Open Xadras opened 8 years ago
Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=NULL;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr solltet einen Charakter oder eine Kreatur auswählen.' WHERE entry=1;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr solltet eine Kreatur auswählen.' WHERE entry=2;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Server-Nachricht]: %s' WHERE entry=3;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffff0000[Ereignis-Nachricht]: %s|r' WHERE entry=4;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keine Hilfe für diesen Befehl.' WHERE entry=5;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen solchen Befehl.' WHERE entry=6;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen solchen Unterbefehl.' WHERE entry=7;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Befehl %s hat Unterbefehle:%s' WHERE entry=8;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Befehle, die für Euch verfügbar sind:' WHERE entry=9;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Falsche Syntax. (Eingabe)' WHERE entry=10;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Accountlevel ist: %i' WHERE entry=11;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Anzahl der verbundenen Spieler: %u (Maximum: %u) Spieler in der Warteschlange: %u (Maximum: %u)' WHERE entry=12;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Laufzeit des Servers: %s' WHERE entry=13;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler gespeichert.' WHERE entry=14;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Alle Spieler gespeichert.' WHERE entry=15;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es sind derzeit folgende GMs auf diesem Server aktiv:' WHERE entry=16;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zurzeit sind keine GMs auf diesem Server eingeloggt.' WHERE entry=17;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Dies kann nicht ausgeführt werden, während man fliegt.' WHERE entry=18;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Dies kann in Schlachtfeldern nicht ausgeführt werden.' WHERE entry=19;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ziel fliegt, Ihr könnt dies nicht tun.' WHERE entry=20;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s fliegt, Befehl fehlgeschlagen.' WHERE entry=21;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr sitzt auf keinem Reittier, folglich könnt Ihr auch von keinem absteigen.' WHERE entry=22;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kann im Kampf nicht ausgeführt werden.' WHERE entry=23;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt es kürzlich verwendet.' WHERE entry=24;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Passwort wurde nicht geändert (unbekannter Fehler)!' WHERE entry=25;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Passwort wurde geändert.' WHERE entry=26;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das alte Passwort ist falsch oder die neuen sind ungleich.' WHERE entry=27;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Account ist nun gesperrt (Ihr könnt nur mit einer festen IP einloggen).' WHERE entry=28;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Account ist nun entsperrt (Ihr könnt mit jeder IP einloggen).' WHERE entry=29;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=', Rang' WHERE entry=30;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[bekannt]' WHERE entry=31;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[lernen]' WHERE entry=32;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[passiv]' WHERE entry=33;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Talent]' WHERE entry=34;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[aktiv]' WHERE entry=35;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[komplett]' WHERE entry=36;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='(offline)' WHERE entry=37;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='ein' WHERE entry=38;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='aus' WHERE entry=39;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr seid: %s' WHERE entry=40;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='sichtbar' WHERE entry=41;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='unsichtbar' WHERE entry=42;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Erledigt' WHERE entry=43;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr' WHERE entry=44;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' <unbekannt> ' WHERE entry=45;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='<fehler>' WHERE entry=46;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='<Nicht existierender Charakter>' WHERE entry=47;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='UNBEKANNT' WHERE entry=48;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %u sein, um einzutreten.' WHERE entry=49;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %u sein und Item %s besitzen, um einzutreten.' WHERE entry=50;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Hallo! Bereit für etwas Training?' WHERE entry=51;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültige Itemanzahl (%u) für das Item %u' WHERE entry=52;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Mail kann nicht mehr als %u Itemplätze haben' WHERE entry=53;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein' WHERE entry=54;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Passwort kann nicht länger als 16 Zeichen sein (Client Limit). Das Passwort wurde nicht geändert!' WHERE entry=55;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Aktuelle Nachricht des Tages: \r\n%s' WHERE entry=56;
passen weiter checken
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Verwende World-DB: %s' WHERE entry=57;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Verwende Script-Bibliothek: %s' WHERE entry=58;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Verwende creature EventAI: %s' WHERE entry=59;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler online: %u (max %u)' WHERE entry=60;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Erweiterung bis %u ist jetzt verwendbar.' WHERE entry=61;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Mindestens ein Parameter ist falsch.' WHERE entry=62;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Allgemeine Ankündigung: ' WHERE entry=100;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Karte: %u (%s) Zone: %u (%s) Gebiet: %u (%s) Phase: %u\nX: %f Y: %f Z: %f Orientierung: %f\ngrid[%u,%u]Zelle[%u,%u] InstanzID: %u\n ZoneX: %f ZoneY: %f\nGroundZ: %f FloorZ: %f Have height data (Map: %u VMap: %u)' WHERE entry=101;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wird bereits teleportiert.' WHERE entry=102;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt einen Spieler nur dann zu Eurer Instanz herbeiteleportieren, wenn er in Eurer Gruppe ist und Ihr der Gruppenleiter seid.' WHERE entry=103;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt nicht zur Instanz des Spielers gehen, weil Ihr in einer Gruppe seid.' WHERE entry=104;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt nur zur Instanz des Spielers gehen, während Ihr nicht in seiner Gruppe seid, wenn Euer GM-Modus angeschaltet ist.' WHERE entry=105;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt nicht zum Spieler %s gehen, da man nicht von einer Instanz in eine andere Instanz gehen kann.' WHERE entry=106;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt den Spieler %s nicht herbeirufen, da er in einer anderen Instanz ist.' WHERE entry=107;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr ruft %s%s herbei.' WHERE entry=108;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr seid von %s herbeigerufen worden.' WHERE entry=109;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr teleportiert %s%s nach %s.' WHERE entry=110;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr seid von %s teleportiert worden.' WHERE entry=111;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler (%s) existiert nicht.' WHERE entry=112;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr erscheint an %s\'s Position.' WHERE entry=113;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s erscheint an Eurer Position.' WHERE entry=114;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Falsche Werte.' WHERE entry=115;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kein Charakter ausgewählt.' WHERE entry=116;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s ist nicht in einer Gruppe.' WHERE entry=117;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr verändert die HP von %s auf %i/%i.' WHERE entry=118;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure HP auf %i/%i geändert.' WHERE entry=119;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr verändert MANA von %s auf %i/%i.' WHERE entry=120;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Euer MANA auf %i/%i geändert.' WHERE entry=121;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr verändert die ENERGIE von %s auf %i/%i.' WHERE entry=122;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure ENERGIE auf %i/%i geändert.' WHERE entry=123;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Momentane Energie: %u' WHERE entry=124;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr ändert die Wut von %s auf %i/%i.' WHERE entry=125;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure Wut auf %i/%i geändert.' WHERE entry=126;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Level von %s auf %i geändert.' WHERE entry=127;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='GUID %i, Fraktion ist %i, flags ist %i, npcflag ist %i, DY flag ist %i' WHERE entry=128;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Falsche Fraktion: %u (nicht gefunden in factiontemplate.dbc).' WHERE entry=129;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr verändert GUID=%i \'s Fraktion auf %i, flags auf %i, npcflag auf %i, dyflag auf %i.' WHERE entry=130;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr ändert die spellflatid=%i, val= %i, mark =%i auf %s.' WHERE entry=131;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s ändert Eure spellflatid=%i, val= %i, mark =%i.' WHERE entry=132;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat nun Zugriff auf alle Flugrouten (bis er ausloggt).' WHERE entry=133;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat nun keinen Zugriff auf alle Flugrouten mehr (nur auf bereits besuchte kann zugegriffen werden).' WHERE entry=134;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Euch Zugriff auf alle Flugrouten gewährt (bis Ihr ausloggt).' WHERE entry=135;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Euren Zugriff auf alle Flugrouten beendet (nur auf bereits besucht kann immernoch zugegriffen werden).' WHERE entry=136;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt alle Geschwindigkeiten auf %2.2f vom Normalwert von %s gesetzt.' WHERE entry=137;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat all Eure Geschwindigkeiten auf %2.2f ausgehend von normal gesetzt.' WHERE entry=138;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt die Geschwindigkeit auf %2.2f vom Normalwert von %s gesetzt.' WHERE entry=139;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure Geschwindigkeit auf %2.2f ausgehend von normal gesetzt.' WHERE entry=140;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt die Schwimmgeschwindigkeit auf %2.2f vom Normalwert von %s gesetzt.' WHERE entry=141;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure Schwimmgeschwindigkeit auf %2.2f ausgehend von normal gesetzt.' WHERE entry=142;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt die Geschwindigkeit zum Rückwärtslaufen auf %2.2f vom Normalwert von %s gesetzt.' WHERE entry=143;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure Geschwindigkeit zum Rückwartslaufen auf %2.2f ausgehend von normal gesetzt.' WHERE entry=144;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt die Fluggeschwindigkeit auf %2.2f vom Normalwert von %s gesetzt.' WHERE entry=145;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure Fluggeschwindigkeit auf %2.2f ausgehend von normal gesetzt.' WHERE entry=146;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt die Größe %2.2f von %s gesetzt.' WHERE entry=147;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s setzt Eure Größe auf %2.2f.' WHERE entry=148;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt kein solches Reittier.' WHERE entry=149;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr gebt %s ein Reittier.' WHERE entry=150;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Euch ein Reittier gegeben.' WHERE entry=151;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='USER1: %i, ADD: %i, DIF: %i\n' WHERE entry=152;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr nehmt alles Kupfer von %s.' WHERE entry=153;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s nahm Euer gesammtes Kupfer.' WHERE entry=154;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr nehmt %i Kupfer von %s.' WHERE entry=155;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s nimmt %i Kupfer von Euch.' WHERE entry=156;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr gebt %i Kupfer zu %s.' WHERE entry=157;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s gibt Euch %i Kupfer.' WHERE entry=158;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr hört sound %u.' WHERE entry=159;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='USER2: %i, ADD: %i, RESULT: %i\n' WHERE entry=160;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Entferne bit %i im Feld %i.' WHERE entry=161;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Setze bit %i im Feld %i.' WHERE entry=162;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Teleportierort-Tabelle ist leer!' WHERE entry=163;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Teleportierort nicht gefunden!' WHERE entry=164;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Benötigt Suchparameter.' WHERE entry=165;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen Ort, der auf Eure Anfrage passt.' WHERE entry=166;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gefundene Orte:\n%s' WHERE entry=168;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Mail an %s gesendet' WHERE entry=169;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr versucht den Sound %u abzuspielen, dieser existiert jedoch nicht.' WHERE entry=170;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt euch nicht zu euch selber teleportieren.' WHERE entry=171;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Server Konsolenbefehl' WHERE entry=172;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr ändert die Runenmacht von %s auf %i/%i.' WHERE entry=173;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s ändert Eure Runenmacht auf %i/%i.' WHERE entry=174;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wasserspiegel: %f, Boden: %f, Art: %d, Status: %d' WHERE entry=175;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Auswahl.' WHERE entry=200;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Objekt GUID ist: lowpart %u highpart %X' WHERE entry=201;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Name war um %i Buchstaben zu lang.' WHERE entry=202;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Fehler, Name kann nur Buchstaben von A-Z und a-z enthalten.' WHERE entry=203;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Untername war um %i Buchstaben zu lang.' WHERE entry=204;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Noch nicht implementiert' WHERE entry=205;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%i\' \'%s\' wurde zur Liste mit einer maximal Zahl \'%i\' und incrtime \'%i\' und erweiterten Kosten \'%i\' hinzugefügt' WHERE entry=206;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%i\' wurde in der Datenbank nicht gefunden.' WHERE entry=207;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%i\' \'%s\' wurde von der Liste des Verkäufers entfernt' WHERE entry=208;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%i\' wurde in der Liste des Verkäufers nicht gefunden.' WHERE entry=209;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%u\' (mit den erweiterten Kosten %u) ist bereits in der Liste des Verkäufers.' WHERE entry=210;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zauber von %s wurden zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=211;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zauber von %s werden beim nächsten Login zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=212;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Talente von %s wurden zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=213;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Talente von %s werden beim nächsten Login zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=214;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Zauber wurden zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=215;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Talente wurden zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=216;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Unbekanntes Argument \'%s\' für den Befehl .resetall. Bitte vollständiges Argument mit richtiger Großschreibung eingeben.' WHERE entry=217;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zauber werden für alle Spieler beim nächsten Login zurückgesetzt. Es wird dringend empfohlen sich neu einzuloggen!' WHERE entry=218;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Talente werden für alle Spieler beim nächsten Login zurückgesetzt. Es wird dringend empfohlen sich neu einzuloggen!' WHERE entry=219;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (GUID: %u) Kein Wegpunkt gefunden.' WHERE entry=220;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (GUID: %u) Letzter Wegpunkt nicht gefunden.' WHERE entry=221;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (GUID: %u) Kein Wegpunkt gefunden - \'wpguid\' wurde verwendet. Versuche ihn nun durch dessen Position zu finden...' WHERE entry=222;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (GUID: %u) Keine Wegpunkte gefunden - Dies ist ein Trinity-DB Problem (single float).' WHERE entry=223;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Angewählte Kreatur wird ignoriert - bereitgestellte GUID wird verwendet' WHERE entry=224;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (GUID: %u) nicht gefunden' WHERE entry=225;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst einen visuellen Wegpunkt wählen.' WHERE entry=226;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine visuellen Wegpunkte gefunden' WHERE entry=227;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Konnte keinen visuellen Wegpunkt mit der creatureID: %d kreieren' WHERE entry=228;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Alle visuellen Wegpunkte entfernt' WHERE entry=229;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Konnte keine Wegpunkt-Kreatur mit der ID: %d kreieren' WHERE entry=230;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine GUID angegeben.' WHERE entry=231;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Nummer des Wegpunktes angegeben.' WHERE entry=232;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Benötige Argument für \'%s\'.' WHERE entry=233;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wegpunkt %i zu GUID: %d hinzugefügt.' WHERE entry=234;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wegpunkt %d hinzugefügt.' WHERE entry=235;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wegpunkt geändert.' WHERE entry=236;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wegpunkt %s abgeändert.' WHERE entry=237;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Exportieren der Wegpunkte erfolgreich.' WHERE entry=238;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Wegpunkte in der Datenbank gefunden.' WHERE entry=239;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Datei importiert.' WHERE entry=240;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wegpunkt entfernt.' WHERE entry=241;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Warnung: Konnte den Wegpunkt mit der ID: %d nicht aus der Welt löschen' WHERE entry=242;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das passiert, wenn der Wegpunkt von Eurem Charakter zu weit entfernt ist.' WHERE entry=243;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Wegpunkt ist aus der Datenbank gelöscht worden, aber nicht aus der Welt hier.' WHERE entry=244;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Sie werden nach einem Neustart des Servers verschwinden.' WHERE entry=245;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wegpunkt %d: Information für Kreatur: %s, GUID: %d' WHERE entry=246;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wartezeit: %d' WHERE entry=247;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Model %d: %d' WHERE entry=248;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Emote: %d' WHERE entry=249;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zauber: %d' WHERE entry=250;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Text %d (ID: %i): %s' WHERE entry=251;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='AIScript: %s' WHERE entry=252;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s muss beim nächsten Login umbenannt werden.' WHERE entry=253;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s (GUID #%u) muss beim nächsten Login umbenannt werden.' WHERE entry=254;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wegpunkt-Kreatur (GUID: %u) Nicht gefunden' WHERE entry=255;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Konnte den NPC nicht finden...' WHERE entry=256;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bewegungsart der Kreatur wurde auf \'%s\' gesetzt, Wegpunkte wurde entfernt (falls sie vorhanden waren).' WHERE entry=257;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bewegungsart der Kreatur wurde auf \'%s\' gesetzt, Wegpunkte wurden nicht entfernt.' WHERE entry=258;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Unzulässiger Wert, benutze "on" oder "off"' WHERE entry=259;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wert gespeichert.' WHERE entry=260;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wert gespeichert, es kann sein, dass Ihr neu einloggen oder Euren Client-Cache leeren müsst.' WHERE entry=261;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Areatrigger ID %u nicht gefunden!' WHERE entry=262;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Target map oder Koordinaten sind ungültig (X: %f Y: %f MapId: %u)' WHERE entry=263;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zone Koordinaten sind ungültig (X: %f Y: %f AreaId: %u)' WHERE entry=264;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zone %u (%s) ist ein Teil der Instanzkarte %u (%s)' WHERE entry=265;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Nichts gefunden!' WHERE entry=266;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Objekt nicht gefunden!' WHERE entry=267;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur nicht gefunden!' WHERE entry=268;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Warnung: Kreatur mehr als einmal gefunden - Ihr werdet zur ersten teleportiert, die in der Datenbank gefunden wurde.' WHERE entry=269;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur entfernt.' WHERE entry=270;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur verschoben.' WHERE entry=271;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (GUID:%u) muss auf derselben Karte sein wie der Spieler!' WHERE entry=272;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gameobjekt (GUID: %u) nicht gefunden' WHERE entry=273;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gameobjekt (GUID: %u) ist abhängig von der nicht gefundenen Kreatur %u GO list, kann nicht gelöscht werden.' WHERE entry=274;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gameobjekt (GUID: %u) entfernt' WHERE entry=275;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gameobjekt |cffffffff|Hgameobject:%d|h[%s]|h|r (GUID: %u) gedreht' WHERE entry=276;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gameobjekt |cffffffff|Hgameobject:%d|h[%s]|h|r (GUID: %u) verschoben' WHERE entry=277;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst einen Verkäufer anwählen' WHERE entry=278;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst die ID für das Item angeben' WHERE entry=279;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Verkäufer hat zu viele Items (maximal 128)' WHERE entry=280;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt Euch nicht selbst kicken, loggt Euch stattdessen aus' WHERE entry=281;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s wurde gekickt.' WHERE entry=282;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Flüstern erlauben: %s' WHERE entry=284;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Flüstern erlauben: AN (ON)' WHERE entry=285;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Flüstern erlauben: AUS (OFF)' WHERE entry=286;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (GUID: %u) nicht gefunden' WHERE entry=287;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Anzahl der Tickets: %i zeige neue Tickets: %s' WHERE entry=288;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Neues Ticket von %s' WHERE entry=289;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ticket von %s (Letzte aktuallisierung: %s):\n%s' WHERE entry=290;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Neue Tickets zeigen: AN' WHERE entry=291;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Neue Tickets zeigen: AUS' WHERE entry=292;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ticket %i existiert nicht' WHERE entry=293;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Alle Tickets wurden gelöscht.' WHERE entry=294;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Ticket von %s wurde gelöscht.' WHERE entry=295;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ticket gelöscht.' WHERE entry=296;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spawndistanz wurde auf %f abgeändert' WHERE entry=297;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spawnzeit wurde auf: %i abgeändert' WHERE entry=298;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Ehre von %s wurde auf %u gesetzt!' WHERE entry=299;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Chat wurde für %u Minuten abgeschaltet. Grund: %s' WHERE entry=300;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr hab den Chat von %s für %u Minuten abgeschaltet. Grund: %s' WHERE entry=301;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Chat des Spielers ist bereits eingeschaltet.' WHERE entry=302;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Chat wurde eingeschaltet.' WHERE entry=303;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt den Chat von %s eingeschaltet.' WHERE entry=304;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Fraktion %s (%u) Ruf von %s wurde auf %5d gesetzt!' WHERE entry=305;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Arenapunkte von %s wurden auf %u gesetzt!' WHERE entry=306;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Fraktion gefunden!' WHERE entry=307;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Fraktion %i unbekannt!' WHERE entry=308;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültiger Parameter %s' WHERE entry=309;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='delta muss sich zwischen 0 und %d (inklusive) befinden' WHERE entry=310;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hfaction:%d|h[%s]|h|r' WHERE entry=311;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [sichtbar]' WHERE entry=312;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [im Krieg]' WHERE entry=313;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [friedlich]' WHERE entry=314;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [versteckt]' WHERE entry=315;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [unsichtbar]' WHERE entry=316;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [inaktiv]' WHERE entry=317;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='haßerfüllt' WHERE entry=318;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='feindselig' WHERE entry=319;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='unfreundlich' WHERE entry=320;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='neutral' WHERE entry=321;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='freundlich' WHERE entry=322;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='wohlwollend' WHERE entry=323;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='respektvoll' WHERE entry=324;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='ehrfürchtig' WHERE entry=325;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Fraktion %s (%u) kann keinen Ruf haben.' WHERE entry=326;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [kein Ruf]' WHERE entry=327;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Charaktere auf Account %s (Id: %u)' WHERE entry=328;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' %s (GUID %u)' WHERE entry=329;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Spieler gefunden!' WHERE entry=330;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Erweiterte Itemkosten %u existieren nicht' WHERE entry=331;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='GM-Modus ist AN' WHERE entry=332;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='GM-Modus ist AUS' WHERE entry=333;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='GM Anzeige im Chat ist AN' WHERE entry=334;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='GM Anzeige im Chat ist AUS' WHERE entry=335;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr repariert alle Gegenstände von %s.' WHERE entry=336;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Alle eure Gegenstände wurden von %s repariert.' WHERE entry=337;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt den Wasserlaufen-Modus %s für %s gesetzt.' WHERE entry=338;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Wasserlaufen-Modus %s von %s.' WHERE entry=339;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s folgt Euch jetzt.' WHERE entry=340;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s folgt Euch nicht.' WHERE entry=341;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s folgt Euch jetzt nicht.' WHERE entry=342;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreatur (Entry: %u) kann nicht gezähmt werden.' WHERE entry=343;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt bereits einen Begleiter.' WHERE entry=344;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Spieler %s muss beim nächsten Login umgestaltet werden.' WHERE entry=345;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Spieler %s (GUID #%u) muss beim nächsten Login umgestaltet werden.' WHERE entry=346;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Flugpunkt/Anlegestelle ID %u nicht gefunden.' WHERE entry=347;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gameobjekt (Entry: %u) hat ungültige Daten und kann nicht gespawned werden.' WHERE entry=348;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d (idx:%d) - |cffffffff|Htitle:%d|h[%s %s]|h|r %s %s ' WHERE entry=349;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d (idx:%d) - [%s %s] %s %s ' WHERE entry=350;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Titel gefunden!' WHERE entry=351;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültige Titel-Id: %u' WHERE entry=352;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Titel %u (%s) wurde dem Spieler %s zu seiner Titelliste hinzugefügt.' WHERE entry=353;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Titel %u (%s) wurde dem Spieler %s aus seiner Titelliste entfernt.' WHERE entry=354;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Titel %u (%s) ist jetzt der aktive Titel von Spieler %s.' WHERE entry=355;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der aktive Titel von Spieler %s wurde zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=356;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffff0000[System-Nachricht]:|rScripts neu geladen' WHERE entry=400;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr ändert die Berechtigungsstufe von %s auf %i.' WHERE entry=401;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat Eure Berechtigungsstufe auf %i geändert.' WHERE entry=402;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt dafür eine zu niedrige Berechtigungsstufe.' WHERE entry=403;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreaturenbewegung abgeschaltet.' WHERE entry=404;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kreaturenbewegung angeschaltet.' WHERE entry=405;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wetter kann für diese Zone nicht geändert werden.' WHERE entry=406;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Wettersystem ist auf dem Server abgeschaltet.' WHERE entry=407;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s ist gebannt für %s. Grund: %s.' WHERE entry=408;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s ist für immer gebannt für %s.' WHERE entry=409;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s %s nicht gefunden' WHERE entry=410;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s Bann wurde aufgehoben.' WHERE entry=411;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ein Fehler ist beim Entfernen des Banns von %s aufgetreten.' WHERE entry=412;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen solchen Account: %s' WHERE entry=413;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen solchen Charakter.' WHERE entry=414;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keine solche IP in der Bannliste.' WHERE entry=415;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account %s wurde niemals gebannt' WHERE entry=416;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bannhistory für den Account %s:' WHERE entry=417;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Banndatum: %s Bannzeit: %s Noch aktiv: %s Grund: %s Von: %s' WHERE entry=418;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Inf.' WHERE entry=419;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Niemals' WHERE entry=420;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ja' WHERE entry=421;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Nein' WHERE entry=422;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='IP: %s\nBanndatum: %s\nEntbanndatum: %s\nVerbleibend: %s\nGrund: %s\nVon: %s' WHERE entry=423;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen passenden IP-Bann.' WHERE entry=424;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen passenden Account.' WHERE entry=425;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es gibt keinen gebannten Account dem ein Charakter gehört, der mit diesem Suchmuster übereinstimmt.' WHERE entry=426;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die folgenden IPs entsprechende Eurem Muster:' WHERE entry=427;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die folgenden Accounts stimmen mit ihrer Abfrage überein:' WHERE entry=428;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt viele Zauber/Fertigkeiten gelernt.' WHERE entry=429;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt alle Zauber für Eure Klasse gelernt.' WHERE entry=430;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt alle Talente für Eure Klasse gelernt.' WHERE entry=431;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt alle Sprachen gelernt.' WHERE entry=432;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt alle Berufsfertigkeiten und Rezepte gelernt.' WHERE entry=433;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Konnte \'%s\' nicht finden' WHERE entry=434;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültige Item-ID: %u' WHERE entry=435;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Items gefunden!' WHERE entry=436;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültige Gameobject-Id: %u' WHERE entry=437;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gefundene Items %u: %u ( Inventar %u Mail %u Auktion %u Gilde %u)' WHERE entry=438;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gefundene Gameobjects %u: %u ' WHERE entry=439;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültige Kreatur-ID: %u' WHERE entry=440;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gefundene Kreaturen %u: %u ' WHERE entry=441;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kein Gebiet gefunden!' WHERE entry=442;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Itemsets gefunden!' WHERE entry=443;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Fertigkeiten gefunden!' WHERE entry=444;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Zauber gefunden!' WHERE entry=445;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Quests gefunden!' WHERE entry=446;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Kreaturen gefunden!' WHERE entry=447;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Gameobjects gefunden!' WHERE entry=448;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Friedhof #%u existiert nicht.' WHERE entry=449;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Friedhof #%u ist bereits mit der Zone #%u (aktuell) verlinkt.' WHERE entry=450;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Friedhof #%u mit der Zone #%u (aktuell) verlinkt.' WHERE entry=451;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Friedhof #%u kann nicht mit der Unterzone oder mit einer nicht existierenden Zone #%u verlinkt werden (Interner Fehler).' WHERE entry=452;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Fraktion im Friedhof mit id= #%u , repariert Eure Datenbank' WHERE entry=454;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültiges Team, bitte repariert Eure Datenbank' WHERE entry=455;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='beliebig' WHERE entry=456;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Allianz' WHERE entry=457;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Horde' WHERE entry=458;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Friedhof #%u (faction: %s) ist der nächste der zur Zone #%u gehört.' WHERE entry=459;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zone #%u hat keinen verlinkten Friedhof.' WHERE entry=460;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zone #%u hat keinen verlinkten Friedhof für die Fraktion: %s.' WHERE entry=461;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Teleportierort existiert bereits!' WHERE entry=462;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Teleportierort hinzugefügt.' WHERE entry=463;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Teleportierort NICHT hinzugefügt: Datenbankfehler.' WHERE entry=464;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Teleportierort entfernt.' WHERE entry=465;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Flugpunkte gefunden.' WHERE entry=466;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Angewählte Einheit hat %d Auren:' WHERE entry=467;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='id: %d effmask: %d charges: %d stack: %d slot %d duration: %d maxduration: %d' WHERE entry=468;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Angewählte Einheit hat %d Auren des Typs %d:' WHERE entry=469;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='id: %d eff: %d amount: %d' WHERE entry=470;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Quest %u nicht gefunden.' WHERE entry=471;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Quest %u wird von einem Item gestartet. Damit dieser korrekt funktioniert, startet ihn bitte, indem Ihr das Item zu Eurem Inventar hinzufügt und den Quest auf dem normalen Weg startet: .additem %u' WHERE entry=472;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Quest entfernt.' WHERE entry=473;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [belohnt]' WHERE entry=474;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [fertig]' WHERE entry=475;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' [aktiv]' WHERE entry=476;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s\'s Flugmodus %s' WHERE entry=477;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Opcode %u gesendet an %s' WHERE entry=478;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Charakter erfolgreich geladen!' WHERE entry=479;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Laden des Charakters gescheitert!' WHERE entry=480;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Charakter erfolgreich exportiert!' WHERE entry=481;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Exportieren des Charakters gescheitert!' WHERE entry=482;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zauber %u ist defekt und es ist nicht erlaubt ihn zu verwenden oder zu lernen!' WHERE entry=483;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Fertigkeit %u (%s) für den Spieler %s auf %u gesetzt und derzeitiges Maximum auf %u gesetzt (ohne dauerhafte (Talent-) Boni).' WHERE entry=484;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s muss die Fertigkeit %u (%s) haben, bevor er diesen Befehl verwenden kann.' WHERE entry=485;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültige Fertigkeits-ID (%u)' WHERE entry=486;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt alle vorgegebenen GM Zauber/Fertigkeiten gelernt.' WHERE entry=487;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr kennt diesen Zauber bereits.' WHERE entry=488;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ziel(%s) kennt diesen Zauber bereits.' WHERE entry=489;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s kennt diesen Zauber nicht.' WHERE entry=490;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt diesen Zauber bereits vergessen.' WHERE entry=491;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Alle Zauber-Abklingzeiten wurden für %s entfernt.' WHERE entry=492;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zauber %u Abklingzeit entfernt für %s.' WHERE entry=493;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Befehl : additem, itemId = %i, amount = %i' WHERE entry=494;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Befehl : additemset, itemsetId = %i' WHERE entry=495;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Entferne itemID %i, Anzahl %i von %s' WHERE entry=496;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kann Item \'%i\' (Anzahl: %i) nicht herstellen' WHERE entry=497;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst einen Gildennamen bestimmen!' WHERE entry=498;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler nicht gefunden!' WHERE entry=499;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler hat bereits eine Gilde!' WHERE entry=500;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gilde wurde nicht erstellt! (Vielleicht existiert bereits eine Gilde mit diesem Namen?)' WHERE entry=501;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kein Item vom Itemset \'%u\' gefunden.' WHERE entry=502;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Entfernung ist: (3D) %f (2D) %f (Exact 3D) %f (Exact 2D) %f yards.' WHERE entry=503;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%i\' \'%s\' Item Slot %i' WHERE entry=504;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%i\' existiert nicht.' WHERE entry=505;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Item \'%i\' \'%s\' zum Slot %i hinzugefügt' WHERE entry=506;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Sicherung des Items fehlgeschlagen!' WHERE entry=507;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - Besitzer: %s (Guid: %u Account: %u ) %s' WHERE entry=508;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - Absender: %s (Guid: %u Account: %u ) Empfänger: %s (Guid: %u Account: %u ) %s' WHERE entry=509;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - Besitzer: %s (Guid: %u Account: %u ) %s' WHERE entry=510;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Falscher Linktyp!' WHERE entry=511;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hitem:%d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[%s]|h|r ' WHERE entry=512;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hquest:%d:%d|h[%s]|h|r %s' WHERE entry=513;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hcreature_entry:%d|h[%s]|h|r ' WHERE entry=514;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hcreature:%d|h[%s X:%f Y:%f Z:%f MapId:%d]|h|r ' WHERE entry=515;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hgameobject_entry:%d|h[%s]|h|r ' WHERE entry=516;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d (Eintrag: %d) - |cffffffff|Hgameobject:%d|h[%s X:%f Y:%f Z:%f MapId:%d]|h|r ' WHERE `entry` = 517;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hitemset:%d|h[%s %s]|h|r ' WHERE entry=518;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffffffff|Htele:%s|h[%s]|h|r ' WHERE entry=519;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hspell:%d|h[%s]|h|r ' WHERE entry=520;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hskill:%d|h[%s %s]|h|r %s %s' WHERE entry=521;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gameobjekt (Entry: %u) nicht gefunden' WHERE entry=522;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='>> Gameobjekt %s (GUID: %u) bei %f %f %f. Orientierung %f.' WHERE entry=523;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ausgewähltes Objekt:\n|cffffffff|Hgameobject:%d|h[%s]|h|r GUID: %u ID: %u\nX: %f Y: %f Z: %f MapId: %u\nOrientierung: %f\nPhasemask %u' WHERE entry=524;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='>> Füge Game Object \'%i\' (%s) (GUID: %i) hinzu zu. Position: \'%f %f %f\'.' WHERE entry=525;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s (lowguid: %u) Bewegungsgeneratoren:' WHERE entry=526;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' leer' WHERE entry=527;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' zufällig' WHERE entry=528;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Wegepunkt' WHERE entry=529;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' zufälliges Tier' WHERE entry=530;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Verwirrt' WHERE entry=531;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Gezielt auf den Spieler %s (lowguid %u)' WHERE entry=532;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Gezielt auf die Kreatur %s (lowguid %u)' WHERE entry=533;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Gezielt auf <NULL>' WHERE entry=534;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Bewegung zum Startpunkt (X:%f Y:%f Z:%f)' WHERE entry=535;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Bewegung zum Startpunkt für Spieler?!?' WHERE entry=536;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Flugroute' WHERE entry=537;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Unbekannter Bewegungsgenerator (%u)' WHERE entry=538;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler hat NPC angewählt\nGUID: %u.\nFaction: %u.\nnpcFlags: %u.\nEntry: %u.\nDisplayID: %u (Native: %u).' WHERE entry=539;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Level: %u.' WHERE entry=540;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Leben (Basis): %u. (max): %u. (aktuell): %u.' WHERE entry=541;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Field Flags: %u.\nDynamic Flags: %u.\nFaction Template: %u.' WHERE entry=542;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Loot: %u Taschendiebstahl: %u Kürschnerei: %u' WHERE entry=543;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Position: %f %f %f.' WHERE entry=544;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='*** Ist ein Verkäufer!' WHERE entry=545;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='*** Ist ein Trainer!' WHERE entry=546;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='InstanceID: %u' WHERE entry=547;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler%s %s (guid: %u) Account: %s (id: %u) Email: %s GMLevel: %u Letzte IP: %s Letzter Login: %s Latenz: %ums' WHERE entry=548;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Rasse: %s Klasse: %s Gespielte Zeit: %s Level: %u Geld: %ug%us%uc' WHERE entry=549;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Befehl .pinfo unterstützt \'rep\'-Option für Spieler, die offline sind, nicht.' WHERE entry=550;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat nun alle Zonen aufgedeckt.' WHERE entry=551;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat nun nicht mehr alle Zonen aufgedeckt.' WHERE entry=552;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat alle Zonen für Euch aufgedeckt.' WHERE entry=553;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat alle Zonen vor Euch verborgen.' WHERE entry=554;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Schweben eingeschaltet' WHERE entry=555;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Schweben ausgeschaltet' WHERE entry=556;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat euren Level auf (%i) erhöht' WHERE entry=557;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat euren Level auf (%i) verringert' WHERE entry=558;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat euren Levelfortschritt zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=559;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Gebiet wurde als entdeckt gesetzt.' WHERE entry=560;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Gebiet wurde als nicht entdeckt gesetzt.' WHERE entry=561;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='GUID=%i \'s updateIndex: %i, Wert: %i.' WHERE entry=562;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr ändert GUID=%i \'s UpdateIndex: %i Wert auf %i.' WHERE entry=563;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Wert des Index %u ist zu groß %u(Anzahl: %u).' WHERE entry=564;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Setze %u uint32 Wert:[OPCODE]:%u [VALUE]:%u' WHERE entry=565;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr setzt %u Field:%u auf uint32 Wert: %u' WHERE entry=566;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Setze %u float Wert:[OPCODE]:%u [VALUE]:%f' WHERE entry=567;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr setzt %u Field:%i auf float Wert: %f' WHERE entry=568;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zeige %u uint32 Wert:[OPCODE]:%u [VALUE]:%u' WHERE entry=569;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der uint32 Wert von %u in %u ist: %u' WHERE entry=570;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zeige %u float Wert:[OPCODE]:%u [VALUE]:%f' WHERE entry=571;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der float von %u Wert in %u ist: %f' WHERE entry=572;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='.Set32Bit:[OPCODE]:%u [VALUE]:%u' WHERE entry=573;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr setzt Bit von Field:%u auf Wert: %u' WHERE entry=574;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='.Mod32Value:[OPCODE]:%u [VALUE]:%i' WHERE entry=575;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt den Wert des Feldes:%u auf den Wert: %u geändert' WHERE entry=576;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr seid jetzt unsichtbar.' WHERE entry=577;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr seid jetzt sichtbar.' WHERE entry=578;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Angewählter Spieler oder Kreatur haben kein Opfer.' WHERE entry=579;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s hat alle Standardzauber seiner Rasse/Klasse und Zauber, die er durch abgeschlossenen Quests bekam, erlernt.' WHERE entry=580;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gefundene Gameobjecte in der Nähe (Distanz %f): %u ' WHERE entry=581;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='SpawnTime: Gesamt:%s Verbleibend:%s' WHERE entry=582;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Hgameevent:%d|h[%s]|h|r%s' WHERE entry=583;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kein Event gefunden!' WHERE entry=584;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Event existiert nicht!' WHERE entry=585;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Event %u: %s%s\nStart: %s Ende: %s Häufigkeit: %s Länge: %s\nNächster Statuswechsel: %s' WHERE entry=586;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Event %u bereits aktiv!' WHERE entry=587;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Event %u nicht aktiv!' WHERE entry=588;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Punktbewegung nach (X:%f Y:%f Z:%f)' WHERE entry=589;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Furchtbewegung' WHERE entry=590;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3=' Ablenkungsbewegung' WHERE entry=591;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt alle Zauber in folgendem Handwerk erlernt: %s' WHERE entry=592;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zurzeit gebannte Benutzerkonten:' WHERE entry=593;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='| Account | BanDatum | UnbanDatum | Gebannt von | Grund |' WHERE entry=594;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zurzeit gebannte IPs:' WHERE entry=595;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='| IP | BanDatum | UnbanDatum | Gebannt von | Grund |' WHERE entry=596;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Aktuelle Gamemaster:' WHERE entry=597;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='| Account | GM |' WHERE entry=598;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Gamemaster vorhanden.' WHERE entry=599;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz gewinnt!' WHERE entry=600;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde gewinnt!' WHERE entry=601;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht der Kriegshymnenschlucht beginnt in 1 Minute.' WHERE entry=602;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht der Kriegshymnenschlucht beginnt in 30 Sekunden. Bereitet Euch vor!' WHERE entry=603;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Lasst die Schlacht der Kriegshymnenschlucht beginnen!' WHERE entry=604;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='$n erobert die Flagge der Horde!' WHERE entry=605;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='$n erobert die Flagge der Allianz!' WHERE entry=606;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Horde wurde von $n fallen gelassen!' WHERE entry=607;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Allianz wurde von $n fallen gelassen!' WHERE entry=608;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Allianz wurde zurück zur Basis gebracht von $n!' WHERE entry=609;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Horde wurde zurück zur Basis gebracht von $n!' WHERE entry=610;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Horde wurde von $n aufgenommen!' WHERE entry=611;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Allianz wurde von $n aufgenommen!' WHERE entry=612;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flaggen sind jetzt an ihren Basen.' WHERE entry=613;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Allianz ist an ihrer Basis!' WHERE entry=614;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge der Horde ist an ihrer Basis!' WHERE entry=615;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf im Auge des Sturms beginnt in 1 Minute.' WHERE entry=636;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf im Auge des Sturms beginnt in 30 Sekunden.' WHERE entry=637;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf im Auge des Sturms hat begonnen!' WHERE entry=638;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Allianz' WHERE entry=650;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Horde' WHERE entry=651;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Stallungen' WHERE entry=652;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Schmied' WHERE entry=653;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Farm' WHERE entry=654;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Sägewerk' WHERE entry=655;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Mine' WHERE entry=656;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die %s hat %s eingenommen' WHERE entry=657;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='$n hat %s verteidigt' WHERE entry=658;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='$n hat %s angegriffen' WHERE entry=659;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='$n nimmt %s ein! Falls es nicht verteidigt wird, wird die %s es in 1 Minute kontrollieren!' WHERE entry=660;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht des Arathibecken beginnt in 1 Minute.' WHERE entry=661;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht des Arathibecken beginnt in 30 Sekunden. Bereitet Euch vor!' WHERE entry=662;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht des Arathibecken hat begonnen' WHERE entry=663;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat $1776W an Ressourcen gesammelt und steht kurz vor dem Sieg!' WHERE entry=664;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat $1777W an Ressourcen gesammelt und steht kurz vor dem Sieg!' WHERE entry=665;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Nach deiner letzten Schlacht in %s schlug der Versuch Euch ein Ehrenabzeichen als Belohnung auszuhändigen fehl. Beiliegend findet Ihr das Ehrenabzeichen, welches wir Euch zu dieser Zeit nicht zukommen lassen konnten. Vielen Dank für den Kampf in %s!' WHERE entry=666;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Magierturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=667;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Magierturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=668;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Draeneiruinen übernommen!' WHERE entry=669;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Draeneiruinen übernommen!' WHERE entry=670;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Blutelfenturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=671;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Blutelfenturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=672;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Teufelshäscherruinen übernommen!' WHERE entry=673;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Teufelshäscherruinen übernommen!' WHERE entry=674;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Magierturm verloren!' WHERE entry=675;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Magierturm verloren!' WHERE entry=676;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Draeneiruinen verloren!' WHERE entry=677;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Draeneiruinen verloren!' WHERE entry=678;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Blutelfenturm verloren!' WHERE entry=679;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Blutelfenturm verloren!' WHERE entry=680;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Teufelshäscherruinen verloren!' WHERE entry=681;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Teufelshäscherruinen verloren!' WHERE entry=682;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s hat die Flagge aufgenommen!' WHERE entry=683;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Flagge erobert!' WHERE entry=684;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Flagge erobert!' WHERE entry=685;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge wurde fallengelassen.' WHERE entry=686;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Flagge wurde zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=687;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %u haben um ein Arenateam zu gründen' WHERE entry=700;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eine Minute, bis die Arenaschlacht beginnt!' WHERE entry=701;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='30 Sekunden, bis die Arenaschlacht beginnt!' WHERE entry=702;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='15 Sekunden, bis die Arenaschlacht beginnt!' WHERE entry=703;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Arenaschlacht hat begonnen!' WHERE entry=704;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst %s warten bevor Ihr wieder sprechen könnt' WHERE entry=705;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Diese(s) Item(s) hat/haben Probleme mit dem ausrüsten/lagern im Inventar' WHERE entry=706;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s möchte nicht gestört werden und kann keine Flüsternachrichten erhalten: %s ' WHERE entry=707;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s ist abwesend von der Tastatur: %s' WHERE entry=708;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bitte nicht stören.' WHERE entry=709;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Abwesend von der Tastatur' WHERE entry=710;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Warteschlangenstatus für %s (Lvl: %u to %u)\n Warteschlange Allianz: %u (Brauchen noch mindestens %u mehr)\n Warteschlange Horde: %u (Brauchen noch mindestens %u mehr)' WHERE entry=711;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffff0000[BG Ansager für Warteschlange]:|r %s -- [%u-%u] A: %u/%u, H: %u/%u|r' WHERE entry=712;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst Level %u sein, um einem Arenateam beitreten zu können!' WHERE entry=713;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Level von %s reicht nicht, um eurem Team beitreten zu können.' WHERE entry=714;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr erfüllt die Vorraussetzungen für das Schlachtfeld nicht' WHERE entry=715;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Arenteam ist voll, %s kann nicht mehr beitreten.' WHERE entry=716;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffff0000[BG Ansager für Warteschlange]:|r %s -- [%u-%u] beginnt!