unit_flags`='0' WHERE `entry` = 15438; -- 524288
-- Fixing the immunity mask for 15430 ( should be healable, is immune to heal spells)
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `mechanic_immune_mask` = `mechanic_immune_mask` & ~32768 WHERE `entry` = '15430';
Fire Elemental Fire Nova ability is outcommented, was present in 2.4.3
Elemental Aggro Range is set to 0, which disables them attacking on their own.
The npc should be healable, because its immune to nature spells its immune to shamans healing spells as they are holy based. Guardians/Units etc should never be immune to their own spells/owner spells. It works for as its immune to fire spellschool.
They do not engage in combat correctly. They only attack hostile targets, neutral targets that attack the player are not attacked but they should assist in this case.
They do not engage neutral targets on their own, same bug as Searing Totem which currently attacks neutral targets on its own, but should only assist the shaman and attack hostile(red) targets on its own.
The shaman elementals (Earth and Fire) are not leashing properly when entering combat. Usually just entering combat would cause the elementals to come to the shamans aide. However, right now we have to kite any mob back into the elemental for it to attack it. Additionally, the elementals will not chain into neutral mobs that attack the shaman.
The Elementals attack other Elementals/maybe Pets even though their respective owners (one alliance, one horde) are in the same group. (Crossfaction Bug, so low prio)
Von UnavoidableFate (1,513 – 6·19) am 2007.03.08 (Patch 2.0.10)
I dueled a shaman with this totem to test his hp and damage soak. In my experience the earth elemental seems to gain hit points as the fight goes on; I'm not sure if this is a function of time or healing. At the start, I whacked him a couple of times, and did about 1000hp damage, and he was down to like 60% health. After his owner healed him a couple times and a few more seconds went by, another 1000hp only dropped him to 80% health. After about a minute of the fight, 1000hp of damage only seemed to do like 5-10% of his total health in damage.
defektunge am 2007.01.28 (Patch 2.0.6)
The elemental is indeed much better than people give it credit for. I've used it to tank various elites and instance bosses (and I mean Outland ones!) with great success. He has fairly low hp - presumably to reduce his effectiveness as a pure meat shield - but good mitigation, and healing him and dpsing is usually much more effective than tanking things yourself, especially since it lets elemental shaman cast without interruption and lets enhancement shaman use DW/2h instead of a shield. As resto I just cast Earth Shield on the elemental and then start nuking.
Von corvato (1,585 – 22) am 2008.03.19 (Patch 2.3.3)
very good for shaman leveling when trying to solo group (2) or even (3). heal the pet, and DPS the mobs between taunts. Very efficient for shamans, any talent.
By rynrlz213 (361 – 3) on 2008/08/08 (Patch 2.4.3)
If your lucky he'll crit 1.1 fire novas
When activated, the Greater Earth Elemental (untalented) will run to and start attacking the nearest hostile target - with a red nameplate. If there are no nearby hostile targets (e.g. neutral targets are the only ones in range, or hostile targets are very distant), the elemental assumes a defensive mode - it will only engage a target once the shaman is attacked.
Player Spells:,
Other Elemental Totem Spells:,,