|r' WHERE entry=717;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffff0000[BG Ansager für Warteschlange]:|r %s -- beigetreten : %ux%u : %u|r' WHERE entry=718;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffff0000[BG Ansager für Warteschlange]:|r %s -- verlassen : %ux%u : %u|r' WHERE entry=719;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Gruppe ist zu groß für das Schlachtfeld. Bitte macht eine neue Gruppe um beizutreten.' WHERE entry=720;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Gruppe ist zu groß für diese Arena. Bitte macht eine neue Gruppe um beizutreten.' WHERE entry=721;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='In eurer Gruppe befinden sich Mitglieder die nicht zu eurem Arena-Team gehören. Bitte macht eine neue Gruppe um beizutreten.' WHERE entry=722;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Gruppe hat nicht genug Spieler um der Schlacht beitreten zu können.' WHERE entry=723;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das goldene Team gewinnt!' WHERE entry=724;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das grüne Team gewinnt!' WHERE entry=725;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es sind nicht genug Spieler auf diesem Schlachtfeld. Daher wird der Kampf bald beendet, es sei denn es treten mehr Spieler dem Kampf bei um das Verhältnis zwischen Allianz und Horde auszugleichen.' WHERE entry=726;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Gruppe hat ein Mitglied das offline ist. Bitte entfernt ihn bevor ihr beitretet.' WHERE entry=727;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Gruppe hat einen Spieler von der andere Fraktion. Ihr könnt nicht als eine Gruppe das Schlachtfeld betreten.' WHERE entry=728;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Gruppe hat einen Spieler der nicht in euere Schlachtfeldlevel passt (1-9,10-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79,80). Ihr könnt nicht als eine Gruppe das Schlachtfeld betreten.' WHERE entry=729;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Irgendjemand in eurer Gruppe ist schon in der Warteschlange für dieses Schlachtfeld. Er/Sie muss diese verlassen um als Gruppe beitreten zu können.' WHERE entry=730;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Irgendjemand in eurer Gruppe ist ein Deserteur. Ihr könnt nicht als Gruppe beitreten.' WHERE entry=731;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Irgendjemand in eurer Gruppe ist schon in 3 Schlachtfeldern angemeldet. Ihr könnt nicht als Gruppe beitreten.' WHERE entry=732;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt euch nicht zu einem Schlachtfeld oder einer Arena-Karte teleportieren.' WHERE entry=733;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt keinen Spieler zu einem Schlachtfeld oder einer Arena-Karte beschwören.' WHERE entry=734;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst im GM-Modus sein um euch zu einem Spieler teleportieren zu können, der sich auf einem Schlachtfeld befindet.' WHERE entry=735;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt euch nicht von einem zum anderen Schlachtfeld teleportieren. Bitte verlasst zuerst das gegenwärtige Schlachtfeld. ' WHERE entry=736;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zu Testzwecken wurden die Arenaspielerbegrenzung auf 1v1 gesetzt. Nun braucht ihr keine Gruppe mehr.' WHERE entry=737;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Arenen wurden auf ihre ursprünglichen Spielerbegrenzungen zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=738;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zu Testzwecken wurden die Schlachtfeldspielerbegrenzung auf 1v0 gesetzt.' WHERE entry=739;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlachtfelder wurden auf ihre ursprünglichen Spielerbegrenzungen zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=740;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gleiche die Arenapunkte basierend auf den Teamwertungen ab, dies kann einige Minuten dauern. Bitte warten...' WHERE entry=741;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Verteile Arenapunkte auf die Spieler...' WHERE entry=742;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Arenapunkte für die Spieler, die online sind, wurden erfolgreich verteilt.' WHERE entry=743;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ändere Spieleranzahl, Arenapunkte etc. für geladene Arenateams, sende geänderte Werte an die Spieler, die online sind...' WHERE entry=744;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Änderung abgeschlossen.' WHERE entry=745;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Abgleichen der Arenapunkte abgeschlossen.' WHERE entry=746;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Dieses Schlachtfeld ist gesperrt. Ihr könnte der Warteschlange nicht beitreten.' WHERE entry=747;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Arenakämpfe sind gesperrt. Ihr könnt der Warteschlange nicht beitreten.' WHERE entry=748;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Nicht genug Spieler. Das Spiel wird in %u Minuten geschlossen.' WHERE entry=750;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Nicht genug Spieler. Das Spiel wird in %u Sekunden geschlossen.' WHERE entry=751;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht der Kriegshymnenschlucht beginnt in 2 Minuten.' WHERE entry=753;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht des Arathibecken beginnt in 2 Minuten.' WHERE entry=754;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf im Auge des Sturms beginnt in 2 Minuten.' WHERE entry=755;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Arena Prüfung auf %s geschaltet.' WHERE entry=785;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffff0000[Automatisch]:|r' WHERE entry=786;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffffff00[|c1f40af20Angekündigt von|r |cffff0000%s|cffffff00]:|r %s|r' WHERE entry=787;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='ungültiger Name' WHERE entry=800;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt nicht genügend Gold' WHERE entry=801;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt nicht genügend freie Plätze' WHERE entry=802;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eure Partner hat nicht genügend freie Taschenplätze' WHERE entry=803;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt nicht die Berechtigung um diese Funktion auszuführen' WHERE entry=804;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Unbekannte Sprache' WHERE entry=805;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr kennt diese Sprache nicht' WHERE entry=806;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bitte gebt den Charakternamen an' WHERE entry=807;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s nicht gefunden oder offline' WHERE entry=808;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account für den Charakter %s nicht gefunden' WHERE entry=809;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|Hplayer:$N|h[$N]|h hat den Erfolg $a errungen!' WHERE entry=810;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gildenmeister' WHERE entry=811;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Offizier' WHERE entry=812;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Veteran' WHERE entry=813;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Mitglied' WHERE entry=814;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Anfänger' WHERE entry=815;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Achtung: Ihr seid in eine Flugverbotszone eingedrungen und werdet demnächst zum Absteigen gezwungen werden.' WHERE entry=816;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eintrag %u in der creature_template Datei nicht gefunden.' WHERE entry=817;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eintrag %u in sCreatureStorage nicht gefunden. Möglicherweise ein neuer Eintrag in creature_template. Das Hinzufügen neuer NPCs erfordert einen Serverneustart.' WHERE entry=818;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Stadt' WHERE entry=819;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Beende daemon...' WHERE entry=1000;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account wurde gelöscht: %s' WHERE entry=1001;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account %s wurde NICHT gelöscht (SQL Dateiformat wurde warscheinlich aktualisiert)' WHERE entry=1002;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account %s wurde NICHT gelöscht (unbekannter Fehler)' WHERE entry=1003;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account erstellt: %s' WHERE entry=1004;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account Name kann nicht länger als 16 Zeichen sein (Client Limit). Account wurde nicht erstellt!' WHERE entry=1005;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Es existiert bereits ein Account mit diesem Namen!' WHERE entry=1006;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account %s wurde NICHT erstellt (SQL Dateiformat wurde warscheinlich aktualisiert)' WHERE entry=1007;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account %s wurde NICHT erstellt (unbekannter Fehler)' WHERE entry=1008;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s (Guid: %u) Account %s (Id: %u) wurde gelöscht.' WHERE entry=1009;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='-[ Account][ Character][ IP][Map][Zone][Exp][GMLev]-' WHERE entry=1010;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|<Fehler> | %20s |<Fehler> |<Fe>| <Fehler> |' WHERE entry=1011;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='-==================================================================-' WHERE entry=1012;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='-[%16s][%12s][%15s][%3d][%4d][%d][%d]-' WHERE entry=1013;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Spieler online.' WHERE entry=1014;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='-======================== Characters Online =======================-' WHERE entry=1015;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='| GUID | Name | Account | gelöscht am |' WHERE entry=1016;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='| %10u | %20s | %15s (%10u) | %19s |' WHERE entry=1017;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='==========================================================================================' WHERE entry=1018;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Charactere gefunden' WHERE entry=1019;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die folgenden Charactere werden wiederhergestellt.' WHERE entry=1020;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die folgenden Charactere werden gelöscht.' WHERE entry=1021;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='FEHLER: Ein neuer Name kann nur vergeben werden, wenn nur ein Character ausgewählt wurde!' WHERE entry=1022;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Character \'%s\' (GUID: %u Account %u) kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Der Account existiert nicht!' WHERE entry=1023;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Character \'%s\' (GUID: %u Account %u) kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Die Character-Liste des Accounts ist voll!' WHERE entry=1024;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Character \'%s\' (GUID: %u Account %u) kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Der neue Name wird bereits verwendet!' WHERE entry=1025;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='GUID: %u Name: %s Account: %s (%u) Datum: %s' WHERE entry=1026;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Dem Account %s (Id: %u) sind jetzt die Erweiterungen bis %u zugelassen.' WHERE entry=1100;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Nachricht des Tages wurde geändert zu:\r\n%s' WHERE entry=1101;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Nachricht geschickt an %s: %s' WHERE entry=1102;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s %s' WHERE entry=1103;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s' WHERE entry=1104;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s' WHERE entry=1105;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s %s' WHERE entry=1106;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s' WHERE entry=1107;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s %s' WHERE entry=1108;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s %s %s %s' WHERE entry=1109;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s X:%f Y:%f Z:%f MapId:%d' WHERE entry=1110;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s X:%f Y:%f Z:%f MapId:%d' WHERE entry=1111;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Öffnen folgender Datei fehlgeschlagen: %s' WHERE entry=1112;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Account %s (%u) hat die maximal erlaubt Anzahl Charaktere (Client Limit)' WHERE entry=1113;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Dump file enthält fehlerhafte Daten!' WHERE entry=1114;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültiger Charakter Name!' WHERE entry=1115;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültige Charakter Guid!' WHERE entry=1116;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Charakter Guid %u wird bereits verwendet!' WHERE entry=1117;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - Gilde: %s (Guid: %u) %s' WHERE entry=1118;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst "male" (männlich) oder "female" (weiblich) als Geschlecht benutzen.' WHERE entry=1119;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr verändert das Geschlecht von %s auf %s.' WHERE entry=1120;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Geschlecht wurde auf %s von %s geändert.' WHERE entry=1121;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='(%u/%u +perm %u +temp %u)' WHERE entry=1122;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kein Tier gefunden' WHERE entry=1123;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Falsche Tierart' WHERE entry=1124;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Euer Tier hat alle Talente erlernt.' WHERE entry=1125;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Talente von deinem Tier wurden zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=1126;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Talente von %s\'s Tier wurden zurückgesetzt.' WHERE entry=1127;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - |cffffffff|Htaxinode:%u|h[%s %s]|h|r (Map:%u X:%f Y:%f Z:%f)' WHERE entry=1128;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%d - %s %s (Map:%u X:%f Y:%f Z:%f)' WHERE entry=1129;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Abbruch: Gelöschte Chars können nicht gedumpt werden.' WHERE entry=1130;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die folgenden Chars entsprechen eurer Suchanfrage.' WHERE entry=1131;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zur Zeit gebannte Chars:' WHERE entry=1132;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='| Character | Ban Datum | Unban Datum | gebannt von | Ban Grund |' WHERE entry=1133;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr versucht den Film %u anzusehen, dieser existiert jedoch nicht.' WHERE entry=1200;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr versucht den Film %u anzusehen, dieser existiert jedoch nicht.' WHERE entry=1201;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Areatrigger debugging eingeschaltet.' WHERE entry=1202;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Areatrigger debugging abgeschaltet.' WHERE entry=1203;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr seid bei Areatrigger %u.' WHERE entry=1204;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Allianz' WHERE entry=1300;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Horde' WHERE entry=1301;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wurde von der %s zerstört!' WHERE entry=1302;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wird angegriffen! Wenn er unbewacht bleibt, wird die %s ihn zerstören!' WHERE entry=1303;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wurde von der %s erobert!' WHERE entry=1304;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wurde von der %s erobert!' WHERE entry=1305;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wurde von der %s erobert!' WHERE entry=1306;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wird angegriffen! Wenn er unbewacht bleibt, wird die %s ihn erobern!' WHERE entry=1307;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die %s hat die %s eingenommen! Die dort befindlichen Vorräte werden zur Verstärkung eingesetzt!' WHERE entry=1308;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eisenschachtmine' WHERE entry=1309;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Eisbeißermine' WHERE entry=1310;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Lazarett der Sturmlanzen' WHERE entry=1311;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Südbunker von Dun Baldar' WHERE entry=1312;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Nordbunker von Dun Baldar' WHERE entry=1313;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Friedhof der Sturmlanzen' WHERE entry=1314;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Eisschwingenbunker' WHERE entry=1315;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Steinbruchfriedhof' WHERE entry=1316;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Steinbruchbunker' WHERE entry=1317;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Schneewehenfriedhof' WHERE entry=1318;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Eisblutturm' WHERE entry=1319;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Eisblutfriedhof' WHERE entry=1320;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Turmstellung' WHERE entry=1321;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Friedhof der Frostwölfe' WHERE entry=1322;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der östliche Frostwolfturm' WHERE entry=1323;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der westliche Frostwolfturm' WHERE entry=1324;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Heilerhütte der Frostwölfe' WHERE entry=1325;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf um das Alteractal beginnt in 1 Minute.' WHERE entry=1326;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf um das Alteractal beginnt in 30 Sekunden.' WHERE entry=1327;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf um das Alteractal hat begonnen!' WHERE entry=1328;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat nurnoch wenige Verstärkungspunkte' WHERE entry=1329;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat nurnoch wenige Verstärkungspunkte' WHERE entry=1330;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der General der Frostwölfe ist tot!' WHERE entry=1331;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der General der Sturmlanzen ist tot!' WHERE entry=1332;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Kampf um das Alteractal beginnt in 2 Minuten.' WHERE entry=1333;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Neues Ticket von|r|cffff00ff %s.|r |cff00ff00Ticket entry:|r|cffff00ff %d.|r' WHERE entry=2000;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Charakter|r|cffff00ff %s |r|cff00ff00bearbeite ihr/sein Ticket:|r|cffff00ff %d.|r' WHERE entry=2001;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Charakter|r|cffff00ff %s |r|cff00ff00aufgegebene Ticket entry:|r|cffff00ff %d.|r' WHERE entry=2002;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Geschlossen von|r:|cff00ccff %s|r ' WHERE entry=2003;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Gelöscht von|r:|cff00ccff %s|r ' WHERE entry=2004;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ticket nicht gefunden.' WHERE entry=2005;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bitte Ticket erst schließen. Bevor es endgültig gelöscht wird.' WHERE entry=2006;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ticket %d ist bereits zugeordnet.' WHERE entry=2007;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%u Tickets erfolgreich neu geladen.' WHERE entry=2008;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zeige die Liste der offenen Tickets an.' WHERE entry=2009;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zeige die Liste der offenen Tickets an, deren Autor online ist, an.' WHERE entry=2010;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zeige die Liste der geschlossenen Tickets an.' WHERE entry=2011;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ungültiger Name. Der Name sollte von einem Gamemaster sein der online ist.' WHERE entry=2012;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Dieses Ticket ist euch bereits zugeordnet. Um es neu zuzuweisen verwendet ".ticket unassign %d" und ordnet es neu zu.' WHERE entry=2013;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ticket %d ist nicht zugewiesen. Ihr könnt keine Zuweisung löschen.' WHERE entry=2014;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt keine Ticket-Zuordnung zu einem Teammitglieder das ein höheres Sicherheitslevel als ihr hat auflösen.' WHERE entry=2015;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Kann das Ticket %d nicht schließen. Es ist einem anderen GM zugeordnet.' WHERE entry=2016;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffaaffaaTicket|r:|cffaaccff %d.|r ' WHERE entry=2017;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Erstellt von|r:|cff00ccff %s|r ' WHERE entry=2018;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00letzte Änderung|r:|cff00ccff vor %s|r ' WHERE entry=2019;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Zugewiesen zu|r:|cff00ccff %s|r ' WHERE entry=2020;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Zuordnung aufgelöst von|r:|cff00ccff %s|r ' WHERE entry=2021;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Nachricht|r: [%s]|r ' WHERE entry=2022;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00GM-Kommentar|r: [%s]|r ' WHERE entry=2023;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ccff%s|r |cff00ff00Kommentar hinzugefügt|r: [%s]|r ' WHERE entry=2024;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cff00ff00Erzeugt|r:|cff00ccff vor %s|r ' WHERE entry=2025;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt Spieler %s eingefroren' WHERE entry=5000;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das könnte zwar recht lustig werden, aber nein... ihr könnt euch nicht selbst einfrieren!' WHERE entry=5001;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Falsche Eingabe! Überprüfe den Namen des Ziels.' WHERE entry=5002;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Spieler %s ist nicht mehr eingefroren.' WHERE entry=5003;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zur Zeit sind keine Spieler eingefroren.' WHERE entry=5004;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Folgende Spieler sind zur Zeit auf dem Server eingefroren:' WHERE entry=5005;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='- %s' WHERE entry=5006;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst einem Schlachtzug angehören, um diese Instanz zu betreten.' WHERE entry=5007;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Diese Instanz ist geschlossen.' WHERE entry=5008;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Sound %u wird für den ganzen Server abgespielt.' WHERE entry=5009;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='linkGUID: %u, Entry: %u (%s)' WHERE entry=5010;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr könnt euch nicht zu euch selbst teleportieren.' WHERE entry=5011;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Keine Karten gefunden.' WHERE entry=5012;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Kontinent]' WHERE entry=5013;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Instanz]' WHERE entry=5014;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Schlachtfeld]' WHERE entry=5015;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Arena]' WHERE entry=5016;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Raid reset Zeit: %s]' WHERE entry=5017;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Heroisch reset Zeit: %s]' WHERE entry=5018;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='[Reitbar]' WHERE entry=5019;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Phasemask: %u' WHERE entry=5020;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Rüstung: %u' WHERE entry=5021;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Channel Passwort nicht geändert. Dies ist ein öffentlicher Channel, Änderung nur mit GM-Rechten möglich.' WHERE entry=5022;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Channel: %s Öffentlichkeit auf %u geändert.' WHERE entry=5023;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Entry: %u' WHERE entry=5024;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Type: %u' WHERE entry=5025;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='DisplayID: %u' WHERE entry=5026;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Name: %s' WHERE entry=5027;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Lootid: %u' WHERE entry=5028;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Zu viele Ergebnisse. (max: %d Ergebnisse)' WHERE entry=5029;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %d sein, bevor Ihr sprechen, rufen oder emotes nutzen dürft.' WHERE entry=6604;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %d sein, bevor Ihr flüstern dürft.' WHERE entry=6605;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %d sein, bevor Ihr in Channels schreiben dürft.' WHERE entry=6606;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %d sein, bevor Ihr das Auktionshaus nutzen dürft.' WHERE entry=6607;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %d sein, bevor Ihr Tickets schreiben dürft.' WHERE entry=6608;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %d sein, bevor Ihr handeln dürft.' WHERE entry=6609;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Der Handel mit Spielern unter Level %d ist nicht möglich.' WHERE entry=6610;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr müsst mindestens Level %d sein, bevor Ihr Post senden dürft.' WHERE entry=6611;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Das Senden von Post an Spielern unter Level %d ist nicht möglich.' WHERE entry=6612;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cfff00000[GM Ankündigung]: %s|r' WHERE entry=6613;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Mitteilung an GM\'s - ' WHERE entry=6614;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffffff00[|c1f40af20GM Ankündigung von|r |cffff0000%s|cffffff00]:|r %s|r' WHERE entry=6615;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ruhe ist AN für %s' WHERE entry=6616;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Welt: Verweigere Verbindungen' WHERE entry=7523;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Welt: Akzeptiere Verbindungen' WHERE entry=7524;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Rundblick übernommen!' WHERE entry=10001;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Rundblick übernommen!' WHERE entry=10002;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über das Stadium übernommen!' WHERE entry=10003;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über das Stadium übernommen!' WHERE entry=10004;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Trümmerbastion übernommen!' WHERE entry=10005;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Trümmerbastion übernommen!' WHERE entry=10006;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Rundblick verloren!' WHERE entry=10007;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Rundblick verloren!' WHERE entry=10008;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über das Stadium verloren!' WHERE entry=10009;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über das Stadium verloren!' WHERE entry=10010;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Trümmerbastion verloren!' WHERE entry=10011;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Trümmerbastion verloren!' WHERE entry=10012;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über das westliche Leuchtsignal übernommen!' WHERE entry=10013;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über das westliche Leuchtsignal übernommen!' WHERE entry=10014;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über das östliche Leuchtsignal übernommen!' WHERE entry=10015;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über das östliche Leuchtsignal übernommen!' WHERE entry=10016;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Ruinen der Zwillingsspitze übernommen!' WHERE entry=10017;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Ruinen der Zwillingsspitze übernommen!' WHERE entry=10018;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über das westliche Leuchtsignal verloren!' WHERE entry=10019;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über das westliche Leuchtsignal verloren!' WHERE entry=10020;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über das östliche Leuchtsignal verloren!' WHERE entry=10021;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über das östliche Leuchtsignal verloren!' WHERE entry=10022;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über die Ruinen der Zwillingsspitze verloren!' WHERE entry=10023;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über die Ruinen der Zwillingsspitze verloren!' WHERE entry=10024;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat Halaa erobert!' WHERE entry=10025;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat Halaa erobert!' WHERE entry=10026;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat Halaa verloren!' WHERE entry=10027;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat Halaa verloren!' WHERE entry=10028;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über einen Geisterturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10029;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über einen Geisterturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10030;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über einen Geisterturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10031;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über einen Geisterturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10032;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Nordpassturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10033;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Nordpassturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10034;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Ostwallturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10035;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Ostwallturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10036;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Turm der Kronwache übernommen!' WHERE entry=10037;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Turm der Kronwache übernommen!' WHERE entry=10038;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Pestwaldturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10039;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Pestwaldturm übernommen!' WHERE entry=10040;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Nordpassturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10041;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Nordpassturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10042;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Ostwallturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10043;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Ostwallturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10044;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Turm der Kronwache verloren!' WHERE entry=10045;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Turm der Kronwache verloren!' WHERE entry=10046;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat die Kontrolle über den Pestwaldturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10047;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat die Kontrolle über den Pestwaldturm verloren!' WHERE entry=10048;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat 200 Silithyst eingesammelt!' WHERE entry=10049; /* Silithyst(s) ?! Should be verified */
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat 200 Silithyst eingesammelt!' WHERE entry=10050; /* Silithyst(s) ?! Should be verified */
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bringt mich zum Nordpassturm.' WHERE entry=10051;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bringt mich zum Ostwallturm.' WHERE entry=10052;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Bringt mich zum Turm der Kronwache.' WHERE entry=10053;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gebt mir die Flagge, ich werde sie zum zentralen Leuchtsignal bringen. Zum Ruhm der Allianz!' WHERE entry=10054;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Gebt mir die Flagge, ich werde sie zum zentralen Leuchtsignal bringen. Zum Ruhm der Horde!' WHERE entry=10055;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht um den Strand der Uralten beginnt in 2 Minuten.' WHERE entry=10056;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht um den Strand der Uralten beginnt in 1 Minute.' WHERE entry=10057;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Schlacht um den Strand der Uralten beginnt in 30 Sekunden. Bereitet Euch vor!' WHERE entry=10058;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Lasst die Schlacht um den Strand der Uralten beginnen!' WHERE entry=10059;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wird angegriffen!' WHERE entry=10060;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='%s wurde zerstört!' WHERE entry=10061;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Runde 1 - beendet.' WHERE entry=10062;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat das Titanen Portal erobert.' WHERE entry=10063;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat das Titanen Portal erobert.' WHERE entry=10064;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Runde 2 der Schlacht um den Strand der Uralten beginnt in 1 Minute.' WHERE entry=10065;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Runde 2 der Schlacht um den Strand der Uralten beginnt in 30 Sekunden. Bereitet Euch vor!' WHERE entry=10066;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Kammer ist aufgebrochen! Das Relikt der Titanen ist verwundbar!' WHERE entry=10067;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat den südlichen Friedhof erobert.' WHERE entry=10068;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat den westlichen Friedhof erobert.' WHERE entry=10069;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Allianz hat den östlichen Friedhof erobert.' WHERE entry=10070;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat den südlichen Friedhof erobert.' WHERE entry=10071;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat den westlichen Friedhof erobert.' WHERE entry=10072;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Die Horde hat den östlichen Friedhof erobert.' WHERE entry=10073;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='|cffffff00[|c00077766Autobroadcast|cffffff00]: |cFFF222FF%s|r' WHERE entry=11000;
UPDATE trinity_string SET content_loc3='Ihr habt nicht -1 oder die aktuelle realmId eures Realms angegeben.' WHERE entry=11001;
Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
Muss meine "Filler entrys" angleichen und ans Ende schieben wie schon angesagt.
Abgleich mit :
-- ==========================================================
-- Current Complete Local Text Table for all Accepted Scripts
-- ==========================================================
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_texts` (`entry`,`content_default`,`sound`,`type`,`language`,`comment`,`emote`) VALUES
('-1','I see those fools at the Abbey sent some fresh meat for us.','0','0','0','103','0'),
('-2','The Brotherhood will not tolerate your actions.','0','0','0','Common Defias Text','0'),
('-3','Ah, a chance to use this freshly sharpened blade.','0','0','0','Common Defias Text','0'),
('-4','Feel the power of the Brotherhood!','0','0','0','Common Defias Text','0'),
('-5','More bones to gnaw on...','0','0','0','Common Gnoll Text','0'),
('-6','Grrrr... fresh meat!','0','0','0','Common Gnoll Text','0'),
('-7','You no take candle!','0','0','0','Common Kobold Text','0'),
('-8','Yiieeeee! Me run!','0','0','0','Common Kobold Text','0'),
('-9','What aggravation is this? You will die!','11205','1','0','17978','0'),
('-10','Scream while you burn! ','11211','1','0','17978','0'),
('-11','I\'ll incinerate you!','11210','1','0','17978','0'),
('-12','I revel in your pain!','11209','1','0','17978','0'),
('-13','You seek a prize, eh? How about death?','11206','1','0','17978','0'),
('-14','Your life will be mine!','11208','1','0','17978','0'),
('-15','I hate to say I told you so...','11207','1','0','17978','0'),
('-16','You won\'t... get far.','11212','1','0','17978','0'),
('-17','Insolent fool! You thought to steal Zelemar\'s blood? You shall pay with your own!','0','1','0','17830','0'),
('-18','For Victory! For Agamaggan!','5812','1','0','4420','0'),
('-19','I\'m gonna cook ya, and then i\'m going to eat ya!','0','0','0','20905','1'),
('-20','I hope you die! Painfully!','0','0','0','20905','0'),
('-21','Mission accomplished.','11073','1','0','17976','0'),
('-22','VanCleef pay big for you heads!','5774','1','0','644','0'),
('-23','Cipher of Damnation belongs to us now!','0','0','0','20427','0'),
('-24','The master will know of this incursion. You will be hunted for all eternity!','0','0','0','20427','0'),
-- Please Re-Use -25 to -27
('-28','You do not belong here! Ancients, rise against these intruders!','0','1','0','11489','0'),
('-29','You no challenge me, scrubs! I\'m da king now, and I stay king FOREVER!!!','0','0','0','11501','0'),
('-30','%s blood sprays into the air!','0','2','0','Common Gnomeregan Emote','0'),
('-31','%s is splashed by the blood and becomes irradiated!','0','2','0','Common Gnomeregan Emote','0'),
('-32','Electric justice!','5811','1','0','6235','0'),
('-33','Warning! Warning! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!','0','1','0','7849','0'),
('-34','Step forward! I will see that you are properly welcomed.','11071','1','0','17976','0'),
('-35','Oh stop your whimpering.','11072','1','0','17976','0'),
('-36','I have not yet... begun to...','11079','1','0','17976','0'),
('-37','You are no longer dealing with some underling.','11076','1','0','17976','0'),
('-38','Band\'or shorel\'aran!','11077','1','0','17976','0'),
('-39','Guards! Come and kill these intruders!','11078','1','0','17976','0'),
('-40','Is this the end?','0','0','0','15551','0'),
('-41','What will become of...','0','0','0','15551','0'),
('-42','Time to join us, $c.','0','0','0','1157','0'),
('-44','I am finished!','0','0','0','16407','0'),
('-45','The master... will be angry...','0','0','0','16407','0'),
('-46','%s becomes enraged!','0','2','0','Common Text','0'),
('-47','%s attempts to run away in fear!','0','2','0','Common Text','0'),
('-48','You are spotted by the eye of Grillok!','0','2','0','19440','0'),
('-49','Wait... No! No!','0','0','0','16414','0'),
('-50','Not... Fair...','0','0','0','16409','0'),
('-51','The fates have turned against me!','0','0','0','16408','0'),
('-52','Where am I? What...','0','0','0','16406','0'),
('-53','What is happening?','0','0','0','16406','0'),
('-54','You... will... pay...','0','0','0','16424','0'),
('-55','You will be punished!','0','0','0','16424','0'),
('-56','Five seconds! I\'m not kidding!','0','0','0','Mistress Text','1'),
('-57','So I said, \"Yeah, but that\'ll cost you extra.\"','0','0','0','Mistress Text','1'),
('-58','He asked if the imp could join in... can you believe it? Actually, it wasn\'t half bad...','0','0','0','Mistress Text','1'),
('-59','We could have had so much fun!','0','0','0','Mistress Text','0'),
('-60','They fall asleep after. Me, I fall asleep during....','0','0','0','Mistress Text','1'),
('-61','I\'ll miss the show!','0','0','0','16468','0'),
('-62','Yes... I think I remember now...','0','0','0','16468','0'),
('-63','It\'s all... coming back to me.','0','1','0','16470','0'),
('-64','Is it really over?','0','0','0','16470','0'),
('-65','Free... at last.','0','0','0','16481','0'),
('-66','Time to move on...','0','0','0','16481','0'),
('-67','Death is far too merciful for your kind.','0','0','0','16485','0'),
('-68','The same fate awaits all who would steal from the master.','0','0','0','16485','0'),
('-69','Others will take my place!','0','0','0','16485','0'),
('-70','This... changes nothing. Eternal damnation awaits you!','0','0','0','16485','0'),
('-71','Turn your back while you can!','0','0','0','16544','0'),
('-72','You will succeed only in damning yourselves!','0','0','0','16544','0'),
('-73','So dark...','0','0','0','11936','1'),
('-74','Aaaaahhh! So close to escaping.','0','0','0','Common Gnome Text','0'),
('-75','%s skitters out from the shadows...','0','2','0','16179','0'),
('-76','Hey! Where do you think you are going, sneaking around like that?','0','1','0','16408','0'),
('-77','Dumb! Don\'t shoot at it! Gekgek want trophy in one piece!','0','0','0','28095','0'),
('-78','No let it get away! We got it this time.','0','0','0','28095','0'),
('-79','Careful! No let it scratch you like last time.','0','0','0','28095','0'),
('-80','Gekgek finally trap dumb cat. You Gekgek\'s now!','0','0','0','28095','0'),
('-81','Your strategy was flawed.','11102','1','0','19218','0'),
('-82','Yes, the only logical outcome.','11103','1','0','19218','0'),
('-83','An unforeseen... contingency.','11106','1','0','19218','0'),
('-84','Measure twice, cut once.','11104','1','0','19218','0'),
('-85','If my division is correct you should be quite dead.','11105','1','0','19218','0'),
('-86','I predict a painful death.','11101','1','0','19218','0'),
('-87','You should split while you can.','11162','1','0','19219','0'),
('-88','Damn, I\'m good!','11164','1','0','19219','0'),
('-90','Go ahead, gimme your best shot. I can take it!','11166','1','0','19219','0'),
('-91','Think you can hurt me, huh? Think I\'m afraid of you?!','11165','1','0','19219','0'),
('-92','Can\'t say I didn\'t warn you!','11163','1','0','19219','0'),
('-93','The work must continue.','10376','1','0','17941','0'),
('-94','Don\'t make me kill you!','10378','1','0','17941','0'),
('-95','You brought this on yourselves.','10379','1','0','17941','0'),
('-96','It had to be done.','10380','1','0','17941','0'),
('-97','You should not have come.','10381','1','0','17941','0'),
('-98','I... Deserve this.','10382','1','0','17941','0'),
('-99','You will never wake the dreamer!','5785','1','0','3669','0'),
('-100','%s lets out a high pitched screech, calling for help!','0','2','0','1021','0'),
('-101','For the Dragonmaw!','0','0','1','Common Dragonmaw Text','0'),
('-102','Long live the Dragonmaw! Die you worthless $r!','0','0','1','Common Dragonmaw Text','0'),
('-104','This land belongs to the Dark Iron Dwarves. Prepare to see the afterlife, $c!','0','0','6','1364','0'),
('-105','Your bones will break under my boot, $r!','0','0','1','2108','0'),
('-106','%s goes into a frenzy!','0','2','0','Enrage Text','0'),
('-107','Protect the innocent!','0','0','0','15638','0'),
('-108','Serve the Public Trust!','0','0','0','15638','0'),
('-109','Uphold the Law!','0','0','0','15638','0'),
('-110','Take heart! Your friends will not long mourn your passing!','0','0','0','15638','0'),
('-111','%s bursts, showering the area with arcane residue!','0','2','0','15648','0'),
('-112','Your world is ours now.','11056','1','0','17767','0'),
('-113','More, more, more! I must feed soon.','0','0','10','Common Wretched Text','0'),
('-114','I cannot stand the pain. I must find a new source.','0','0','10','Common Wretched Text','0'),
('-115','Haven\'t you done enough harm? Must you also disturb my slumber?','0','0','0','19456','0'),
('-116','What good does this violence serve? What is done is done. I have failed my people.','0','0','0','19456','0'),
('-117','Abandon all hope! The Legion has returned to finish what was begun so many years ago. This time, there will be no escape!','10999','1','0','17842','0'),
('-118','Reesh, hokta!','11001','1','0','17842','0'),
('-119','Just a taste... of what awaits you.','11046','1','0','17842','0'),
('-120','Don\'t fight it.','11047','1','0','17842','0'),
('-121','Your time is almost... up.','11002','1','0','17842','0'),
('-122','No one is going to save you.','11048','1','0','17842','0'),
('-123','I am the serpent king! I can do anything.','5788','1','0','3673','0'),
('-125','The Legion\'s final conquest has begun! Once again the subjugation of this world is within our grasp. Let none survive!','11022','1','0','17767','0'),
('-126','Succumb to the icy chill... of death!','11024','1','0','17767','0'),
('-127','It will be much colder in your grave.','11058','1','0','17767','0'),
('-128','Crumble and rot!','11023','1','0','17767','0'),
('-129','Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.','11055','1','0','17767','0'),
('-130','All life must perish!','11025','1','0','17767','0'),
('-131','Victory to the Legion!','11057','1','0','17767','0'),
('-132','You have won this battle, but not... the... war.','11026','1','0','17767','0'),
('-133','Troublesome whelps. I\'ll teach you to interfere!','5813','1','0','4421','0'),
('-134','Our new allies will avenge us!','5814','1','0','4421','0'),
('-135','You outsiders will pay for encroaching on our land!','5815','1','0','4421','0'),
('-136','Bah! My power rules here!','5816','1','0','4421','0'),
('-137','I will be reborn, mortals! Incendius shall raise me from these ashes!','0','0','0','9026','0'),
('-138','It\'s so cold, so dark.... I\'m not overacting, am I?','0','0','0','16473','0'),
-- ('-139','You have come to play? Then let us play!','0','0','0','9520','0'),
('-140','The coils of death... Will crush you.','5787','1','0','3670','0'),
('-141','Invaders! Sound the Alarm!','0','1','0','23586','0'),
('-142','Get it while it\'s hot!','0','0','0','3518','0'),
('-143','Any intruders must be eliminated!','0','1','0','Tempest Keep','0'),
('-144','Protect the Botanica at all costs!','0','1','0','17976','0'),
('-145','Protect the Mechanar at all costs!','0','1','0','19166','0'),
('-146','You hear a faint unlocking sound...','0','2','0','Mechanar','0'),
('-147','The end is come!','0','0','0','18796','0'),
('-148','Woot! Thanks!','0','0','0','17681','0'),
('-149','%s becomes unstable and begins to disintegrate!','0','2','0','16876','0'),
('-150','Will you help me find my dog...?','11797','0','0','23618','0'),
('-151','I miss my dog so much...','11798','0','0','23618','0'),
('-152','%s grows in size upon seeing $N!','0','2','0','17725','0'),
('-153','%s strength fades!','0','2','0','17725','0'),
('-154','Illidan reigns!','0','0','0','17727','0'),
('-155','%s begins to arm the Proximity Bomb!','0','2','0','17414','0'),
('-156','The blood is our power!','0','0','1','17491','0'),
('-157','Lok Narash!','0','0','0','17370','0'),
('-158','For Kargath! For Victory!','0','0','1','17397','0'),
('-159','Lok\'tar Illidari!','0','0','0','17397','0'),
('-160','This world is OURS!','0','0','0','17397','0'),
('-161','A living $r... soon to be a dead like me.','0','0','0','Common Undead Text','0'),
('-162','Mmm... I love my delicious Southshore stout.','0','0','0','2440','0'),
('-163','Slay them, my brethren! For the Scourge!','5822','1','0','7357','0'),
('-164','We will enslave the quilboar!','5819','1','0','7357','0'),
('-165','We will spread across this barren land!','5820','1','0','7357','0'),
('-166','Soon, the Scourge will rule the world!','5821','1','0','7357','0'),
('-168','Who dares disturb me? Die $N!','0','0','0','315','0'),
('-169','None may challenge the Brotherhood!','5780','1','0','639','0'),
('-170','And stay down!','5781','1','0','639','0'),
('-171','Lapdogs, all of you!','5782','1','0','639','0'),
('-172','Fools! Our cause is righteous!','5783','1','0','639','0'),
('-173','The Brotherhood shall prevail!','5784','1','0','639','0'),
-- (-174 PLEASE RE-USE)
('-175','You will suffer eternally!','0','1','0','21181','0'),
('-176','Little creature made of flesh, your wish is granted! Death comes for you!','0','1','0','21181','0'),
('-177','I\'m going to wear your skin as a smoking jacket! The stogies? You\'ll have to pry them from my cold dead... er... RAWR!!!!','0','0','0','11058','0'),
('-178','Looking for these???? You\'ll never have em!','0','0','0','11058','0'),
('-179','Hold them back while I release the warhounds!','10160','1','0','17259','0'),
('-180','My pets are hungry and they will dine on your flesh!','10161','1','0','17259','0'),
('-181','We are the true Horde!','0','0','1','17259','0'),
('-182','Mine! Mine! Mine! Gizlock is the ruler of this domain! You shall never reveal my presence!','0','1','0','13601','0'),
('-183','What? Oh no. I don\'t care what you have to say. I just enjoy inflicting pain.','0','1','0','4306','0'),
('-184','You will talk eventually. You might as well spill it now.','0','0','0','4306','0'),
('-185','Confess and we shall set you free.','0','0','0','4306','0'),
('-186','The living are here!','6596','1','0','10411','0'),
('-187','%s calls for his worgs!','0','2','0','19442','0'),
('-188','A foul trogg if ever I saw one. Die!','0','0','0','Common Leprous Say','0'),
('-189','This sickness clouds my vision, but I know you must be a trogg. Die foul invader!','0','0','0','Common Leprous Say','0'),
('-190','No gnome will be left behind.','0','0','0','Common Leprous Say','0'),
('-191','The troggs...they never stop coming. Die trogg! Die!','0','0','0','Common Leprous Say','0'),
('-192','It can get really hot here in the Badlands. But at least it\'s a dry heat.','0','0','0','2922','0'),
('-193','Gizmos... check. Doothingies... check. Wizzers... check.','0','0','0','2922','0'),
('-194','One day I\'ll be a real boy.','0','0','0','2922','0'),
('-195','Brzt... click... whir...','0','0','0','2922','0'),
('-196','It is dangerous here, master. But I shall help stand guard.','0','0','0','2922','0'),
('-197','We can make it better, stronger, faster. We have the technology. We have the magic.','0','0','0','2922','0'),
('-198','You should not be here! Slay them!','5799','1','0','4831','0'),
('-199','Suffer you despicable insect!','11000','1','0','17842','0'),
('-200','You will be easy prey, $c.','0','1','0','2015,2017,2018','0'),
('-201','My talons will shred your puny body, $r.','0','0','0','2018','0'),
('-202','A fine trophy your head will make, $r.','0','0','0','2015,2017,2018','0'),
('-203','NO!!! It puts the tannin in the basket, or it gets the mallet again!','0','1','0','14351','0'),
('-204','Fresh bread for sale!','0','0','0','3518','0'),
('-205','Freshly baked bread for sale!','0','0','0','3518','0'),
('-206','Shine yer armor for a copper?','0','0','0','1402,1405','0'),
('-207','Help a poor bloke out?','0','0','0','1402,1405','0'),
('-208','Some coin?','0','0','0','1402,1405','0'),
('-209','I have a special message for $n. And it says you must die!','0','0','0','Defias Messenger','0'),
('-210','I\'ll deliver you, weak $c, to the afterlife!','0','0','0','Defias Messenger','0'),
('-211','Die in the name of Edwin van Cleef!','0','0','0','Defias Messenger','0'),
('-213','Crush!','0','0','0','Trogg Common Text','0'),
('-214','Kill!','0','0','0','Trogg Common Text','0'),
('-215','Destroy!','0','0','0','Trogg Common Text','0'),
('-216','All of your efforts have been in vain, for the draining of the World Tree has already begun! Soon, the heart of your world shall beat no more!','10986','1','0','13083','0'),
('-217','You are defenders of a doomed world! Flee here, and perhaps you will prolong your pathetic lives!','10977','1','0','17808','0'),
('-218','Your hopes are lost!','10981','1','0','17808','0'),
('-219','Scream for me!','11038','1','0','17808','0'),
('-220','Pity, no time for a slow death!','11039','1','0','17808','0'),
('-221','The clock... is still... ticking.','10982','1','0','17808','0'),
('-222','The swarm is eager to feed!','10979','1','0','17808','0'),
('-223','Pestilence upon you!','11037','1','0','17808','0'),
('-224','You look tired...','10978','1','0','17808','0'),
('-225','Sweet dreams...','11545','1','0','17808','0'),
('-226','Let fire rain from above!','10980','1','0','17808','0'),
('-227','Earth and sky shall burn!','11036','1','0','17808','0'),
('-228','I gonna make you into mojo!','0','0','0','Common Frostmane Troll Text','0'),
('-229','Killing you be easy.','0','0','0','Common Frostmane Troll Text','0'),
('-230','You be dead soon!','0','0','0','Common Frostmane Troll Text','0'),
('-231','I\'ll cut you!','0','0','0','Common Frostmane Troll Text','0'),
('-232','The Brotherhood will not be hampered by insects.','0','0','0','6846','0'),
('-233','So much to do, so much to do! Where does the time go?','0','0','0','295','0'),
('-234','Furious winds envelop Vakkiz as he writhes menacingly towards you.','0','2','0','23162','0'),
('-235','%s\'s flesh shatters in an unearthly rage!','0','2','0','23162','0'),
('-236','%s bares her fangs and hisses menacingly at those around her.','0','2','0','23163','0'),
('-237','%s focuses on $N.','0','2','0','23163','0'),
('-238','Fool! The essence of the hawk will never be yours!','0','0','0','22992','0'),
('-239','The time of the Raven is night, but yours will end here!','0','0','0','22992','0'),
('-240','You dare to disturb the loyal followers of the Raven?','0','0','0','22993','0'),
('-241','You will die for your hubris, druid!','0','0','0','22993','0'),
('-242','You dare to disturb the loyal followers of the Raven?','0','0','0','22994','0'),
('-243','You will die for your hubris, druid!','0','0','0','22994','0'),
('-244','Someone come read this wanted poster to Grek. Grek can\'t read.','0','0','0','19606','0'),
('-245','Grek try!','0','0','0','19606','0'),
('-246','This oil no good for Grek! What Grek look like to you, some weakling in robes?','0','0','0','19606','0'),
('-247','Grek get a drink.','0','0','0','19606','0'),
('-248','I never thought it would turn out to be mana oil! There\'s going to be plenty of demand for that, minus Grek of course!','0','0','0','18385','0'),
('-249','Ship it!','0','0','0','18385','0'),
('-250','Learning to read is a thirsty business. A toast, eh?','0','0','0','21193','0'),
('-251','%s faints.','0','2','0','18705','0'),
('-252','C\'mere, $r. Ya don\'t want to be riskin\' yerself in a dungeon, do ya? Filthy work, and for what? Some worthless trinket? Nah, what ya need be one of my amulets. Guarenteed to work! ','0','0','0','19227','0'),
('-253','Dangerous out there, innit? Know what ya need? Protection. I can help ya defy death itself! Ya wear this madstone \'round yer neck, see, and then ya be able to come back if ya find yerself in the spirit world! Just a quick jaunt to yer corpse and up ya com','0','0','0','19227','0'),
('-254','Amazing Amulets! Incredible curios! The newfangled jewelcrafters be havin\' nothin\' on the tried and true mystical methods of ol\' Griftah! Improve yerself through these magical talismans for a bargain price!','0','0','0','19227','0'),
('-255','I could have sworn I had more apples. Grok!','0','0','0','19223','0'),
('-256','If no one help. Grok smash!','0','0','0','22940','0'),
('-257','Look over here, $c! I got somethin\' for ya. Just what ya need. It\'s soap, right... and it\'s on a rope! No offense, man, but yer a little ripe, you know what I\'m sayin\'? ','0','0','0','19227','0'),
('-258','Hey! Hey, $r! I be havin\' just the thing for ya. Ya ever see a Tikbalang? Frightenin\' creatures. Prone to stealin\' ya away. What ya need is my tikbaland wards. Guaranteed to ward away all tikbalangs!','0','0','0','19227','0'),
('-259','Grok need help! Why no one help?','0','0','0','22940','0'),
('-260','Mog\'dorg the Wizened tell Grok go to city, get help for Bloodmaul. Grok go.','0','0','0','22940','0'),
('-261','Bladespire clan not fight fair. Have Gronn to help dem. You go to Blade\'s Edge Mountains. Talk to Mog\'dorg the Wizened. Kill Gromm.','0','0','0','22940','0'),
('-262','Ya look tired, $c. I be havin\' somethin\' for ya. These amulets, they can help ya leap obstacles and swim through the rivers like ya be born to it. They energize the food ya be eatin\'. Makin\' yer wounds close before yer eyes!','0','0','0','19227','0'),
('-263','What is that poor orc yelling about? Someone should see what is going on.','0','0','0','19223','0'),
('-264','I feel that war is fast approaching. The fruit vendor has enlisted to help an ogre. I shall have to enlist help as well.','0','0','0','19196','0'),
('-265','Ya look lovesick. Special someone be gettin\' ya down, eh? No worries, no worries. Ya get this medallion from me, ya wear it when ya see \'em and they be all over ya, sweetheart!','0','0','0','19227','0'),
('-266','Me hungry. Fruit look tasty.','0','0','0','22940','0'),
('-267','FRUIT VENDOR!!! Your cart is still in our way! We will give you one more hour to move it from our area. Do not test our patience anymore!','0','1','0','19196','0'),
('-268','Grok get angry if puny ones not go to Blade\'s Edge and talk to Mog\'dorg!','0','0','0','22940','0'),
('-269','Nothing like a tankard full to wash down one of my magnificent muffins.','0','0','0','19664','0'),
('-270','Yea, that hit the spot. Muffins for sale! Get your fresh muffins right here!','0','0','0','19664','0'),
('-271','Yea, yea, I\'m the muffin man. You know why? Because I sell muffins, that\'s why!','0','0','0','19664','0'),
('-272','I\'ve got muffins right over here. Come on over!','0','0','0','19664','0'),
('-273','May it be so.','0','0','0','19138','0'),
('-274','%s looks weak enough to capture.','0','2','0','4351','0'),
('-275','This land was mine long before your wretched kind set foot here.','0','1','0','23864','0'),
('-276','All who venture here belong to me, including you!','0','1','0','23864','0'),
('-277','Of course, my friend. How can I be of service to you?','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-278','A noble request. It would be an honor, Erothem.','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-279','My friends, please join me in humble supplication the the Light.','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-280','Light that we embrace, we beseech thee...','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-281','Into our struggle against the darkness we have sent our children.','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-282','Please bless and protect them, and grant them success over those who seek to do us harm...','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-283','Continue to bless this, our ancient home, we beg.','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-284','Bless us with tolerance for our elven visitors.','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-285','By the Naaru, may it be so.','0','0','0','19378','0'),
('-286','%s nods.','0','2','0','16589','0'),
('-287','Lost some of my best soldiers that day...','0','0','0','16589','0'),
('-288','But that\'s not the worst of it. Before I could pull us back, a group of \'em spotted us and attacked.','0','0','0','16589','0'),
('-289','I dunno, grunt. I just - don\'t - know...','0','0','0','16589','0'),
('-290','Fel orcs...','0','0','0','16589','0'),
('-291','Big red bastards! Bigger than any orc I\'d ever seen. Muscles out to here, tusks out to here...','0','0','0','16589','0'),
('-292','Sure enough, scount came runnin\' back, talkin\' bout some orcs down the path. They hadn\'t seen us yet so we figured we\'d go get aquainted.','0','0','0','16589','0'),
('-293','So there we were - me and the battalion, doing a routine recon down the bone road. We\'d sent the scout up ahead to look around in case anything dangerous come up.','0','0','0','16589','0'),
('-294','Do I detect a hint of cinnamon? Or is that nutmeg? Whatever it is, one thing is for sure - nobody cooks donkey like you, Cookie.','0','0','0','16590','0'),
('-295','If my stomach wasn\'t threatening to dislodge itself from my body and leave me for the refuse that we give to the prisoners, I might be insulted by this... this food.','0','0','0','16590','0'),
('-296','And if I hear that you palookas complained to Nazgrel again, it\'ll be one of ya\'s that I serve up next time...','0','0','0','16585','0'),
('-297','Yer slop is ready. Come n\' get it...','0','0','0','16585','0'),
('-298','I\'ve seen gnomes work harder than you, peon! Little girl gnomes - with pig tails! MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!','0','0','0','16584','0'),
('-299','What kinda orcs, chief?','0','0','0','16590','0'),
('-300','You mean...','0','0','0','16590','0'),
('-301','But how, chief? I thought the curse was lifted...','0','0','0','16590','0'),
('-302','The warchief\'s put a price on Arazzius\'s head! As of right now, that no-good piece of demon refuse is enemy number one.','0','0','0','19255','0'),
('-303','Yea, we got problems. I think that\'s crystal clear. The question is, what are we gonna do about it?','0','0','0','19255','0'),
('-304','What is it that you want from me, shaman?','0','0','0','21769','0'),
('-305','Do you not have eyes? Did you not see the demons on our very doorstep? I do not have the soldiers to spare!','0','0','0','21769','0'),
('-306','Pray to your gods, shaman. Perhaps they will come to your aid. The Horde however, cannot...','0','0','0','21769','0'),
('-307','Wow! Look at his muscles!','0','0','0','18296','0'),
('-308','Will he win? Can he win?','0','0','0','18292','0'),
('-309','He\'s so well disciplined!','0','0','0','18293','0'),
('-310','I wanna be just like the pitfighter!','0','0','0','18292','0'),
('-311','This one is slightly better than the last. However, it still suffers from the same flimsy bone structure as the others. When you summon one of these, you are on the right path.','0','0','0','11582','0'),
('-312','How does he do it?','0','0','0','18296','0'),
('-313','That\'s the best reward we\'re going to be able to offer. Hopefully someone accepts the mission.','0','0','0','18407','0'),
('-314','Damm those ogres. Damn them to the Nether. Won\'t someone save us from these savages! This is the fifth kidnapping is as many days.','0','0','0','18407','0'),
('-315','Any time any of you peons want to take a break, the graveyard is right over there.','0','0','0','19362','0'),
('-316','If I see any lazy peons here, I\'ll load them into a catapult and launch them off to the Black Temple!','0','1','0','19362','0'),
-- Please Re-Use 317
('-318','Last time someone went out to try and collect the bounty on Netherlock, all we got back was a compressed layer of foolhardy adventurer!','0','0','0','19541','0'),
('-319','Maybe I should gather up some other agents and head out there after this shift?','0','0','0','19541','0'),
('-320','Sands consume you!','5872','1','14','7271','0'),
('-321','Iman m t\'ief fu Fus\'obeah italaf','0','0','0','Common Frostmane Troll Text','0'),
('-322','Dim wha Siame cyaa fi so yudo','0','0','0','Common Frostmane Troll Text','0'),
('-323','So ju weh siame is fus nehjo skam worl Uptfeel','0','0','0','1260','0'),
('-324','Time to bash!','0','0','0','1119','0'),
('-325','Er... \'Moke?','0','0','0','19395','0'),
('-326','I\'m... not sure that\'s a good idea, \'Moke. Ye might get hurt...','0','0','0','19395','0'),
('-327','What, with me fists?','0','0','0','19395','0'),
('-328','%s blinks, a perplexed expression crossing his face.','0','2','0','19395','0'),
('-329','...THAT WAS GREAT!','0','0','0','19394','0'),
('-330','DO IT, YE PANSEY!','0','0','0','19394','0'),
('-331','Nae, that\'s fer wimps. Hit me with yer hammer!','0','0','0','19394','0'),
('-332','Bron! \'Ey Bron! \'Ey Bron! Hit me!','0','0','0','19394','0'),
('-333','I don\'t get it! Are ya blind? Can ya not see the demons bangin\' on our door? Who am I gonna send out to talk to your shaman friends? Point \'em out!','0','0','0','21773','0'),
('-334','Do you think that demons will play fair? These beasts are more savage than the orcs, more cunning than the undead. Do not attempt to engage Legion by normal standards of war.','0','0','0','19308','0'),
('-335','How many more soldiers need to die before we start paying attention out there?','0','0','0','19308','0'),
('-336','This war - and don\'t mistake this for anything but war - is not going to win itself. If we do not fight, scratch, claw, and kick for every speck of land on this shattered world, all will be lost.','0','0','0','19308','0'),
('-337','The creatures of this place are strong, wayfarer. You\'ll need ample ammunition if you hope to survive. You\'re in luck - I am well-stocked with fine arrows, bullets, and throwing weapons. The price is reasonable, considering the circumstances.','0','0','0','19534','0'),
('-338','Ahh, another powerful traveler. The nether can be dangerous; you\'ll want the most potent spells at your disposal. I carry the finest reagents, common and exotic. Come and buy - you won\'t be sorry!','0','0','0','19535','0'),
('-339','%s whispers softley in reverent tones under her breath.','0','2','0','21066','0'),
('-340','%s examines the information on the wanted poster.','0','2','0','18098','0'),
('-341','%s jumps out of the shadows!','0','2','0','636','0'),
('-342','%s calls more of his allies out of the shadows.','0','2','0','639','0'),
('-343','%s calls for reinforcements!','0','2','0','17976','0'),
('-344','%s\'s death cry has stirred the nearby silithid hive.','0','2','0','Tortured Druid/Sentinel death','0'),
('-345','The only justice is death!','0','0','0','18796','0'),
('-346','%s begins to summon in reinforcements!','0','2','0','2358','0'),
('-347','The Helmsman comes for you!','0','1','0','32576','0'),
('-348','Now you face Orabus, fool!','0','1','0','32576','0'),
('-349','Where is that dog?','11796','0','0','23618','0'),
('-350','How dare you disturb the master\'s dinner!','0','1','0','16414','0'),
('-351','That was wasted on the likes of you!','0','0','0','16414','0'),
('-352','That was a 200 year old Pupellyverbos Port!','0','0','0','16414','0'),
('-353','Me no run from $c like you!','0','0','0','Trogg Common Text','0'),
('-354','Yip! Me kill!','0','0','0','Trogg Common Text','0'),
('-355','The only good $r is a dead $r!','0','0','0','1205','0'),
('-356','Weak $c! You are no match for the Stonesplinter Tribe!','0','0','0','1205 and 1399','0'),
('-357','Feel the power of the Dark Iron Dwarves!','0','0','0','1169','0'),
('-358','Time to die, $c!','0','0','0','1169','0'),
('-359','I\'ll crush you!','0','0','0','Ogre Common Text','0'),
('-360','Me smash! You die!','0','0','0','Ogre Common Text','0'),
('-361','Raaar!!! Me smash $r!','0','0','0','Ogre Common Text','0'),
('-362','King Magni Bronzebeard is a fool and a charlatan!','0','0','0','1222','0'),
('-363','The Thandol Span fell to Ragnaros. So shall the Stonewrought Dam!','0','0','0','1222','0'),
('-364','Wahehe! I\'m taking you down with me!','0','0','0','1222','0'),
('-365','I tire of this nonsense! Prepare to die!','0','0','0','2318','0'),
('-367','Huh? What dat?','0','0','0','1210','0'),
('-368','Dat $r look gud to eat!','0','0','0','1210','0'),
('-369','Bash it!','0','0','0','1210','0'),
('-370','A $c called $N? You\'ll make a fine breakfast!','0','0','0','1205','0'),
('-371','Die $r! These lands belong to the Stonesplinter Tribe!','0','0','0','1399','0'),
('-372','The Loch belongs to the Stonesplinter Tribe now, $N! Now die!','0','0','0','1399','0'),
('-373','Die in the name of Ragnaros!','0','0','0','1222','0'),
('-374','[Dwarvish] Dum mos','0','0','0','2149','0'),
('-375','%s\'s eyes glow red as he lights his dynamite and begins to cackle madly!','0','2','0','1222','0'),
('-376','[Orcish] Ogg kaz ko zugas kil mog Tov\'nokaz Kagg','0','0','0','Orc Common Text','0'),
('-377','[Orcish] Tago mog regas gi mog Tov\'nokaz Kagg','0','0','0','Orc Common Text','0'),
('-378','Berserker stance! Attack them recklessly!','0','0','0','23049','0'),
('-379','Mine! You shall not take this place!','0','0','33','24960','0'),
('-380','Get away, this place is ours!','0','0','33','24966','0'),
('-382','Alright, quiet down. We have a lot of work to do and very little time to do it in, people.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-383','I\'ve stood with some of you draenei before at Skettis, and others in Shadowmoon Valley. But now we\'re on Azeroth, and the situation looks grim.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-384','First though, you sin\'dorei listen up. I run a tight ship... this isn\'t going to be like what you\'re used to with the Scryers. Pull your weight, or get back on the boat!','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-385','Now that that\'s out of the way, welcome to the Isle of Quel\'Danas. The Sunwell\'s on the plateau to the south, and Prince Kael\'thas is holed up in the Magisters\' Terrace to the east.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-386','We\'re here as support for the so-called \'adventurers\' that the brass called in. We\'ll help them hold the key points on the island, and keep the heat off so that they can do their jobs.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-387','If none of you ladies have any questions, you can get further instruction and assignments from your squad leaders. That\'s it. Good luck!','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-388','Hearty Kill!','5801','1','0','4831','0'),
('-389','Welcome to the Sunwell. Despite the mild temperatures and scenic vistas, you\'re not on vacation, ladies and gentlemen!','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-390','The current situation looks like this: we\'re holding what we can while those with more experience and better equipment are moving against Prince Kael\'thas.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-391','I know, we thought he was dead too, but that\'s not the case. He\'s trying to use the Sunwell to bring the master of the Burning Legion, Kil\'jaeden, into this world.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-392','Let me assure you people that if he\'s successful, this world will suffer far worse than Outland ever did! So let\'s make sure that doesn\'t come to pass.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-393','Warriors will be deployed to hold key positions, while you marksmen will be assigned to keep the enemy fliers at bay.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-394','I\'m awaiting orders on your specific assignments. In the meantime, stay here and be ready to move at a moment\'s notice!','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-395','Hello to you new recruits. I\'m Drill Sergeant Bahduum. For the next few days, you\'re going to receive orientation.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-396','The Isle of Quel\'Danas has been overrun by the forces of Prince Kael\'thas Sunstrider. Intel had him pegged as deceased. Intel was wrong.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-397','Up on the plateau, he and his demon friends are trying to reignite the Sunwell and open a rift to bring their head-honcho, Kil\'Jaeden back into the world.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-398','Our job is to clear out as much of the fodder as we can, while supporting the specialists that the powers-that-be are having brought in.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-399','Needless to say, a lot of us won\'t be going home. But if you remember your training and keep your wits about you, you\'ll greatly increase your chances.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-400','That\'s all I have to say for now. Stay focused, boys and girls.','0','0','0','25162','0'),
('-401','Shattered Sun scum! Fire at will!','0','1','0','25132','0'),
('-402','Keep your eye on the demons. We\'re not concerned with killing Scourge today.','0','1','0','25144','0'),
('-403','Dragonhawk incoming from the west! Shoot that druid down!','0','0','0','25144','0'),
('-404','I cannot permit you to enter the temple! I must destroy you for your own good!','0','0','0','Common Green Dragon Text','0'),
('-405','%s seems much calmer now that it has eaten the remains of $N.','0','2','0','2931','0'),
('-406','Never cross a Dark Iron, $c.','0','0','0','1169','0'),
('-407','I shall spill your blood, $c!','0','0','0','315','0'),
('-408','Anyone want to take a break? Well too bad! Get to work you oafs!','0','0','0','1763','0'),
('-409','Get those parts moving down to the ship!','0','0','0','1763','0'),
('-410','Hmmm, this one looks like something that would be better off as a windchime. Take notes class... This is NOT what you want to summon in the heat of battle.','0','0','0','11582','0'),
('-411','I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.','0','0','0','1395','0'),
('-412','Spare some change for a poor blind man?...What do you mean I\'m not blind?...I\'M NOT BLIND! I CAN SEE! ITS A MIRACLE!','0','0','0','1395','0'),
('-413','It\'s all their fault, stupid Alliance army. Just had to build their towers right behind my farm.','0','0','0','1395','0'),
('-414','If the Captain finds out, it\'ll be the end of me.','0','0','0','1719','0'),
('-415','They must have had someone helping them.','0','0','0','1719','0'),
('-416','All of a sudden they were everywhere.','0','0','0','1719','0'),
('-417','Sir, our customers are complaining that there\'s not enough Maiden\'s Anguish in our Deadly Poisons.','0','0','0','28355','0'),
('-418','Sir, our customers are complaining that there\'s too much Deathweed in our Anesthetics.','0','0','0','28355','0'),
('-419','Sir, I think we were close with the Lethargy Root in that last poison recipe.','0','0','0','28355','0'),
('-420','Then put twice as much in next time!','0','0','0','28347','0'),
('-421','Only put half as much in next time.','0','0','0','28347','0'),
('-422','Remember, kid: You\'re always more wrong than you think you are. Double It!','0','0','0','28347','0'),
-- Please Re-Use 423 - 428
('-429','Are we there yet?','0','0','0','3504','0'),
('-430','My feet hurt.','0','0','0','3504','0'),
('-431','Is it true? Are there crocolisks in the canal?','0','0','0','3504','0'),
('-432','Why do we always go the same way?','0','0','0','3504','0'),
('-433','Where we goin\'?','0','0','0','3504','0'),
('-434','I wanna see the Mage Tower.','0','0','0','3504','0'),
('-435','Now this is an example of what not to summon. Look, it\'s frail and brittle. One good whack from a mace will send bone shards flying.','0','0','0','11582','0'),
('-436','Looks like you\'ll have to go ahead to Ratchet and tell Sputtervalve that I\'ve wrecked the shredder.','0','0','0','3451','0'),
('-437','I\'ll stay behind and guard the wreck. Hurry! Hopefully no one will notice the smoke...','0','0','0','3451','0'),
('-438','We are betrayed!','0','0','0','10433','0'),
('-439','We will not fail!','0','0','0','17892','0'),
('-440','Death to the Last Guardian!','0','0','0','17892','0'),
('-441','We are not finished!','0','0','0','17892','0'),
('-442','Your efforts... are in vain.','0','0','0','17835','0'),
('-443','The rift must be protected!','0','0','0','21104','0'),
('-444','You are running out of time!','0','0','0','21104','0'),
('-445','Victory or death!','0','0','0','21104','0'),
('-446','We will not be stopped!','0','0','0','17835','0'),
('-447','The wizard will fall!','0','0','0','17835','0'),
('-448','%s lets out a shrill cry.','0','2','0','10506','0'),
('-449','Who is this mere $r that meddles with that which is past? May the legend of Stalvan die along with you!','0','0','0','2044','0'),
('-450','Toil not in matters of the past, $N!','0','0','0','2044','0'),
('-451','Why haven\'t the Stormwind guards come?','0','0','0','325','0'),
('-452','The light appears to have forsaken us.','0','0','0','325','0'),
('-453','The news from Stormwind does not bode well. . . .','0','0','0','271','0'),
('-454','Constant bickering will get us nowhere. We need to take action.','0','0','0','269','0'),
('-455','We need better representation from Stormwind. Our homes are falling to the undead.','0','0','0','270','0'),
('-456','I fear something dark is coming.','0','0','0','325','0'),
('-457','Our cause falls on deaf ears beyond the thick, stone walls of Stormwind.','0','0','0','271','0'),
('-458','The people of Darkshire expect more from the Council. We cannot let them suffer from this unholy wrath which plagues us.','0','0','0','269','0'),
('-459','Undead are crawling all over the land. Where is the Stormwind Army?','0','0','0','263','0'),
('-460',' are not my husband. But he must have sent you. And you...look..delicious!','0','0','0','314','0'),
('-461','Aber? Is that you...? Oh...I\'m so hungry, Aber! SO HUNGRY!!','0','0','0','314','0'),
('-462','The Council of Duskwood must take action. Evil lingers in the air.','0','0','0','269','0'),
('-463','I will end this quickly...','10385','1','0','17826','0'),
('-464','We fight to the death!','10384','1','0','17826','0'),
('-465','Beast! Obey me! Kill them at once!','10383','1','0','17826','0'),
('-466','Well... done...','10389','1','0','17826','0'),
('-468','It is finished.','10388','1','0','17826','0'),
('-469','You will never stop the Forsaken, $r. The Dark Lady shall make you suffer.','0','0','0','2733','0'),
('-470','You have my word that I shall find a use for your body after I\'ve killed you, $r.','0','0','0','2733','0'),
('-471','%s begins to crack and break apart.','0','2','0','2359','0'),
('-472','%s\'s strength dwindles as chunks of rock break off.','0','2','0','2359','0'),
('-473','%s is reduced to rubble, but still continues to fight.','0','2','0','2359','0'),
('-474','Filthy $r intruder. DIE!','0','0','0','28575','0'),
('-475','If Rhunok regains his strength, we all die!','0','0','0','28575','0'),
('-477','Mmm, more mojo.','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-479','I see you, insect! Come closer','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-480','With the power of the wild gods burning in our veins, none, not even the Lich King, can stand in our way!','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-481','They dare attack us? The fools! Do they not know we are now all-powerful?!','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-482','Finish them and then we will move south to kill their brethren!','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-483','I will destroy the Argent Crusade! I will crush the Scourge!','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-484','Kill these invaders who dare to defile our altar!','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-485','Drink deep my brothers!','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-486','The mojo of Sseratus is ours. Now all will be crushed under the might of the Drakkari!!','0','1','0','28068','0'),
('-487','WAIT... NO MORE!','0','0','0','25418','0'),
('-488','I... submit. As long as Simmer agrees to stop boiling my pool, I agree to an armistice.','0','0','0','25418','0'),
('-489','Now, remove yourself from my presence. You would be wise not to come within sight of me again.','0','0','0','25418','0'),
('-490','My back is killing me.','0','0','0','12337','0'),
('-491','If I should fall, take my pouch. Make certain that it gets to the High General.','0','0','0','12337','0'),
('-492','I sense danger up ahead.','0','0','0','12337','0'),
('-493','Death will be only the beginning of your torture.','0','0','0','26165','0'),
('-494','My talons will shred your puny body, $r.','0','0','0','3277','0'),
('-495','I am the Keymaster. Are you the Gatekeeper?','0','0','0','25210','0'),
('-496','Your death will soon follow....','0','0','0','25396','0'),
('-497','You cannot stop us all!','0','0','0','25396','0'),
('-498','Who dares?','0','0','0','25416','0'),
('-500','Tell Imperean that I will consider a cessation of hostilities. But first, Churn must stop his watery intrusions upon my rise!','0','0','0','25416','0'),
('-501','I grow bored with you. Begone!','0','0','0','25416','0'),
('-502','I presume you come with good news?','0','0','0','2597','0'),
('-503','Things are going as planned, Lord Falconcrest. I assure you, it is only a matter of time.','0','0','0','2599','0'),
('-504','...Go or I taunt you a second time!','0','0','0','28095','0'),
('-505','These prisons are to be filled at once or Malygos will know why!','0','1','0','25584','0'),
('-506','Bring me more prisoners! Do not rest until Azeroth has been cleansed of its reckless magic-users!','0','1','0','25584','0'),
('-507','What is the meaning of this disturbance?!','0','1','0','25584','0'),
('-508','Who dares interrupt my work!? Show yourself, coward!','0','1','0','25584','0'),
('-509','Ahh! It\'s coming right for us!','0','0','0','28095','0'),
('-510','Kaganishu!','0','0','0','Common Text','0'),
('-511','Etu Magmothregar, cha!','0','0','0','Common Text','0'),
('-512','Kada nu batteka, oht!','0','0','0','Common Text','0'),
('-513','You seek to deafen me? Pathetic... Wait... What\'s that sound?','0','0','0','25804','0'),
('-514','I\'m sure ol\' Hemet can do something with your bones!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-515','KILL KILL KILL!!!!!!!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-516','Now THIS is a sport!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-517','No way! Rhino head helmet for the low, low price of thirty rhino heads? I\'ll take two at those prices!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-518','Just fifty more hooves and I\'ll have the new gun!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-519','Give it up, little beast!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-520','Nesingwary is going to go broke if he keeps this up! Lane probably has no idea what he\'s doing!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-521','It\'s gonna be veal tonight!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-522','I wonder what Nesingwary will give me for your hide!','0','0','0','25979','0'),
('-523','%s begins to summon in a Blackhand Dreadweaver!','0','2','0','9080','0'),
('-524','%s begins to summon in a Blackhand Veteran!','0','2','0','9080','0'),
('-525','%s summons a Blackhand Dreadweaver to his aid!','0','2','0','10680','0'),
('-526','%s summons a Blackhand Veteran to his aid!','0','2','0','10681','0'),
('-527','The Great One will smash you!','0','0','0','Drywhisker','0'),
('-528','Die! You will not free Myzrael!','0','0','0','Drywhisker','0'),
('-529','Stand firm, brothers. And don\'t worry! Size is on our side!','0','0','0','Drywhisker','0'),
('-530','No! Leave us! We must not fail our task!','0','0','0','Drywhisker','0'),
('-531','Take that! The Drywhiskers will prevail!','0','0','0','Drywhisker','0'),
('-532','Stop! Foolish $c, we cannot let you summon the creature Myzrael!','0','1','0','2763','0'),
('-533','We are Mechagnome...resistance is futile.','0','0','0','25814','0'),
('-534','The flesh is weak. We will make you better, stronger...faster.','0','0','0','25814','0'),
('-535','we can decurse you, we have the technology','0','0','0','25814','0'),
('-536','Warning! Warning! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!','0','0','0','25814','0'),
('-537','You have been detected. You will be assimilated or eliminated.','0','0','0','25814','0'),
('-538','Activate counter-measures. Repel intruder.','0','0','0','25814','0'),
('-539','%s is getting hungry!','0','2','0','8567','0'),
('-540','%s is getting VERY hungry!','0','2','0','8567','0'),
('-541','For Silvermoon! For Sunstrider!','0','0','0','17591','0'),
('-542','Your death will make a fitting tribute to the King!','0','0','0','17591','0'),
('-543','Your money or your life! Actually, just your life will do...','0','0','0','17591','0'),
('-545','Scanning life not found','0','0','0','14224','0'),
('-546','Target lost....resuming search patterns Delta','0','0','0','14224','0'),
('-547','Unknown life forms detected....assessing...','0','0','0','14224','0'),
('-548','Arrrhhh...Guards!','0','1','1','Common Horde Flight Master','0'),
('-549','Guards!','0','1','7','Common Alliance Flight Master','0'),
('-550','%s goes into a rage after seeing a friend fall in battle!','0','2','0','2287','0'),
('-551','%s calls for help!','0','2','0','Common Emote','0'),
('-552','Greetings citizen.','0','0','7','466','0'),
('-553','Who dares disrupt the sanctity of Eldre\'Thalas? Face me, cowards!','0','1','0','11486','0'),
('-554','Finally, my soul may rest... Oh, dearest Cerellean...','0','0','0','3667','0'),
('-555','I\'ll tell you everything! STOP! PLEASE!','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-556','We... We have only been told that the \"Crimson Dawn\" is an awakening. You see, the Light speaks to the High General. It is the Light...','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-557','The Light that guides us. The movement was set in motion before you came... We... We do as we are told. It is what must be done.','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-558','I know very little else... The High General chooses who may go and who must stay behind. There\'s nothing else... You must believe me!','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-559','NO! PLEASE! There is one more thing that I forgot to mention... A courier comes soon... From Hearthglen. It...','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-560','You\'ll be hanging in the gallows shortly, Scourge fiend!','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-561','You\'ll have to kill me, monster! I will tell you NOTHING!','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-562','You hit like a girl. Honestly. Is that the best you can do?','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-563','ARGH! You burned my last good tabard!','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-564','Argh... The pain... The pain is almost as unbearable as the lashings I received in grammar school when I was but a child.','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-565','I used to work for Grand Inquisitor Isillien! Your idea of pain is a normal mid-afternoon for me!','0','0','0','28610','0'),
('-566','Who dares disturb my meditation!','5802','1','0','4832','0'),
('-568','Just... Dust...','5803','1','0','4832','0'),
('-569','Aku\'mai is dead! At last, I can leave this wretched place!','0','0','0','6729','0'),
('-570','Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit!','11015','1','0','17888','0'),
('-571','Your death will be a painful one.','11016','1','0','17888','0'),
('-572','You... are marked.','11052','1','0','17888','0'),
('-573','You... are nothing!','11053','1','0','17888','0'),
('-574','Miserable nuisance!','11054','1','0','17888','0'),
('-576','By Thaurissan\'s beard! Slay them!','5852','1','0','7291','0'),
('-577','Me Grimlok, king!','5853','1','0','4854','0'),
('-578','Die! Die!','5854','1','0','4854','0'),
('-579','No! You must no do this!','0','1','0','8497','0'),
('-580','DIE, MORTALS!','5871','1','0','8443','0'),
('-581','By the Light, you will leave this tomb!','0','0','0','1854','0'),
('-582','Bijou knows where treasures are hidden.','0','0','0','10262','0'),
('-583','SQUAWK!! *cough* *cough* I need to quit smoking!','0','0','0','10262','0'),
('-584','Ask Kibler about the treasure! SQUAWK!','0','0','0','10262','0'),
('-585','They all go to the Spire but none never come back... just like Bijou.','0','0','0','10262','0'),
('-586','Opus wants some Cuergo\'s Gold... with worm.','0','0','0','10262','0'),
('-587','Kibler is being investigated by G.E.T.A.','0','0','0','10262','0'),
('-588','When do we eat again?','0','0','0','18598','0'),
('-589','Don\'t good.....','0','0','0','18598','0'),
('-591','Yea, Nat?','0','0','0','20342','0'),
('-592','Had that dream again last night...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-593','Which one?','0','0','0','20342','0'),
('-594','That one dream... The crazy one. Remember?','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-595','Tarren Mill is destroyed by some crazy force of undead and forever more becomes an enemy to Southshore.','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-596','Could ya imagine such a thing, Hal? Could ya?','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-598','That one where thousands of people are all watching us up from the sky...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-599','We\'re like their puppets - we dance and cry and fight and say silly things for their amusement.','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-600','Sometimes, even when I\'m awake, I think they\'re watching us. Maybe they\'re watching us right now...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-601','Nat, I\'ve heard a whopper or two in my day but that one takes the cake.','0','0','0','20342','0'),
('-602','So I\'m on some mountain with some big ol\' tree. Bunch of elves runnin\' around all over...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-603','Out of nowhere, some 300 foot tall demon or somethin\' walks up and starts climbin\' the tree...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-604','And if that weren\'t crazy enough, that big demon gets killed by a bunch of floating light things... Oh, I was also a female elf in that one... Yep...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-605','In this dream, I was fishin\' master of the world. I moved to some place called Kalimdor...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-606','And people from all over the world come to me to pay homage... and learn to fish.','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-607','I\'m like some kind of fishing god...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-608','This one\'s real grim... So the king\'s kid Arthas...Well he goes out to battle evil, along with Uther *Nat pats his brow dry*','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-609','But tragically, Arthas is consumed by the evil and becomes evil himself...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-610','Well, he comes back to the king all pretendin\' to be nice, draws his sword, and runs the king through, elbow to... well you know... kills him on the spot...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-611','I can\'t even believe this one... You know two loudmouthed ruffians, Foror and Tigule?','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-612','Well in this dream, they somehow end up inventing something called ice-cream and flavoring it with strawberries... Well, long story short, they end up striking it rich!','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-613','If that weren\'t crazy enough, they decided to quit the ice-cream business and become adventurers... They travel all over the place and finally disappears into some portal. I woke up in a cold sweat after that one...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-614','That one where i\'m in Durnholde and that one orc that Blackmoore keeps as his personal slave breaks out...','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-615','He ends up destroying the whole keep, freeing all the orcs we\'re keeping in the camps and rising to power as the king of orcs... Warchief or somethin\'.','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-616','Crazy isn\'t it?','0','0','0','20344','0'),
('-617','No way!','0','0','0','20342','0'),
('-618','It\'ll never happen, Nat.','0','0','0','20342','0'),
('-619','What do you put in that pipe of yours Nat?','0','0','0','20342','0'),
('-620','Keep your voice down, Helcular. Strangers abound...','0','0','0','20350','0'),
('-621','Necromancy. It is called necromancy. And yes, I have it within my power to bless you with this gift.','0','0','0','20350','0'),
('-622','That is none of your concern, Helcular, as you are neither Kirin Tor nor a necromancer.','0','0','0','20350','0'),
('-623','But to be perfectly frank, I do not give a damn what the Kirin Tor think! They are fools, set in their archaic ways.','0','0','0','20350','0'),
('-624','In due time, Helcular... All in due time...','0','0','0','20350','0'),
('-625','So can you teach me this... this...','0','0','0','20353','0'),
('-626','And the Kirin Tor? What have they to say of this necromancy?','0','0','0','20353','0'),
('-627','Then teach me, Kel\'Thuzad. Teach me everything you know...','0','0','0','20353','0'),
('-628','What? Where in a..? Don\'t just stand around lads KILL SOMEBODY!','13193','1','0','26796','0'),
('-629','Now we\re getting someplace!','13195','1','0','26796','0'),
('-630','Is that all you\'ve... got?','13194','1','0','26796','0'),
('-631','What is this? Mag thorin Kar! Kill them!','13458','1','0','26798','0'),
('-632','Our task is not yet done!','13459','1','0','26798','0'),
('-634','Life energy to... consume.','11250','1','0','20870','0'),
('-635','The shadow... will engulf you.','11253','1','0','20870','0'),
('-637','This vessel... is empty.','11251','1','0','20870','0'),
('-639','The void...beckons.','11255','1','0','20870','0'),
('-640','Ah, damn it all! Clever trap. Too bad you\'ll never live to tell the tale...','0','0','0','21409','0'),
('-641','At last: one among you is worthy of my knowledge. Worry not: I have probed your thoughts, no harm will come to you.','0','0','0','Vaelan greetings','0'),
('-642','Listen carefully, for the lord of Blackrock will surely destroy you, should you not be prepared.','0','0','0','Vaelan greetings','0'),
('-643','Foolish druid! Dividing your essence has weakened you, opening the door for my master to dominate the Emerald Dream. Your spirit and body will die here!','0','1','0','22915','0'),
-- Please Re-Use -644 to -647
('-648','%s lets out a deep roar, alerting nearby allies and becoming enraged!','0','2','0','Dire Maul Guards','0'),
('-649','%s goes into a drunken rage!','0','2','0','14322','0'),
('-650','I am Scarlet Onslaught. We don\'t rat out our leaders!','0','0','0','29490','0'),
('-651','I don\'t know where the grand admiral is. Go to hell!','0','0','0','29490','0'),
('-652','Guards help!','0','0','0','29489','0'),
('-653','Archbishop Landrgren must know! Aaaaaaaagggghhh.....!','0','0','0','29489','0'),
('-654','Snivvle is here! Snivvle claims the Coldtooth Mine!','0','0','0','11677','0'),
('-655','Tell us! Where does your leader hide?','0','0','0','16924','0'),
('-656','Please! I must feed on something soon... A mana crystal.... a shard... anything! The pain is unbearable!','0','0','0','16916','0'),
('-657','You\'re not getting anything until you speak, scum!','0','0','0','16924','0'),
('-658','The numbers of my companions dwindles, goddess, and my own power shall soon be insufficient to hold back the demons of Felwood.','0','0','0','3946','0'),
('-659','Goddess, grant me the power to overcome my enemies! Hear me, please, my need is desperate and my cause is just!','0','0','0','3946','0'),
('-660','What... what is this? Could this be the answer to my prayers? Elune has granted me a weapon--this scythe--to defeat the demons.','0','0','0','3946','0'),
('-661','You have chosen death.','0','0','0','18493','0'),
('-662','%s growls in your direction before taking time to sniff you.','0','2','0','3695','0'),
('-663','%s faces southeast and whimpers before looking back at you. ','0','2','0','3695','0'),
('-664','The end comes for you!','0','0','0','Shadow Labyrinth','0'),
('-665','I shall be rewarded!','0','0','0','Shadow Labyrinth','0'),
('-666','I do as I must!','0','0','0','Shadow Labyrinth','0'),
('-667','Ruin finds us all!','0','0','0','Shadow Labyrinth','0'),
('-668','In Sargeras\' name!','0','0','0','Shadow Labyrinth','0'),
('-669','The Legion reigns!','0','0','0','Shadow Labyrinth','0'),
('-670','Pathetic worm!','0','0','0','18848','0'),
('-671','Incompetent fools! Auchindoun should\'ve been ours... look at yourselves scrambling like rats!','0','0','0','22381','0'),
('-672','This world is OURS!','0','0','1','Common Orc Say','0'),
-- Please Re-Use -673
('-674','For Kargath! For Victory!','0','0','0','17264','0'),
('-675','How can you just leave me here?','0','0','0','18206','0'),
('-676','Help me! Please help me!','0','0','0','18206','0'),
('-677','Will the pain ever end?','0','0','0','18206','0'),
('-678','Assist me slaves!','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-679','Hurry up with it already! The longer you take, the more of a hurtin\' I\'m putting on you!','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-680','Wake up! Now get up and back to work!','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-681','Too soon! You are slacking off too soon!','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-682','Hey! Over here! Yeah, over here... I\'m in this cage!!!','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-683','This is terrible..... my arms grow tired from beating on you lazy peons!','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-684','Get back to work you!','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-685','What is this?! Didn\'t mommy and daddy teach you anything?','0','1','0','17959','0'),
('-686','%s begins a massive heal!','0','2','0','17730','0'),
('-687','Who dares slay one of my Kargath\'s commanders? You will pay for this... in flesh!','0','1','0','22374','0'),
('-690','Net not stop me! No... net stop me.','0','0','0','29618','1'),
('-691','Me not afraid!','0','0','0','29618','1'),
('-692','No kill me!','0','0','0','29618','1'),
('-693','You no!','0','0','0','29618','1'),
('-694','%s chips and splinters!','0','2','0','7023','0'),
('-696','King Dred raises his talon menacingly!','0','5','0','27483','0'),
('-697','King Dred calls for a raptor!','0','5','0','27483','0'),
('-699','Lord Illidan, bless me with the power of the flight!','0','1','0','11980','0'),
-- Please Re-Use -700
('-701','Impudent fools! I will kill you myself!','8609','1','0','15341','0'),
('-702','Warriors! Captains! Continue the fight!','8613','1','0','15341','0'),
('-703','You are not worth my time, $n.','8614','1','0','15341','0'),
('-704','%s begs to be put out of his misery.','0','2','0','10117','0'),
('-705','%s groans.','0','2','0','10117','0'),
('-706','%s weeps pitifully.','0','2','0','10117','0'),
('-707','May the light bless you.','0','0','0','25639','1'),
('-708','Your wounds are severe, but you will live.','0','0','0','25639','1'),
('-709','Rest now, you have fought well today.','0','0','0','25639','1'),
('-710','Lunch has arrived, my beautiful children. Tear them to pieces!','0','1','0','8127','0'),
('-711','Rise and defend your master!','0','1','0','8127','0'),
('-712','The children of Sul will protect their master. Rise once more Sul\'lithuz!','0','1','0','8127','0'),
('-713','Ilifar, your master calls!','0','1','0','7664','0'),
('-714','Let the flames of chaos engulf you!','0','1','0','7664','0'),
('-715','Face my champion, mortals!','0','1','0','7664','0'),
('-716','Prepare yourselves for an eternity of anguish and torture - vengeance shall be mine...','0','1','0','7664','0'),
('-717','YOU TRY DA\' BEST, NOW TRY DA\' REST! OGRE BREW!!','0','1','0','23685','0'),
('-718','HEY YOU! DRINK OGRE BREWS! MAKE YOU BIG AND STRONG!','0','1','0','23685','0'),
('-719','YOU WANT DRINK? WE GOT DRINK!','0','1','0','23685','0'),
('-720','Get away from me, Edwards, lest I behead you.','0','0','0','27928','0'),
('-721','No. Away with you, worm.','0','0','0','27928','0'),
('-722','You can leave my sight, squire, before I slay you. Again.','0','0','0','27928','0'),
('-723','M-mistress... did you n-need more corpse dust, p-perhaps... ?','0','0','0','28486','0'),
('-724','M-mistress... may I p-polish your armor ...?','0','0','0','28486','0'),
('-725','M-mistress... Might I brush your mighty steed?','0','0','0','28486','0'),
('-726','Yes, M-mistress...','0','0','0','28486','0'),
('-727','As disciples of blood, you strive to master the very lifeforce of your enemies.','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-728','Be it by blade or incantation, blood feeds our attacks and weakens our foes.','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-729','True masters learn to make blood serve more than just their strength in battle.','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-730','Stripping energy from our foes, both fighting and fallen, allows us to persevere where lesser beigns falls exhausted.','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-731','And every foe that falls, energy sapped and stolen, only further fuels our assault.','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-732','As masters of blood, we know battle without end...','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-733','We know hunger never to be quenched...','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-734','We know power never to be overcome...','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-735','As masters of blood, we are masters of life and death itself. Against us, even hope falls drained and lifeless.','0','0','0','29196','0'),
('-736','%s begins to emanate a power dark energy!','0','2','0','28103','0'),
('-737','My treasure! You no steal from Tartek, dumb big-tongue traitor thing.','0','0','0','28105','0'),
('-738','The %s screams with rage and rushes to the aid of her babies.','0','2','0','28213','0'),
('-739','Your mother was a wench and your father smelt of seaforium!','0','0','0','29369','0'),
('-740','At last: one among you is worthy of my knowledge. Worry not: I have probed your thoughts, no harm will come to you.','0','0','0','Vaelan greetings','0'),
('-741','Listen carefully, for the lord of Blackrock will surely destroy you, should you not be prepared.','0','0','0','Vaelan greetings','0'),
('-742','My strength.... is... returning!','0','0','0','16847','0'),
('-743','You\'ve restored my health! I\'m in your debt, $N.','0','0','0','16847','0'),
('-744','You\'e found a cure! We will crush our enemies!','0','0','0','16847','0'),
-- PLEASE RE-USE -745 to -745
('-747','The %s flies up through the trees, free of Terokk\'s corruption.','0','2','0','22339','0'),
('-748','SMOTTS, I HAVE YOUR LITTLE BELT....COME GET IT!','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
('-749','SMOTTS! HEY, SMOTTS! COME OUT AND PLAY!','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
('-750','DON\'T LET THIS STATUE BE MY ONLY COMPANY, COME OUT AND PLAY!','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
('-751','COME OUT TO JANEIRO\'S POINT. I\'M WAITING FOR YOU, SMOTTS...','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
('-752','I PROMISE I WON\'T KILL YOUR CREW THIS TIME. HAH! BUT MY BROTHER MIGHT EAT THEM!','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
('-753','HAVE YOU RUN OUT OF SHIPS TO SEND? WHERE IS YOUR COURAGE?','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
('-754','YOU WERE SUCH GOOD SPORT THE LAST TIME...COME OUT!','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
('-755','I HAVE YOUR LITTLE BELT TIED AROUND MY FINGER, SMOTTS. DON\'T YOU WANT IT BACK?','0','1','0','Mok\'Rash - Random Yell','0'),
-- PLEASE RE-USE -756 to -761
('-762','Note the weak binding structure of this one. Be sure to finish your incantations or this is what you will end up with.','0','0','0','Scholomance Dark Summoner','1'),
('-763','Wow, this one is just plain useless. Let me try again.','0','0','0','Scholomance Dark Summoner','1'),
('-764','Leave this place!','0','0','0','10940','0'),
('-765','Death to the interlopers!','0','0','0','18952','0'),
('-766','You will not master me, puny $r!','0','0','0','26045','0'),
('-767','Ah, good... more parts!','0','0','0','25678','0'),
('-768','You cannot stop us!','0','0','0','25682','0'),
('-769','I am slain! Summon Verog!','0','1','0','Common Say for Kokar Centaurs','0'),
('-770','I am summoned! Intruders, come to my tent and face your death!','0','1','0','3395','0'),
('-771','Rise, and fight once more!','0','1','0','26654','0'),
('-772','For the thane! For Loken!','0','0','0','26334','0'),
('-773','To battle, my children! Show the enemy no mercy!','0','0','0','26334','0'),
('-774','Constructs, defend the capital at all costs!','0','0','0','26334','0'),
('-775','Alright! We Surrender... Just put your weapons down, I\'ll cooperate','0','0','0','5089','0'),
('-776','%s\'s remains fall on the ground.','3','0','0','29001','0'),
('-777','You\'re not welcome in these lands, monster!','0','0','0','28609','0'),
('-778','Let the purging begin!','0','0','0','28609','0'),
('-779','The Crusade will be victorious!','0','0','0','28609','0'),
('-781','The Scarlet Crusade is powerless to stop us!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-782','The sky itself feeds upon the suffering of the conquered!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-783','Open your eyes, brothers and sisters! GAZE UPON APOCALYPSE!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-784','With each enemy slain, our strength grows! We mustn\'t relent!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-785','The Scarlet fleet lies in ruin upon the sundered coast!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-786','The corpses of those that try only serve to feed our expanding host!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-787','Leave no survivors in your wake, brothers and sisters!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-788','ALL. MUST. DIE.','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-789','The Lich King has spoken to each of you! Let his words resonate among you once more!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-792','No mercy for the weak!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-793','SUFFER WELL, DEATH KNIGHTS!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-794','With the approaching darkness comes the end of the Scarlet Crusade. You will battle once more! For the Scourge! For the Lich King!','0','1','0','28907','1'),
('-796','You dare to challenge Drottin Hrothgar, king of the seas?','0','1','0','34980','0'),
('-797','%s puts his club away and begins swinging wildly!','0','2','0','11441','0'),
('-798','I thought I was done for!','0','0','0','28415','0'),
('-799','I am in your debt, friend.','0','0','0','28415','0'),
('-801','Come to play?','0','0','0','27209','0'),
('-802','Ow! I\'ll tell you NOTHING, filthy $r!','0','4','0','27209','0'),
('-803','Wait... WAIT! What is it that you want to know? I know you\'re the $c named $N.','0','4','0','27209','0'),
('-804','OW...NO! We know that you\'ve been stealing our armor and weapons and horses!','0','4','0','27209','0'),
('-805','We know... that you don\'t... know why we\'re immune... to your so-called blight. Grand Admiral Westwind somehow gave the high abbot that prayer. I beg you... no more... please?','0','4','0','27209','0'),
('-806','AHHHHHHHHH! Please... we know... that you... have a spy... disguised as... one of us! There... that\'s all that I know. Please... mercy... STOP!','0','4','0','27209','0'),
('-807','%s begins to retaliate all attacks against him!','0','2','0','14325','0'),
('-808','No one get past me and threaten da king! Ungh, take it!!','0','0','0','14325','0'),
('-809','Help me crush these punys!','0','1','0','14325','0'),
('-810','Back in business! Now, to execute an exit strategy.','14498','1','0','29266','0'),
('-811','It seems my freedom must be bought... with blood.','14499','1','0','29266','0'),
('-812','Nothing personal...','14504','1','0','29266','0'),
('-813','Business concluded.','14505','1','0','29266','0'),
('-815','This... is an unrecoverable... loss.','14507','1','0','29266','0'),
('-816','Never underestimate the other ethereal\'s greed.','0','0','0','19666','0'),
('-817','So or\'manley fi siame Dim fus siame yudo','5859','1','14','8580','0'),
('-818','You will rest with the honored dead.','0','0','0','18493','0'),
('-819','Turn back! Do not wake the dreamer!','5866','1','0','5721','0'),
('-820','You know not what you do! We must destroy you for your own good.','0','1','0','5721','0'),
('-821','You will pay for this violation.','0','0','0','18493','0'),
('-822','The Soulflayer comes!','5862','1','0','5721','0'),
('-823','Join us!','5864','1','0','5721','0'),
('-824','Hakkar shall live again!','5865','1','0','5721','0'),
('-825','This evil cannot be allowed to enter this world! Come my children!','0','1','0','5721','0'),
('-826','You are a little gnat to the Foulweald! Die!','0','0','0','12918','0'),
('-827','No! You cannot be stronger than the Foulweald! No!!','0','0','0','12918','0'),
('-828','%s attacks Karang\'s Banner!','0','2','0','12921','0'),
('-829','%s charges!','0','2','0','Common Emote','0'),
('-830','%s shimmers and becomes intangible.','0','2','0','16325','0'),
('-831','Hey, harbringer, how\'s that research coming along? There might be an Ultra-Kinetic Waffle Iron in it for you if you\'re prompt with the results!','0','0','0','25885','1'),
('-832','It\'s coming along, Wafflefry. Haven\'t you got a product demonstration to do or something?','0','0','0','19475','1'),
('-833','Be the first on your block to own the incredible Electrostatic Maculation Blaster!','0','0','0','25885','1'),
('-834','Derived from cutting edge Shattered Sun Offensive military technology, it blasts away stubborn stains with ease!','0','0','0','25885','1'),
('-835','Wine stains, grass stains, even pet stains are no match for the Electrostatic Maculation Blaster!','0','0','0','25885','1'),
('-836','Don\'t wait! Order now and receive my Ultra-Kinetic Waffle Iron at no additional charge!','0','0','0','25885','1'),
('-837','Hey, $G man:lady;? Got some money? I got five kids to feed!','0','0','0','19283','1'),
('-838','Spare a copper, madame?','0','0','0','19283','1'),
('-839','Please don\'t ignore us...','0','0','0','19283','1'),
('-840','A cool breeze caresses your face. Gentle, melodic humming resonates throughout the chamber.','0','2','0','19412','0'),
('-841','Play time!','13428','1','0','26529','0'),
('-842','New toys!','13429','1','0','26529','0'),
('-844','Why you stop moving?','13431','1','0','26529','0'),
('-845','Get up! Me not done!','13432','1','0','26529','0'),
('-846','This not fun...','13433','1','0','26529','0'),
('-847','You are too late, champion of Lordaeron. The dead shall have their day.','13471','1','0','26530','0'),
('-848','Ah, the entertainment has arrived!','13472','1','0','26530','0'),
('-849','The fun is just beginning!','13473','1','0','26530','0'),
('-850','Aah, quality materials!','13474','1','0','26530','0'),
('-851','Don\'t worry, I\'ll make good use of you.','13475','1','0','26530','0'),
('-852','Say hello to some friends of mine.','13476','1','0','26530','0'),
('-853','Come, citizen of Stratholme! Meet your saviors.','13477','1','0','26530','0'),
('-854','BOOM! Hahahahah...','13478','1','0','26530','0'),
('-855','Blood... destruction... EXHILARATING!','13479','1','0','26530','0'),
('-856','I want a sample...','13480','1','0','26530','0'),
('-857','Such strength... it must be mine!','13481','1','0','26530','0'),
('-858','Your flesh betrays you.','13482','1','0','26530','0'),
('-859','You only advance... the master\'s plan...','13483','1','0','26530','0'),
('-860','Vengeance will not be yours, $N!','0','0','0','22454','0'),
('-861','We\'ll see about that, young prince.','13409','1','0','26532','0'),
('-862','Tick tock, tick tock...','13410','1','0','26532','0'),
('-863','Not quick enough!','13411','1','0','26532','0'),
('-864','Let\'s get this over with.','13412','1','0','26532','0'),
('-865','There is no future for you.','13413','1','0','26532','0'),
('-866','This is the hour of our greatest triumph!','13414','1','0','26532','0'),
('-867','You would destined to fail.','13415','1','0','26532','0'),
-- PLEASE RE-USE -868 to -870
('-871','This will be a fine test, Prince Arthas.','14413','1','0','26533','0'),
('-872','Time out.','14414','1','0','26533','0'),
('-873','You seem tired.','14415','1','0','26533','0'),
('-874','All too easy.','14416','1','0','26533','0'),
('-875','The dark lord is displeased with your interference.','14417','1','0','26533','0'),
('-876','It is Prince Arthas I want, not you.','14418','1','0','26533','0'),
('-877','Everyone is falling ill - this is an epidemic!','0','0','0','30994','0'),
('-878','The soldiers are spreading panic with rumors of bad food. Neighbors are accusing one another of poison. The city will fall into bedlam!','0','0','0','30994','0'),
('-879','No remedy seems to work - the entire city has sickened...','0','0','0','30994','0'),
('-880','I\'m at a loss. What can one simple man do in the face of disaster?','0','0','0','30994','0'),
('-881','How can I possibly help the city in such a widespread crisis?','0','0','0','30994','0'),
('-882','I pray the illness I\'m feeling is due to stress ulcers...','0','0','0','30994','0'),
('-883','Hello. Master Fras Siabi is not in at this time. Please come back tomorrow to Fras Siabi\'s Premium Tobacco! Beep!','0','0','0','31057','0'),
('-884','I survived and I\'m flesh again!','0','0','7','25773','1'),
('-885','But... but... I was perfect!','0','0','7','25773','1'),
('-886','Where am I? Who are you? What\'s that strange feeling?','0','0','7','25773','1'),
('-887','I\'m flesh and blood again! Thank you!','0','0','7','25773','1'),
('-888','I knew that you would come.','0','1','0','31161','0'),
('-889','You have some fight in you. I\'m impressed.','0','1','0','31161','0'),
('-890','Welcome to the world of the unliving!','0','1','0','31161','0'),
('-891','Well fought...','0','1','0','31161','0'),
('-892','I know why you\'ve come - one of those foolish Magnataur on the plains meddled and managed to get the dragons involved. Do you enjoy serving them like dogs?','0','1','0','27003','0'),
('-893','You seek their leader... little things, you wage war against the clans of Grom\'thar the Thunderbringer himself. Don\'t be so eager to rush to your deaths.','0','1','0','27003','0'),
('-894','Hah! So be it. Blow the horn of a magnataur leader at the ring of torches south of the Blue Dragonshrine. Make peace with your gods... Grom\'thar will come.','0','1','0','27003','0'),
('-895','There is no escape for you. The Crusade shall destroy all who carry the scourge\'s taint.','0','0','0','1535','0'),
('-896','You carry the taint of the scourge. Prepare to enter the twisting nether.','0','0','0','1535','0'),
('-897','The light condemns all who harbor evil. Now you will die!','0','0','0','1535','0'),
('-898','Do not allow Kaskala to forget what has happened here.','0','1','0','25321','0'),
('-899','Thank you for freeing me! May the tides always favor you.','0','1','0','25321','0'),
('-900','Thank you, $c. May the winds and seas always deliver you safely.','0','1','0','25322','0'),
('-901','May the ancestors always aid you, $c, as you have aided me.','0','1','0','25322','0'),
('-902','What a pity you survived the crash just to die here.','0','0','0','16521','0'),
('-903','We won\'t allow you to leave this valley!','0','0','0','16521','0'),
('-904','I hope you\'ve made your peace.','0','0','0','16521','0'),
('-905','You\'ll not take me alive, scum!','0','0','0','16522','0'),
('-906','The %s didn\'t like what just happened.','0','2','0','16534','18'),
('-907','The %s looks confused.','0','2','0','16534','6'),
('-908','The %s nods appreciatively.','0','2','0','16534','2'),
('-909','The %s doen\'t look like it minds the crystal\'s effect.','0','2','0','16534','22'),
('-910','The %s seems overjoyed.','0','2','0','16534','4'),
('-911','<Sobbing> I hate graveyards. So many dead. And my sweet Luhanaa.....','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-912','It should have been me!','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-913','Be at peace, my sweet, sweet, Luhanaa.','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-914','I\'ll never forget you, my love.','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-915','If I ever find the ones responsible for the crash...!','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-916','We should never have come along.','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-917','Why, Luhanaa? Why?','0','0','0','17073','6'),
('-918','I miss you so much!','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-919','You\'ll always be here, with me.','0','0','0','17073','1'),
('-920','%s weeps softly.','0','2','0','17073','18'),
('-921','%s bows his head and sighs, clearly exhausted.','0','2','0','17073','2'),
('-922','%s breaks down into huge, wracking sobs.','0','2','0','17073','18'),
('-923','%s stares in silence at the graver marker before him.','0','2','0','17073','0'),
('-924','More agents of the Syndicate I\'ll wager! You\'ll never take back Alterac... Or Southshore!','0','0','7','2276','0'),
('-925','This orchard is now as barren and lifeless as my rotting shell. Once these trees bloomed with fruit but now there is only rot.','0','0','1','2396','0'),
('-926','I spent my whole life caring for these trees. Pruning and nurturing them... only fitting that they have joined me in death.','0','0','1','2396','0'),
('-927','Intruders! Attack the intruders!','0','0','33','2405','0'),
('-928','Southshore shall pay in blood!','0','1','0','2433','1'),
('-929','I have risen!','0','1','0','2433','1'),
('-930','Revenge shall be mine at last!','0','1','0','2433','1'),
('-931','The undead shall feast on your soul, $N.','0','1','0','2433','1'),
('-932','Help me! Help! Assassins in the hills! To arms! To arms!','0','1','0','2434','22'),
('-933','Guards to your posts! They must be after the Magistrate again. He must be protected! They could come from any direction!','0','0','0','2434','1'),
('-934','%s grabs the back of his neck and his eyes go wide.','0','2','0','2434','0'),
('-935','Assassins... save... th... Magistraaa...','0','0','0','2434','65'),
('-936','Off with you, $N.','0','0','0','15371','66'),
('-937','Move along, $c.','0','0','0','15371','66'),
('-938','Do not push it citizen!','0','0','0','15371','1'),
('-939','Does anyone need any supplies to down the trolls? Any troll will do.','0','0','0','16263','1'),
('-940','I don\'t see why we ally with filthy stinking trolls? The only good troll is a dead troll.','0','0','0','16263','1'),
('-941','If only I had some wine to go with my cheese...','0','0','0','18929','18'),
('-942','Why couldn\'t mother have chosen something else to dedicate herself to? Cakes, pastries, even bread - anything but cheese!','0','0','0','18929','1'),
('-943','Ooh what a dreadful job! All day, surrounded by the stench of bad feet.','0','0','0','18929','1'),
('-944','%s holds a sea shell up to her ear.','0','2','0','20244','0'),
('-945','%s shakes the dirt loose from the shell.','0','2','0','20244','0'),
('-946','%s picks up a sea shell.','0','2','0','20244','0'),
('-947','The pain...the need...I hunger for more...','0','0','10','Common Wretched Text','0'),
('-948','What is this? I recognize you from when I killed Akali. You must be this $n that everyone is dreading.','0','0','0','29028','0'),
('-949','You don\'t worry me, boy. Just the opposite - I look forward to killing you and your friends. Nothing will stand between me and Zim\'Torga now!','0','0','0','29028','0'),
('-950','How sad that only now do you grasp the truth - I wield the power of a god. You are a mere mortal. You cannot hope to defeat me!','0','0','0','29028','0'),
('-951','You\'ve meddled in affairs that were none of your business. You are nothing but foreign invaders. Prepare to die!','0','0','0','29028','0'),
('-952','What? HAR\'KOA?','0','0','0','29028','0'),
('-953','Very well, kitten. I see no need to delay your inevitable demise. I look forward to dealing with you just as soon as I finish off these simpletons!','0','0','0','29028','0'),
('-954','NO! I will kill you all!','0','0','0','29028','0'),
('-956','YOU KEEP YOUR FILTHY DRAKKARI HANDS OFF THEM!','0','0','0','29050','0'),
('-958','Thank you. Once again you have saved us all. I will see you back at Zim\'Torga.','0','0','0','29050','0'),
('-959','Intruder detected! Neutralizing threat immediately!','0','0','0','18698','0'),
('-960','I love the smell of nether in the morning.','0','0','0','19635','1'),
('-961','It smells like...','0','0','0','19635','1'),
('-963','Looks like today was the wrong day to quit mana tapping...','0','0','0','19926','1'),
('-964','Excellent. We must focus our efforts on the cleansing of Nagrand!','0','0','0','18537','5'),
('-965','The rift\'s power is ours!','0','0','33','24966','0'),
('-966','Core overload detected. System malfunction detected...','0','2','0','24972','0'),
('-967','Beat or be beaten! This is the way of the Legion!','0','1','0','25158','1'),
('-968','Burn their bodies, shred their skins, crush their creaking carapaces!','0','1','0','25158','1'),
('-969','Crush these stinking husks!','0','1','0','25158','1'),
('-970','Smash them! Grind the bones into the dirt!','0','1','0','25158','1'),
('-971','Harder, maggots! We must keep the sunwell clear for the master\'s return!','0','1','0','25158','1'),
('-972','What is this pathetic magic? How about you come back with twenty-four of your best friends and try again, $r!','0','1','0','25158','1'),
('-973','Grraaarrr! You think to make an icicle out of me? Come down, then I will add real fire to your life.','0','1','0','25158','1'),
('-974','Thieves! Scallywags! Rapscallions! Come face me gigantic pillas!','0','1','0','14636','1'),
('-975','Must you follow me everywhere? <sigh>','0','0','1','17109','1'),
('-976','Oh, would you please stop checking your nails and spanking yourself, for one moment? Really, no one cares!','0','0','1','17109','1'),
('-977','Are you hungry? I\'m hungry. I just can\'t stand the thought of cured ham steak from Thultash again. If only we could get some of that succulent roasted quail!','0','0','1','17109','1'),
('-978','Hahaha! That fool will never find out what I\'m up to! Or, if he does, it\'ll be too late for the draenei!','0','0','1','17109','1'),
('-979','Avuun dares to oppose me? I will crush him! When I am done with the draenei, they\'ll wish that they were Lost Ones!','0','0','1','17109','1'),
('-980','I cannot wait to see the results of this latest batch!','0','0','1','17109','1'),
('-981','Are They all.... Dead?','0','0','0','11936','1'),
('-982','Is someone there? Tirion my old friend, is that you? Have you come to save us?','0','0','0','11936','1'),
('-983','You dare! Now feel my wrath!','0','0','0','8578','0'),
('-984','Who dares?! I will destroy you!','0','0','0','8581','0'),
('-985','Mistress!! They seek to destroy your work!','0','0','0','8581','0'),
('-986','You be too scared! Me find you!','0','0','0','14464','0'),
('-987','What? No you can\'t beat me! Me will return!','0','0','0','14464','0'),
('-988','I knew Cornelius wouldn\'t leave us behind!','0','0','0','17681','0'),
('-989','By the forehead signet of Velen, I am saved!','0','0','0','17681','0'),
('-990','Mommy!','0','0','0','Common Text','0'),
('-991','You might wanna stand back. Fish guttin\' is a dirty job.','0','0','0','23896','1'),
('-992','I surrender! Stay your blade!','0','0','0','23941','1'),
('-993','I will go with you. Just spare my men. They\'re good lads who\'ve only made a mistake...','0','0','0','23941','1'),
('-994','Calf killer! Murderer! You will pay for this!','0','0','0','DEHTA','1'),
('-995','Butcher! Die','0','0','0','DEHTA','1'),
('-996','.. the hunter will become the hunted.','0','0','0','DEHTA','1'),
('-997','Drohn\'s brew is the stuff legends are made of! Come taste the legend!','0','0','0','24492','1'),
('-998','We drink for the Horde! Do you drink for the Horde? Come show us at Drohn\'s Distillery!','0','0','0','24492','1'),
('-999','Hey you, the tall one... Want to put some hair on your chest? Drohn\'s Distillery can help you out!','0','0','0','24492','1'),
('-1000','Drohn\'s Distillery has the best brew money can buy! They were voted "Outstanding Brew" by Monthly Goblin Brew!','0','0','0','24492','1'),
('-1001','If you wanna live life to the fullest, you gotta try T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brew!','0','0','0','24493','1'),
('-1002','T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brews helps keep the party going! Check out the party at Brewfest!','0','0','0','24493','1'),
('-1003','Hey you! T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brewers have got a brew that won\'t kill you! But they\'ve also got a brew that might...','0','0','0','24493','1'),
('-1004','T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brewery has the best brew you can find! They were voted "Best Brew" by the Goblin Brew Weekly!','0','0','0','24493','1'),
('-1005','Whoah! Walk by again girl!','0','0','0','24495','1'),
('-1006','Hey! Sweet cheeks, over here!','0','0','0','24495','1'),
('-1007','Hey, hey sweet thing! Looking good!','0','0','0','24495','1'),
('-1008','Hey, hey! Nice build you got there honey!','0','0','0','24495','1'),
('-1009','Yo! Big lady! You think you\'re big enough to handle me?','0','0','0','24495','1'),
('-1010','Hey tough stuff! Hey, $c! Do you like money? I\'m loaded! How about you come over here and check out my gold coins?','0','0','0','24495','1'),
('-1011','The Dark Lady fought as many as she could, but in the end... I hope she survived. Please help!','0','0','0','31437','1'),
('-1012','They killed hundreds! We barely escaped with our lives! Help!','0','0','0','31437','1'),
('-1013','You must help! We\'re homeless!','0','0','0','31437','1'),
('-1014','Could you spare a gold?','0','0','0','31437','1'),
('-1015','Dat cloud look like da Warchief.','0','0','0','34723','1'),
('-1016','De\'re be a bug.','0','0','0','34723','1'),
('-1017','Wa\'re da ship! A harpy! ...wait, dat be another bird.','0','0','0','34723','1'),
('-1018','De\'re be a bird!','0','0','0','34723','1'),
('-1019','This will teach you to lay off the herb, $r.','0','0','0','11447','1'),
('-1020','Step right up! Step right up! Greetings my friend. I\'m Silas Darkmoon and I want to welcome you to the greatest show on Azeroth! It\'s the Darkmoon Faire friend, and it\'s your lucky day! Sparing no expense, we\'ve gathered wonders and treats from around the world for your delight. Whether you\'re young or old, rich or poor, the Darkmoon Faire has it all!','0','0','0','14823','1'),
('-1021','Amaze at the wonders that the Darkmoon Faire has uncovered in this vast and mysterious world! We have spared no expense in bringing you excitement that children of all ages will delight in!','0','0','0','14823','1'),
('-1022','We have it all... delicious food, strong drink, exotic artifacts, fortunes read, amazing prizes and excitement without end!','0','0','0','14823','1'),
('-1023','And, don\'t forget to turn in your Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets! All it takes is five or more and you\'re on your way to the most wondrous prizes on all of Azeroth. Everybody is a winner!','0','0','0','14823','1'),
('-1024','Step right up! Get your Red Hot Wings right here!','0','0','0','14845','1'),
('-1025','You\'ve got money and we\'ve got food. What are you waiting for?','0','0','0','14845','1'),
('-1026','Darkmoon Dogs fresh off the grill. Come and get em while they\'re hot!','0','0','0','14845','1'),
('-1027','For a limited time only, Crunchy Frog available exclusively here at the Darkmoon Faire.','0','0','0','14845','1'),
('-1028','The Scarlet Crusade shall smite the wicked and drive evil from these lands!','0','0','7','Common Scarlet Text','0'),
('-1029','You carry the taint of the scourge. Prepare to enter the twisting nether.','0','0','7','Common Scarlet Text','0'),
('-1030','The Scarlet Crusade shall not fail in it\'s mission!','0','0','7','1667','0'),
('-1031','These undead atrocities will be destroyed!','0','0','0','1667','0'),
('-1032','These lands shall be cleansed!','0','0','0','1667','0'),
('-1033','Here to visit the family? Die, fool!','0','0','0','1657','0'),
('-1034','The Agamand Mills is held by the Scourge, $c. Join us!','0','0','0','1657','0'),
('-1035','This desert be mine!','5876','1','0','7267','0'),
('-1036','The Sandfury reign supreme!','5878','1','0','7267','0'),
('-1037','Feel the fury of the sands!','5879','1','0','7267','0'),
('-1038','Die, outlander!','5877','1','0','7267','0'),
('-1039','Let the executions begin!','5874','1','0','7274','0'),
('-1040','Justice is done!','5875','1','0','7274','0'),
('-1041','Tell the Warden this prison is ours now!','0','0','0','1716','0'),
('-1042','I\'ll crush your skull beneath my boot!','0','0','0','1716','0'),
('-1043','Death to the Warden\'s men!','0','0','0','1716','0'),
('-1044','Fresh meat!','0','0','0','1716','0'),
('-1045','More of the Warden\'s errand boys!','0','0','0','1716','0'),
('-1046','Tartek and nasty dragon going to kill you! You so dumb.','0','0','0','28105','0'),
('-1047','How dare you enter my sanctum!','0','0','0','7271','0'),
('-1048','You are in the presence of a god!','0','2','0','15963','0'),
('-1049','No Touch Spores!','0','0','0','Common Bloodspore Text','0'),
('-1050','Who disturbs my meditation?!','0','1','0','26073','0'),
('-1051','What is the meaning of this?! I have not yet finished my feast!','0','1','0','26076','0'),
('-1052','I am the baddest of the bad, the coolest of the cool! To my side, my elements, let us freeze and rule!','0','1','0','30024','0'),
('-1053','I\'m the king of dirt, there is none higher! To my aid, minions - assist your sire!','0','1','0','30025','0'),
('-1054','%s collapses but the broken body rises again!','0','2','0','10381','0'),
('-1055','No tampering with the mail!','0','0','0','11142','0'),
('-1056','That\'s our treasure, you lubber!','0','0','0','Treasure Hunting Common Text','0'),
('-1057','Hey! Get away from our treasure!','0','0','0','Treasure Hunting Common Text','0'),
('-1058','%s seems to no longer be able to cast spells...','0','2','0','7666','0'),
('-1059','Hey folks, go easy on me... it\'s my first time.','0','0','0','19228','24'),
('-1060','I never met a tauren I didn\'t like...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1061','To eat!!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1062','Last week I was in Goldshire. Have you been there?','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1063','That town\'s so small, I asked a kid to draw me a map. He drew it on the back of a Defias wanted poster...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1064','to scale!!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1065','Impersonation time!! I call this, "The Silly Tauren."','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1066','The comedian clears his throat.','0','2','0','19228','0'),
('-1067','The comedian impersonates a tauren.','6386','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1068','Goldshire\'s inn advertises a lakeside view...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1069','I saw a murloc swim by my window.','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1070','What\'s the deal with women? I mean they are always like...','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1071','The comedian impersonates a human female.','6143','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1072','And then gnomes are even worse! They are always saying stuff like...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1073','The comedian impersonates a gnome.','6133','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1074','How many kobolds does it take to change a lantern wick?','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1075','You no take candle!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1076','Come on! These jokes are epic!','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1077','Hey Hey Hey! It\'s Raliq the drunk... His momma\'s so fat she didn\'t just make the front cover of Ogre Today...','0','0','0','19228','25'),
('-1078','She made the back cover too!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1079','Used to be you couldn\'t trust a goblin...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1080','Who am I kiddin\'? If you trade with goblins you\'d better have iron plating in your coinpurse.','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1081','I love blood elf women. Especially when they say stuff like this...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1082','The comedian impersonates a blood elf.','9643','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1083','How desperate do you have to be for allies that you recruit your livestock?','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1084','I own a dog, but I\'m not giving him a sword.','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1085','One last impersonation. It\'s tough, but let\'s see if you can guess who it is...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1086','The comedian impersonates an orc.','6368','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1087','Now that the show\'s done, can someone run me through Scarlet Monestary?','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1088','What a good looking crowd. The dwarven women even shaved.','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1089','Is it over already? You\'ve been great folks. Walk safely and have a good night.','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1090','Have you ever noticed that all those cute, orc kids look the same?','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1091','It\'s too bad they don\'t stay cute. There must be some right of passage in the Barrens called, "Climb ugly tree and fall out."','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1092','The comedian impersonates a female tauren.','6377','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1093','Here\'s a good one, why do watermelons have water in them?','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1094','Because they are planted in the spring!','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1095','Hey, it\'s Raliq the drunk... His momma\'s so fat, when she flies to Blade\'s Edge they charged her by the pound!','0','0','0','19228','25'),
('-1096','What do you call a broken boomerang?','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1097','A stick!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1098','Thank you everyone! And keep clapping, there is a fly in here and one of you are bound to get it! Good night!','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1099','Can I get a buff? I\'m dying up here!','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1100','What time is it when an Elekk sits on your fence?','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1101','Time to get a new fence!!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1102','So, the Blood Elves think they\'re one step away from ruling the world...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1103','Twelve steps is more like it!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1104','The gnomes used to be a nice respectful people...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1105','The other day I saw one walking down the street shouting, "Once you go gnome, you never go home!"','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1106','The comedian impersonates a female dwarf.','6106','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1107','So this gnome tells a tauren he\'s been to Molten Core.','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1108','The tauren says, "That\'s a load of bull."','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1109','Is it just me, or is the Horde about the ugliest enemy we could find?','0','0','7','19228','1'),
('-1110','Just so you guys don\'t feel left out, all I said was how attractive the blood elves are. It loses something in the translation.','0','0','1','19228','1'),
('-1111','My wife and I were happy for 23 years...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1112','And then we met!','0','0','0','19228','5'),
('-1113','I love night elf women. Especially when they say stuff like this...','0','0','0','19228','1'),
('-1114','The comedian impersonates a night elf.','6179','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1115','The comedian impersonates an undead.','6422','2','0','19228','5'),
('-1116','Look who\'s here, it\'s Raliq the drunk... His momma\'s so fat dragon\'s won\'t eat her...','0','0','0','19228','25'),
('-1117','They dont\'t know where to store the leftovers!','0','0','0','19228','25'),
('-1118','Wow! The laughs dont\'t drop very often here, do they?','0','0','0','19228','6'),
('-1119','Kill $N!','0','1','0','15392','25'),
('-1120','You are not worthy to face the Lich King!','16921','1','0','36723','1'),
('-1121','Master, I have failed...','16922','1','0','36723','0'),
('-1122','Men... Women... and Children. None were spared the Master\'s wrath. Your death will be no different.','16710','1','0','38112','0'),
('-1123','..Marwyn..! Finish them..!','16713','1','0','38112','0'),
('-1124','Sniveling maggot!','16711','1','0','38112','0'),
('-1125','The children of Stratholme fought with more ferocity!','16712','1','0','38112','0'),
('-1126',' exhilarating!','16715','1','0','38112','0'),
('-1127',' delicious','16716','1','0','38112','0'),
('-1128','Soldiers of Lordaeron, rise to meet your master\'s call!','16714','1','0','38112','0'),
('-1129','I\'m not gonna lie to you, soldiers. We\'re getting our butts out there! Now which one of you is orc enough to do something about it?','0','0','0','19255','1'),
('-1130','I can\'t belive that Papa Wheeler thinks he\'s going to dupe anyone into going out to Manaforge B\'naar!','0','0','0','19541','1'),
('-1131','We can\'t let a failing servo slow down the construction of the X-52 Nether-Rocket!','0','0','0','19541','1'),
('-1132','Netherock?! That thing\'ll squish you flat with one step of its massive foot! No thanks!','0','0','0','19541','1'),
('-1133','That Broken worm gave you that staff, didn\'t he? Did he also tell you he\'s the one that sold out his tribe? No matter, you will both pay for this!','0','1','0','19354','0'),
('-1134','We will find what the Master is looking for! Failure is not an option!','0','1','0','19354','0'),
('-1135','None can stand against the serpent lords!','5786','1','0','3671','0'),
('-1136','Speak, filthy refugee! What was your caravan doing in the Bone Wastes?','0','0','0','22378','0'),
-- 1137 and 1138 REUSE
('-1139','Come, $n. See what the Nightmare brings...','0','1','0','15625','0'),
('-1140','The Nightmare cannot be stopped!','0','1','0','15625','0'),
('-1141','%s squeezes the last bit of life out of $n and swallows their soul.','0','2','0','15625','0'),
('-1142','Dig faster, wretch! Do not force me to show you the true meaning of pain!','0','0','0','17058','0'),
('-1143','Do not stop! I promise you a thousand deaths if you even think about putting down that pick!','0','0','0','17058','0'),
('-1144','Faster, scum! The Master won\'t be pleased if we don\'t find the Ata\'mal crystal he\'s after.','0','0','0','17058','0'),
('-1145','Slay these intruders, filthy Dreghood! I promise you neverending pain if you disobey me!','0','0','0','17058','0'),
('-1146','You dare interfere with the Master\'s endeavors? You will pay, foolish mortal!','0','0','0','17058','0'),
('-1147','Go, you little wretches! Show these fools that our Master is not to be trifled with!','0','0','0','17058','0'),
('-1148','Do not even think of fleeing, Broken wretches! I promise you a fate worse than death if you don\'t slay these intruders!','0','0','0','17058','0'),
('-1149','Me crush puny friend of dragons!','0','0','0','23786','0'),
('-1150','You leave Stonemaul lands now!','0','0','0','23786','0'),
('-1151','Why you wake ghost? Where other Stonemauls?!','0','0','0','23786','0'),
('-1166','Jane will love this one!','0','0','10','20244','0'),
('-1167','Oooh, a shiny one!','0','0','10','20244','0'),
('-1168','I think I can see the Sunwell from here!','0','0','10','20244','0'),
('-1169','Can you really hear the ocean from one of these shells?','0','0','10','20244','0'),
('-1170','Obey the laws of Silvermoon. Failure to do so will result in termination.','0','0','0','18103','0'),
('-1171','Do not disturb the serenity of the city. Peace must be upheld.','0','0','0','18103','0'),
('-1194','Emperor Thaurissan does not wish to be disturbed! Turn back now or face your doom, weak mortals!','0','1','0','9938','0'),
('-1195','Prepare to be Malowned!','0','1','0','11143','0'),
('-1196','You just got MALOWNED!','0','1','0','11143','0'),
('-1198','Tell me... tell me everything!','5847','1','0','3983','0'),
('-1199','Naughty secrets!','5849','1','0','3983','0'),
('-1200','I\'ll rip the secrets from your flesh!','5850','1','0','3983','0'),
('-1201','Purged by pain!','5848','1','0','3983','0'),
('-1202','We hunger for vengeance.','5844','1','0','4543','0'),
('-1203','No rest, for the angry dead.','5846','1','0','4543','0'),
('-1204','More... More souls.','5845','1','0','4543','0'),
('-1205','Release the hounds!','5841','1','0','3974','0'),
('-1206','Azeroth has cowered too long under our shadow! Now, feel the power of the Burning Crusade, and despair!','0','1','0','18338','0'),
('-1207','Your fate is sealed, Azeroth! I will find the Aspect Shards, and then you will not stand against our might!','0','1','0','18338','0'),
('-1208','Cower, little worms! Your heroes are nothing! Your saviors will be our first feast!','0','1','0','18338','0'),
('-1209','Where? Where are the Shards! You cannot hide them from us!','0','1','0','18338','0'),
('-1210','Your world will die, mortals! Your doom is now at hand!','0','1','0','18338','0'),
('-1211','Your own strength feeds me!','0','1','0','18338','0'),
('-1212','Ha! This place is not yet worthy of my infliction.','0','1','0','18338','0'), -- used on despawn (not sure where to put it)
('-1213','You have approximately five seconds to live.','11109','1','0','19710','0'),
('-1214','With the precise angle and velocity...','11112','1','0','19710','0'),
('-1215','Low tech yet quite effective!','11113','1','0','19710','0'),
('-1216','A foregone conclusion.','11110','1','0','19710','0'),
('-1217','The processing will continue a schedule!','11111','1','0','19710','0'),
('-1218','My calculations did not...','11114','1','0','19710','0'),
('-1219','%s raises his hammer menacingly...','0','3','0','19710','0'),
('-1220','Skywing! I will free you from your curse over my dead body!','0','1','0','18533','0'),
('-1221','You\'ll never leave this place... alive.','5825','1','0','7358','0'),
('-1222','To me, my servants!','5828','1','0','7358','0'),
('-1223','Come, spirits, attend your master!','5829','1','0','7358','0'),
('-1224','I am the hand of the Lich King!','5827','1','0','7358','0'),
('-1226','Oh now you\'ve gone and angered me! Time to see the true force of the Stone of Tides!','0','0','0','2624','0'),
('-1227','This is sacred ground!','10530','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1228','This is sacred ground!','10533','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1229','This is sacred ground!','10536','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1230','How dare you come here?','10531','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1231','How dare you come here?','10534','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1232','How dare you come here?','10537','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1233','Outsiders are forbidden!','10532','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1234','Outsiders are forbidden!','10535','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1235','Outsiders are forbidden!','10538','1','0','18702','0'),
('-1236','If you hear the whisper, you\'re dying...','0','0','0','Mana-Tombs','0'),
('-1237','Welcome to the Void...','0','0','0','Mana-Tombs','0'),
('-1238','You\'re far from home, stranger.','0','0','0','Mana-Tombs','0'),
('-1239','What have the netherwinds brought us?','0','0','0','Mana-Tombs','0'),
('-1240','Arak-ha!','0','0','0','Sethekk Halls','0'),
('-1241','Protect the Veil!','0','0','0','Sethekk Halls','0'),
('-1242','Darkfire -- avenge us!','0','0','0','Sethekk Halls','0'),
('-1243','Ssssekk-sara Rith-nealaak!','0','0','0','Sethekk Halls','0'),
('-1244','In Terokk\'s name!','0','0','0','Sethekk Halls','0'),
('-1245','%s begins to summon in a Cabal Deathsworn!','0','2','0','18634','0'),
('-1246','%s begins to summon in a Cabal Acolyte!','0','2','0','18634','0'),
('-1247','Cabal Summoner summons a Cabal Deathsworn to his aid!','0','2','0','19209','0'),
('-1248','Cabal Summoner summons a Cabal Acolyte to his aid!','0','2','0','19208','0'),
('-1249','You\'re a slave. That\'s all you\'ll ever be.','10407','1','0','17862','0'),
('-1250','I don\'t know what Blackmoore sees in you. For my money, you\'re just another ignorant savage!','10408','1','0','17862','0'),
('-1251','Thrall will never be free!','10409','1','0','17862','0'),
('-1252','Did you really think you would leave here alive?','10410','1','0','17862','0'),
('-1253','Guards! Urgh..Guards..!','10411','1','0','17862','0'),
('-1254','You there, fetch water quickly! Get these flames out before they spread to the rest of the keep! Hurry, damn you!','10428','1','0','17848','0'),
('-1255','I know what you\'re up to, and I mean to put an end to it, permanently!','10429','1','0','17848','0'),
('-1256','No more middling for you.','10432','1','0','17848','0'),
('-1257','You will not interfere!','10433','1','0','17848','0'),
('-1258','Time to bleed!','10430','1','0','17848','0'),
('-1259','Run, you blasted cowards!','10431','1','0','17848','0'),
('-1260','Thrall... must not... go free.','10434','1','0','17848','0'),
('-1261','Enough! I will erase your very existence!','10421','1','0','18096','0'),
('-1262','You cannot fight fate!','10422','1','0','18096','0'),
('-1263','You are...irrelevant.','10425','1','0','18096','0'),
('-1264','Thrall will remain a slave. Taretha will die. You have failed.','10426','1','0','18096','0'),
('-1265','Not so fast!','10423','1','0','18096','0'),
('-1266','Struggle as much as you like!','10424','1','0','18096','0'),
('-1267','No!...The master... will not... be pleased.','10427','1','0','18096','0'),
('-1268','At last I am liberated. It has been too long since I have tasted true freedom!','11309','1','0','21875','0'),
('-1269','I have no equal.','11306','1','0','21875','0'),
('-1270','Perish, mortal.','11307','1','0','21875','0'),
('-1271','Yes, YES! Ahahah!','11308','1','0','21875','0'),
('-1272','I\'m thinking of a vacation. I hear Hearthglen is nice.','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1273','Quitting time can\'t come too soon.','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1274','I hear that Blackmoore has been acting strange.','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1275','This area is restricted!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1276','Halt!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1277','Surrender immediately!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1278','Stop them!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1279','Why...?','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1280','Blackmoore will have... your head!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1281','I was just... following orders.','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1282','Cursed scum!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1283','He\'s here, stop him!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1284','Give up or die!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1285','You won\'t get far....','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1286','You think you\'ve won?','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1287','I\'ll...','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1288','You don\'t stand a chance!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1289','We have all the time in the world....','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1290','All that you know... will be undone.','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1291','You cannot escape us!','0','0','0','Old Hillsbrad Foothills','0'),
('-1292','Hm, hungry.','0','0','0','18598','0'),
('-1294','Intruders have breached the hatchery! Sound the alarm! Protect the eggs at all costs!','8272','1','0','12557','0'),
('-1295','Foolish mortal, you serve me now!','8273','1','0','12557','0'),
('-1296','The power of the light is truly great and merciful.','0','0','0','14484, 14485','0'),
('-1297','We shall be reunited once more, my love...','0','0','0','14484, 14485','0'),
('-1298','At last, it ends...','0','0','0','14484, 14485','0'),
('-1299','Stranger, find the fallen Prince Menethil and end his reign of terror.','0','0','0','14484, 14485','0'),
('-1300','Should I live through this, I shall make it my life\'s sole ambition to destroy Arthas...','0','0','0','14484, 14485','0'),
('-1301','I won\'t make it... go... go on without me...','0','0','0','14484, 14485','0'),
('-1302','Death take me! I cannot go on! I have nothing left...','0','0','0','14484, 14485','0'),
-- Please re-use -1303 and -1304
('-1305','The light condemns all who harbor evil. Now you will die!','0','0','0','Scarlet Monastery','0'),
('-1306','You carry the taint of the scourge. Prepare to enter the twisting nether.','0','0','0','Scarlet Monastery','0'),
('-1307','There is no escape for you. The Crusade shall destroy all who carry the scourge\'s taint.','0','0','0','Scarlet Monastery','0'),
('-1308','The Scarlet Crusade shall smite the wicked and drive evil from these lands!','0','0','0','Scarlet Monastery','0'),
('-1309','Do as I say, Fly!','0','0','0','17994','0'),
('-1310','Welcome to flavor country!','0','0','0','11058','0'),
('-1311','Kitten for sale, looking for a good home.','0','0','0','8666','0'),
('-1312','I can\'t believe dad won\'t let me keep your sister.','0','0','0','8666','0'),
('-1313','Can anyone give my adorable, extra little kitty a home?','0','0','0','8666','0'),
('-1314','What does allergic mean anyway? And what does it have to do with either of my kitties?','0','0','0','8666','0'),
('-1315','Will someone please give my little kitten a good home?','0','0','0','8666','0'),
('-1316','Don\'t worry, I\'ll find a good home for ya.','0','0','0','8666','0'),
('-1317','Silithid Creeper lays an egg!','0','2','0','3250','0'),
('-1318','Silithid Creeper Egg begins to crack and open...','0','2','0','5781','0'),
('-1319','Silithid Creeper Egg splits open!','0','2','0','5781','0'),
('-1320','Your pathetic attempt to escape will be short lived, Gorefiend. Let the boy go and submit! Even with your armour and weapons, you cannot defeat the ancients!','0','0','0','21877','0'),
('-1321','What ... have you done...','0','1','0','21877','0'),
('-1322','Pray that the chilling embrace of Teron Gorefiend does not reach out for you...','0','4','0','21788 21795','0'),
('-1323','It is you who have invaded our home. Gorefiend will avenge us!','0','4','0','21788 21795','0'),
('-1324','We will never dissipate, mortal... Our fate is tied to Gorefiend...','0','4','0','21788 21795','0'),
('-1325','We are bound here... eternally. It is the will of Gorefiend.','0','4','0','21788 21795','0'),
('-1326','Gorefiend will have your head, interloper!','0','4','0','21788 21795','0'),
('-1327','%s returns the rude gesture to $n','0','2','0','Jenn/Elly Langston rude','0'),
('-1328','Well hello, $n, what can I get you today?','0','0','0','Jenn/Elly Langston random text','0'),
('-1329','Been a tough day? A nice ale should loosen those worries right up.','0','0','0','Jenn/Elly Langston random text','0'),
('-1330','Do you think I need more pieces of flair?','0','0','0','Jenn Langston random text','0'),
('-1331','What do you fancy, $G sir:miss;?','0','0','0','Jenn Langston random text','0'),
('-1332','Hi, what would you like?','0','0','0','Jenn Langston random text','0'),
('-1333','Look what the cat dragged in. What can I get you, $n?','0','0','0','Jenn Langston random text','0'),
('-1334','Remain strong. Kael\'thas will - error - Lor\'themar will lead you to power and glory!','0','0','0','18103','0'),
('-1335','Maintain order within these walls.','0','0','0','18103','0'),
('-1336','Happiness is mandatory, citizen.','0','0','0','18103','0'),
('-1337','Do not be disheartened. Silvermoon will remain strong through this course of events.','0','0','0','18103','0'),
('-1338','The magister\'s going to kill me...','0','0','0','18230','0'),
('-1339','Argh. They told me those crystals would work properly!','0','0','0','18230','0'),
('-1340','When I catch you, I\'m going to disenchant your components, so help me...','0','0','0','18230','0'),
('-1341','You stay out of the regent lord\'s way! I mean it!','0','0','0','18230','0'),
('-1342','No, no, no! Come back here!','0','0','0','18230','0'),
('-1349','Burn Burn Burn','0','0','12','18109','0'),
('-1350','%s appears very grateful to be free of the koi-koi spirit\'s influence.','0','2','0','21326','34'),
('-1365','I\'ll crush you!','0','0','0','9196','0'),
('-1366','Me smash! You die!','0','0','0','9196','0'),
('-1367','Raaar!!! Me smash $R!','0','0','0','9196','1'),
('-1368','I cannot be destroyed! By the will of Ragnaros, I shall be reborn!','0','0','0','9017','0'),
('-1369','What are you doing? Intruders!!','0','1','0','9476','0'),
('-1370','Intruders in the Manufactory? My constructs will destroy you!','0','0','0','8983','0'),
('-1371','%s gets really dizzy!','0','2','0','9554','0');
Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):
INSERT IGNORE INTO `creature_ai_texts` VALUES
(-50,'Not... Fair...',NULL,NULL,'Nicht...gerecht...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'16409'),
(-54,'You... will... pay...',NULL,NULL,'Ihr...werdet...bezahlen...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'16424'),
(-55,'You will be punished!',NULL,NULL,'Ihr werdet bestraft!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'16424'),
(-81,'Your strategy was flawed.',NULL,NULL,'Eure Strategie war fehlerhaft!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11102,1,0,0,'19218'),
(-82,'Yes, the only logical outcome.',NULL,NULL,'Ja, das einzige logische Ergebnis.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11103,1,0,0,'19218'),
(-83,'An unforeseen... contingency.',NULL,NULL,'Eine unerwartete... Möglichkeit.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11106,1,0,0,'19218'),
(-84,'Measure twice, cut once.',NULL,NULL,'Zweimal messen; einmal schneiden!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11104,1,0,0,'19218'),
(-85,'If my division is correct you should be quite dead.',NULL,NULL,'Wenn meine Berechnung korrekt ist solltet Ihr ziemlich tot sein.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11105,1,0,0,'19218'),
(-86,'I predict a painful death.',NULL,NULL,'Ich prophezeihe einen schmerzhaften Tod.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11101,1,0,0,'19218'),
(-93,'The work must continue.',NULL,NULL,'Unsere Arbeit duldet keine Unterbrechung!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10376,1,0,0,'17941'),
(-94,'Don\'t make me kill you!',NULL,NULL,'Zwingt mich nicht, euch zu töten!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10378,1,0,0,'17941'),
(-95,'You brought this on yourselves.',NULL,NULL,'Das habt ihr euch selbst zuzuschreiben!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10379,1,0,0,'17941'),
(-96,'It had to be done.',NULL,NULL,'Das war nötig...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10380,1,0,0,'17941'),
(-97,'You should not have come.',NULL,NULL,'Ihr hättet nicht kommen sollen.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10381,1,0,0,'17941'),
(-98,'I... Deserve this.',NULL,NULL,'Das... habe ich verdient.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10382,1,0,0,'17941'),
(-110,'Take heart! Your friends will not long mourn your passing!',NULL,NULL,'Tröstet Euch! Eure Freunde werden nicht lange um Euer Ableben trauern!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'15638'),
(-112,'Your world is ours now.',NULL,NULL,'Eure Welt gehört nun uns!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11056,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-117,'Abandon all hope! The Legion has returned to finish what was begun so many years ago. This time, there will be no escape!',NULL,NULL,'Gebt alle eure Hoffnungen auf! Die Legion ist zurück gekehrt, um das zu beenden was vor vielen Jahren angefangen wurde. Dieses mal wird es kein Entkommen geben!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10999,1,0,0,'17842'),
(-118,'Reesh, hokta!',NULL,NULL,'Reesh, hokta!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11001,1,0,0,'17842'),
(-119,'Just a taste... of what awaits you.',NULL,NULL,'Ein Geschmack... dessen was Euch erwartet',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11046,1,0,0,'17842'),
(-120,'Don\'t fight it.',NULL,NULL,'Bekämpf es nicht',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11047,1,0,0,'17842'),
(-121,'Your time is almost... up.',NULL,NULL,'Eure Zeit ist fast... um',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11002,1,0,0,'17842'),
(-122,'No one is going to save you.',NULL,NULL,'Keiner wird kommen um euch zu retten.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11048,1,0,0,'17842'),
(-125,'The Legion\'s final conquest has begun! Once again the subjugation of this world is within our grasp. Let none survive!',NULL,NULL,'Der letzte Krieg der Legion hat begonnen! Und wieder steht die Unterwerfung dieser Welt kurz bevor. Niemand soll überleben!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11022,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-126,'Succumb to the icy chill... of death!',NULL,NULL,'Beugt euch dem eisigen Hauch... des Todes!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11024,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-127,'It will be much colder in your grave.',NULL,NULL,'In eurem Grab wird es um einiges kälter sein.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11058,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-128,'Crumble and rot!',NULL,NULL,'Modert und verfault!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11023,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-129,'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.',NULL,NULL,'Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11055,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-130,'All life must perish!',NULL,NULL,'Alles Leben muss verenden!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11025,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-131,'Victory to the Legion!',NULL,NULL,'Sieg für die Legion!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11057,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-132,'You have won this battle, but not... the... war.',NULL,NULL,'Ihr habt die Schlacht gewonnen, aber nicht... den... Krieg.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11026,1,0,0,'17767'),
(-133,'Troublesome whelps. I\'ll teach you to interfere!',NULL,NULL,'Nichtsnutzige Welpen. Was mischt ihr euch ein!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5813,1,0,0,'4421'),
(-134,'Our new allies will avenge us!',NULL,NULL,'Unsere neuen Verbündeten werden uns rächen uns!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5814,1,0,0,'4421'),
(-135,'You outsiders will pay for encroaching on our land!',NULL,NULL,'Ihr Fremdlinge werdet büßen, dass ihr unser Land raubt!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5815,1,0,0,'4421'),
(-136,'Bah! My power rules here!',NULL,NULL,'Pah! Meine Macht herrscht hier!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5816,1,0,0,'4421'),
(-137,'I will be reborn, mortals! Incendius shall raise me from these ashes!',NULL,NULL,'Ich werde wiedergeboren, sterbliche Wesen! Incendius wird mich aus der Asche auferstehen lassen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'9026'),
(-138,'It\'s so cold, so dark.... I\'m not overacting, am I?',NULL,NULL,'Es ist so kalt, Dunkelheit umfängt mich... übertreibe ich schon wieder?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'16473'),
(-139,'keeps an eye on $N!',NULL,NULL,'%s behält $N im Blickfeld!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'XXX'),
(-141,'Invaders! Sound the Alarm!',NULL,NULL,'Eindringlinge! Löst den Alarm aus!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'23586'),
(-217,'You are defenders of a doomed world! Flee here, and perhaps you will prolong your pathetic lives!',NULL,NULL,'Ihr verteidigt eine verlorene Welt. Flieht, vielleicht verlängert dies euer erbärmliches Leben.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10977,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-218,'Your hopes are lost!',NULL,NULL,'Eure Hoffnung ist verloren!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10981,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-219,'Scream for me!',NULL,NULL,'Schreit für mich!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11038,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-220,'Pity, no time for a slow death!',NULL,NULL,'Wie schade, keine Zeit für einen langsamen Tod!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11039,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-221,'The clock... is still... ticking.',NULL,NULL,'Die Uhr...tickt... weiter.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10982,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-222,'The swarm is eager to feed!',NULL,NULL,'Der Schwarm ist hungrig!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10979,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-223,'Pestilence upon you!',NULL,NULL,'Möge die Pest über euch kommen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11037,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-224,'You look tired...',NULL,NULL,'Ihr seht müde aus...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10978,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-225,'Sweet dreams...',NULL,NULL,'Süße Träume...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11545,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-226,'Let fire rain from above!',NULL,NULL,'Möge Feuer auf euch herab regnen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10980,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-227,'Earth and sky shall burn!',NULL,NULL,'Lasst Himmel und Erde brennen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11036,1,0,0,'17808'),
(-304,'What is it that you want from me, shaman?',NULL,NULL,'Was willst du, Schamane?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21769'),
(-305,'Do you not have eyes? Did you not see the demons on our very doorstep? I do not have the soldiers to spare!',NULL,NULL,'Hast du keine Augen? Hast du nicht gesehen das die Dämonen direkt vor unserer Haustür sind? Ich kann keine Soldaten entbehren!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21769'),
(-306,'Pray to your gods, shaman. Perhaps they will come to your aid. The Horde however, cannot...',NULL,NULL,'Bete zu deinen Göttern, Schamane. Vielleicht werden sie dir helfen. Die Horde jedoch kann nicht...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21769'),
(-333,'I don\'t get it! Are ya blind? Can ya not see the demons bangin\' on our door? Who am I gonna send out to talk to your shaman friends? Point \'em out!',NULL,NULL,'Ich versteh\' das nicht! Bist du blind? Kannst du nicht die Dämonen sehen, wie sie an unsere Tür klopfen? Wen soll ich raus schicken um mich deinen Schamenen-Freunden zu reden? Zeig mir jemanden!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21773'),
(-347,'The Helmsman comes for you!',NULL,NULL,'Der Steuermann kommt dich holen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'32576'),
(-348,'Now you face Orabus, fool!',NULL,NULL,'Jetzt hast du es mit Orabus zu tun, Schwächling',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'32576'),
(-378,'Berserker stance! Attack them recklessly!',NULL,NULL,'Berserkerhaltung! Attackiert sie rücksichtslos!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'23049'),
(-379,'Mine! You shall not take this place!',NULL,NULL,'Meins! Ihr sollt diesen Ort nicht einnehmen.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,33,0,'24960'),
(-380,'Get away, this place is ours!',NULL,NULL,'Verschwindet, dieser Ort gehört uns!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,33,0,'24966'),
(-401,'Shattered Sun scum! Fire at will!',NULL,NULL,'Abschaum von der Zerschmetterten Sonne! Feuer nach eigenem Ermessen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'25132'),
(-402,'Keep your eye on the demons. We\'re not concerned with killing Scourge today.',NULL,NULL,'Richtet Eure gesamte Aufmerksamkeit auf die Dämonen. Mit der Geißel beschäftigen wir uns heute nicht.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'25144'),
(-403,'Dragonhawk incoming from the west! Shoot that $C down!',NULL,NULL,'Drachenfalke von Westen! Schießt den $C ab!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25144'),
(-417,'Sir, our customers are complaining that there\'s not enough Maiden\'s Anguish in our Deadly Poisons.',NULL,NULL,'Sir, unsere Kunden beschweren, dass in unserem tödlichen Gift nicht genug Jungfernleid ist',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28355'),
(-418,'Sir, our customers are complaining that there\'s too much Deathweed in our Anesthetics.',NULL,NULL,'Sir, unsere Kunden beschweren, dass in unserem beruhigenden Gift zu viel Todeskraut ist.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28355'),
(-419,'Sir, I think we were close with the Lethargy Root in that last poison recipe.',NULL,NULL,'Sir, Ich denke wir waren nah dran, als wir unserem letzten Rezept Lethargiewurzeln hinzufügten.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28355'),
(-420,'Then put twice as much in next time!',NULL,NULL,'Dann benutz das nächste mal doppelt so viel!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28347'),
(-421,'Only put half as much in next time.',NULL,NULL,'Dann benutz das nächste mal nur halb so viel!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28347'),
(-422,'Remember, kid: You\'re always more wrong than you think you are. Double It!',NULL,NULL,'Merk dir eins Kind: Du bist oftmals weiter entfernt von der Lösung als du denkst. Verdopple die Dosis!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28347'),
(-439,'We will not fail!',NULL,NULL,'Wir werden nicht versagen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17892'),
(-440,'Death to the Last Guardian!',NULL,NULL,'Tod dem letzten Wächter!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17892'),
(-441,'We are not finished!',NULL,NULL,'Wir sind noch nicht fertig!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17892'),
(-442,'Your efforts... are in vain.',NULL,NULL,'Eure Bemühungen... sind vergebens.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17835'),
(-443,'The rift must be protected!',NULL,NULL,'Der Riss muss beschützt werden!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21104'),
(-444,'You are running out of time!',NULL,NULL,'Euch läuft die Zeit davon!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21104'),
(-445,'Victory or death!',NULL,NULL,'Sieg oder Tod!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21104'),
(-446,'We will not be stopped!',NULL,NULL,'Wir lassen uns nicht aufhalten!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17835'),
(-447,'The wizard will fall!',NULL,NULL,'Der Zauberer wird fallen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17835'),
(-474,'Filthy $R intruder. DIE!',NULL,NULL,'Drecker $R Eindringling. STIRB!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28575'),
(-475,'If Rhunok regains his strength, we all die!',NULL,NULL,'Wenn Rhunok seine Kraft wiedererlangt werden wir alle sterben!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28575'),
(-477,'Mmm, more mojo.',NULL,NULL,'Hmm, mehr Mojo.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-479,'I see you, insect! Come closer',NULL,NULL,'Ich sehe dich, Insekt! Komm näher',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-480,'With the power of the wild gods burning in our veins, none, not even the Lich King, can stand in our way!',NULL,NULL,'Mit der Macht der wilden Götter in unserem Blut kann uns niemaned aufhalten, nichtmal der Lich König!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-481,'They dare attack us? The fools! Do they not know we are now all-powerful?!',NULL,NULL,'Sie wegen es uns anzugreifen? Diese Idioten! Wissen sie nicht, dass wir jetzt allmächtig sind?!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-482,'Finish them and then we will move south to kill their brethren!',NULL,NULL,'Tötet Sie, danach ziehen Wir nach Süden und töten ihre Brüder!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-483,'I will destroy the Argent Crusade! I will crush the Scourge!',NULL,NULL,'Ich werden den Argentumkreuzzug zerstören! Ich werde die Geisel vernichten!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-484,'Kill these invaders who dare to defile our altar!',NULL,NULL,'Tötet diese Eindringlinge, die es wagen unseren Altar zu besudeln!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-485,'Drink deep my brothers!',NULL,NULL,'Nehmt einen tiefen Schluck Brüder!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-486,'The mojo of Sseratus is ours. Now all will be crushed under the might of the Drakkari!!',NULL,NULL,'Das Mojo von Sseratus ist unser. Nun werden alle unter der Macht der Drakkari zerschmettert werden!!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'28068'),
(-488,'I... submit. As long as Simmer agrees to stop boiling my pool, I agree to an armistice.',NULL,NULL,'Ich...verliere. Ich stimme einem Waffenstillstand zu.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25418'),
(-489,'Now, remove yourself from my presence. You would be wise not to come within sight of me again.',NULL,NULL,'Entfernt euch nun. Ihr seid gut beraten mir nie wieder entgegen zu treten.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25418'),
(-493,'Death will be only the beginning of your torture.',NULL,NULL,'Der Tod ist erst der Anfang eurer Folter.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26165'),
(-495,'I am the Keymaster. Are you the Gatekeeper?',NULL,NULL,'Ich bin der Schlüsselmeister. Seid ihr der Torwächter?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25210'),
(-496,'Your death will soon follow....',NULL,NULL,'Euer Tod wird bald folgen....',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25396'),
(-497,'You cannot stop us all!',NULL,NULL,'Ihr könnt uns nicht alle stoppen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25396'),
(-498,'Who dares?',NULL,NULL,'Wer wagt es?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25416'),
(-500,'Tell Imperean that I will consider a cessation of hostilities. But first, Churn must stop his watery intrusions upon my rise!',NULL,NULL,'Teilt Imperean mit, dass Ich mit einem Waffenstillstand einverstanden bin. Aber zuerst muss Churn seine Handlungen einstellen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25416'),
(-501,'I grow bored with you. Begone!',NULL,NULL,'Ich werde euch überdrüssig. Verschwindet!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25416'),
(-504,'...Go or I taunt you a second time!',NULL,NULL,'...geht oder Ich verspotte euch ein weiteres Mal!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28095'),
(-505,'These prisons are to be filled at once or Malygos will know why!',NULL,NULL,'Diese Gefägnisse sollen nicht leer bleiben oder Malygos wird wissen wollen wieso!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'25584'),
(-506,'Bring me more prisoners! Do not rest until Azeroth has been cleansed of its reckless magic-users!',NULL,NULL,'Bringt mir mehr Gefangene! Bis Azeroth von allen leichtsinnigen Magie Benutzern gereinigt ist!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'25584'),
(-507,'What is the meaning of this disturbance?!',NULL,NULL,'Was soll diese Unterbrechung?!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'25584'),
(-508,'Who dares interrupt my work!? Show yourself, coward!',NULL,NULL,'Wer wagt es meine Arbeit zu unterbrechen!? Zeigt euch, Feigling!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'25584'),
(-509,'Ahh! It\'s coming right for us!',NULL,NULL,'Hilfe! Es kommt genau auf uns zu!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28095'),
(-510,'Kaganishu!',NULL,NULL,'Kaganishu!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Common Text'),
(-511,'Etu Magmothregar, cha!',NULL,NULL,'Etu Magmothregar, cha!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Common Text'),
(-512,'Kada nu batteka, oht!',NULL,NULL,'Kada nu batteka, oht!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Common Text'),
(-513,'You seek to deafen me? Pathetic... Wait... What\'s that sound?',NULL,NULL,'Wollt ihr mich taub machen? Armselig...Warte...Was ist das für ein Geräusch?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25804'),
(-514,'I\'m sure ol\' Hemet can do something with your bones!',NULL,NULL,'Ich bin mir sicher der olle Hemet kann was mit deinen Knochen anfangen',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-516,'Now THIS is a sport!',NULL,NULL,'Boa DAS ist ein Sport!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-517,'No way! Rhino head helmet for the low, low price of thirty rhino heads? I\'ll take two at those prices!',NULL,NULL,'Unfassbar! Ein Rhino Helm für diese verdammt niedrigen Preis? Ich würde gleich 2 nehmen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-518,'Just fifty more hooves and I\'ll have the new gun!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-519,'Give it up, little beast!',NULL,NULL,'Gib auf kleine Bestie!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-520,'Nesingwary is going to go broke if he keeps this up! Lane probably has no idea what he\'s doing!',NULL,NULL,'Nesingwary ist bald bankrott wenn Er so weitermacht! Lane hat wahrscheinlich keine Ahnung was Er da tut!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-521,'It\'s gonna be veal tonight!',NULL,NULL,'Heute Abend gibts Kalbsfleisch!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-522,'I wonder what Nesingwary will give me for your hide!',NULL,NULL,'Ich frage mich was mir Nesingwary für deine Haut gibt!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25979'),
(-533,'We are Mechagnome...resistance is futile.',NULL,NULL,'Wir sind Mechagnome...Widerstand ist zwecklos.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25814'),
(-534,'The flesh is weak. We will make you better, stronger...faster.',NULL,NULL,'Das Fleisch ist schwach. Wir werden euch besser,stärker...schneller machen.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25814'),
(-535,'we can decurse you, we have the technology',NULL,NULL,'Wir können den Fluch des Fleisches von euch nehmen, wir haben die Technologie',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25814'),
(-536,'Warning! Warning! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!',NULL,NULL,'Warnung! Warnung! Eindringlinge! Alarm! Alarm!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25814'),
(-537,'You have been detected. You will be assimilated or eliminated.',NULL,NULL,'Ihr wurdet erfasst. Ihr werdet assimiliert oder eleminiert.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25814'),
(-538,'Activate counter-measures. Repel intruder.',NULL,NULL,'Aktiviere Gegenmaßnahmen. Eindringlinge Zurückschlagen.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25814'),
(-544,'targets $N!',NULL,NULL,'konzentriert sich auf $N!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'XXX'),
(-548,'Arrrhhh...Guards!',NULL,NULL,'Arrrhhh... Wachen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,1,0,'Common Horde Flight Master'),
(-552,'Greetings citizen.',NULL,NULL,'Grüße Bürger.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,0,'466'),
(-570,'Cry for mercy! Your meaningless lives will soon be forfeit!',NULL,NULL,'Fleht um Gnade! Euer bedeutungsloses Leben ist schon bald verwirkt!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11015,1,0,0,'17888'),
(-571,'Your death will be a painful one.',NULL,NULL,'Euer Tod wird schmerzhaft sein.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11016,1,0,0,'17888'),
(-572,'You... are marked.',NULL,NULL,'Ihr... seid gebrandmarkt!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11052,1,0,0,'17888'),
(-573,'You... are nothing!',NULL,NULL,'Ihr... seid ein Nichts!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11053,1,0,0,'17888'),
(-574,'Miserable nuisance!',NULL,NULL,'Erbärmlicher Quälgeist!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11054,1,0,0,'17888'),
-- 688 - 693 wotlk 694 695 uldaman
(-690,'Net not stop me! No... net stop me.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'29618'),
(-691,'Me not afraid!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'29618'),
(-692,'No kill me!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'29618'),
(-693,'You no!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'29618'),
(-694,'%s chips and splinters!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'7023'),
(-695,'None may steal the secrets of the Makers!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5851,1,0,0,'7228'),
(-696,'King Dred raises his talon menacingly!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,5,0,0,'WOTLK'),
(-697,'King Dred calls for a raptor!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,5,0,0,'WOTLK'),
(-698,'Sands of the desert, rise and block out the sun!',NULL,NULL,'Sande der Wüste, erhebt euch und verdunkelt die Sonne!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,8598,1,0,0,'15339'),
(-699,'You are terminated.',NULL,NULL,'Ihr könnt gehen!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,8602,1,0,0,'15339'),
(-700,'I have... failed.',NULL,NULL,'Ich... habe... versagt.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,8594,1,0,0,'15339'),
(-701,'Impudent fools! I will kill you myself!',NULL,NULL,'Unverschämter Narr! Ich werde Euch höchstpersönlich töten!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,8609,1,0,0,'15341'),
(-702,'Warriors! Captains! Continue the fight!',NULL,NULL,'Soldaten, Hauptmänner, gebt den Kampf nicht auf!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,8613,1,0,0,'15341'),
(-703,'You are not worth my time, $N.',NULL,NULL,'Ihr seid es nicht wert, meine Zeit zu verschwenden, $N!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,8614,1,0,0,'15341'),
(-704,' begs to be put out of his misery.',NULL,NULL,' fleht, von seinem Elend erlöst zu werden.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'10117'),
(-705,' groans.',NULL,NULL,' stöhnt.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'10117'),
(-706,' weeps pitifully.',NULL,NULL,' weint jämmerlich.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'10117'),
(-707,'May the light bless you.',NULL,NULL,'Möge das Licht Euch segnen.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'25639'),
(-708,'Your wounds are severe, but you will live.',NULL,NULL,'Eure Verletzungen sind ernst, doch Ihr werdet leben.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'25639'),
(-709,'Rest now, you have fought well today.',NULL,NULL,'Ruhet nun - Ihr habt heute gut gekämpft.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'25639'),
(-710,'Lunch has arrived, my beautiful children. Tear them to pieces!',NULL,NULL,'Das Essen ist da, geliebte Kinder! Reißt sie in Stücke!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'8127'),
(-711,'Rise and defend your master!',NULL,NULL,'Erhebt Euch und verteidigt Euren Meister!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'8127'),
(-712,'The children of Sul will protect their master. Rise once more Sul\'lithuz!',NULL,NULL,'Die Kinder von Sul werden ihren Meister beschützen. Auf ein Neues für Ruhm und Glorie, Sul\'lithuz!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'8127'),
-- 720 - 763 wotlk stuff
(-720,'Get away from me, Edwards, lest I behead you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'27928'),
(-721,'No. Away with you, worm.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'27928'),
(-722,'You can leave my sight, squire, before I slay you. Again.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'27928'),
(-723,'M-mistress... did you n-need more corpse dust, p-perhaps... ?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28486'),
(-724,'M-mistress... may I p-polish your armor ...?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28486'),
(-725,'M-mistress... Might I brush your mighty steed?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28486'),
(-726,'Yes, M-mistress...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28486'),
(-727,'As disciples of blood, you strive to master the very lifeforce of your enemies.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-728,'Be it by blade or incantation, blood feeds our attacks and weakens our foes.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-729,'True masters learn to make blood serve more than just their strength in battle.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-730,'Stripping energy from our foes, both fighting and fallen, allows us to persevere where lesser beigns falls exhausted.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-731,'And every foe that falls, energy sapped and stolen, only further fuels our assault.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-732,'As masters of blood, we know battle without end...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-733,'We know hunger never to be quenched...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-734,'We know power never to be overcome...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-735,'As masters of blood, we are masters of life and death itself. Against us, even hope falls drained and lifeless.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29196'),
(-736,'%s begins to emanate a power dark energy!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'28103'),
(-737,'My treasure! You no steal from Tartek, dumb big-tongue traitor thing.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28105'),
(-738,'The %s screams with rage and rushes to the aid of her babies.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'28213'),
(-739,'Your mother was a wench and your father smelt of seaforium!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29369'),
-- 740 - 763 fehlt
(-766,'You will not master me, puny $r!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26045'),
(-767,'Ah, good... more parts!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25678'),
(-771,'Rise, and fight once more!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'26654'),
(-772,'For the thane! For Loken!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26334'),
(-773,'To battle, my children! Show the enemy no mercy!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26334'),
(-774,'Constructs, defend the capital at all costs!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26334'),
-- 776 - 797 wotlk stuff ab hier wird der table deckungsungleich
(-776,'\'s remains fall on the ground.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,3,0,0,0,'29001'),
(-777,'You\'re not welcome in these lands, monster!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28609'),
(-778,'Let the purging begin!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28609'),
(-779,'The Crusade will be victorious!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28609'),
(-781,'The Scarlet Crusade is powerless to stop us!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-782,'The sky itself feeds upon the suffering of the conquered!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-783,'Open your eyes, brothers and sisters! GAZE UPON APOCALYPSE!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-784,'With each enemy slain, our strength grows! We mustn\'t relent!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-785,'The Scarlet fleet lies in ruin upon the sundered coast!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-786,'The corpses of those that try only serve to feed our expanding host!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-787,'Leave no survivors in your wake, brothers and sisters!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-789,'The Lich King has spoken to each of you! Let his words resonate among you once more!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-792,'No mercy for the weak!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-794,'With the approaching darkness comes the end of the Scarlet Crusade. You will battle once more! For the Scourge! For the Lich King!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,1,'28907'),
(-796,'You dare to challenge Drottin Hrothgar, king of the seas?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'34980'),
(-798,'I thought I was done for!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28415'),
(-799,'I am in your debt, friend.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28415'),
(-806,'AHHHHHHHHH! Please... we know... that you... have a spy... disguised as... one of us! There... that\'s all that I know. Please... mercy... STOP!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,4,0,0,'27209'),
(-810,'Shur\'nab... shur\'nab... Yogg-Saron!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26646'),
(-811,'It seems my freedom must be bought... with blood.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14499,1,0,0,'29266'),
(-812,'Nothing personal...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14504,1,0,0,'29266'),
(-813,'Business concluded.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14505,1,0,0,'29266'),
(-815,'This... is an unrecoverable... loss.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14507,1,0,0,'29266'),
(-841,'Play time!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13428,1,0,0,'26529'),
(-842,'New toys!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13429,1,0,0,'26529'),
(-844,'Why you stop moving?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13431,1,0,0,'26529'),
(-845,'Get up! Me not done!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13432,1,0,0,'26529'),
(-846,'This not fun...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13433,1,0,0,'26529'),
(-847,'You are too late, champion of Lordaeron. The dead shall have their day.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13471,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-848,'Ah, the entertainment has arrived!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13472,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-849,'The fun is just beginning!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13473,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-850,'Aah, quality materials!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13474,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-851,'Don\'t worry, I\'ll make good use of you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13475,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-852,'Say hello to some friends of mine.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13476,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-853,'Come, citizen of Stratholme! Meet your saviors.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13477,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-854,'BOOM! Hahahahah...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13478,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-855,'Blood... destruction... EXHILARATING!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13479,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-856,'I want a sample...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13480,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-857,'Such strength... it must be mine!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13481,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-858,'Your flesh betrays you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13482,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-859,'You only advance... the master\'s plan...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13483,1,0,0,'26530'),
(-860,'Prince Arthas Menethil, on this day, a powerful darkness has taken hold of your soul. The death you are destined to visit upon others will this day be your own.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13408,6,0,0,'26532'),
(-861,'We\'ll see about that, young prince.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13409,1,0,0,'26532'),
(-862,'Tick tock, tick tock...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13410,1,0,0,'26532'),
(-863,'Not quick enough!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13411,1,0,0,'26532'),
(-864,'Let\'s get this over with.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13412,1,0,0,'26532'),
(-865,'There is no future for you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13413,1,0,0,'26532'),
(-866,'This is the hour of our greatest triumph!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13414,1,0,0,'26532'),
(-867,'You would destined to fail.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13415,1,0,0,'26532'),
(-868,'Yes, this is the beginning. I\'ve been waiting for you, young prince. I am Mal\'Ganis.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14410,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-869,'As you can see, your people are now mine. I will now turn this city, household by household, until the flame of life has been snuffed out forever.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14411,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-870,'Your journey has just begun, young prince. Gather your forces, and meet me in the arctic land of Northrend. It is there we shall settle the score between us. It is there that your true destiny will unfold.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14412,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-871,'This will be a fine test, Prince Arthas.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14413,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-872,'Time out.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14414,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-873,'You seem tired.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14415,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-874,'All too easy.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14416,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-875,'The dark lord is displeased with your interference.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14417,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-876,'It is Prince Arthas I want, not you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14418,1,0,0,'26533'),
(-877,'Everyone is falling ill - this is an epidemic!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'30994'),
(-878,'The soldiers are spreading panic with rumors of bad food. Neighbors are accusing one another of poison. The city will fall into bedlam!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'30994'),
(-879,'No remedy seems to work - the entire city has sickened...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'30994'),
(-880,'I\'m at a loss. What can one simple man do in the face of disaster?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'30994'),
(-881,'How can I possibly help the city in such a widespread crisis?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'30994'),
(-882,'I pray the illness I\'m feeling is due to stress ulcers...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'30994'),
(-883,'Hello. Master Fras Siabi is not in at this time. Please come back tomorrow to Fras Siabi\'s Premium Tobacco! Beep!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'31057'),
(-884,'I survived and I\'m flesh again!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,1,'25773'),
(-885,'But... but... I was perfect!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,1,'25773'),
(-886,'Where am I? Who are you? What\'s that strange feeling?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,1,'25773'),
(-887,'I\'m flesh and blood again! Thank you!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,1,'25773'),
(-888,'I knew that you would come.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'31161'),
(-889,'You have some fight in you. I\'m impressed.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'31161'),
(-890,'Welcome to the world of the unliving!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'31161'),
(-891,'Well fought...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'31161'),
(-892,'I know why you\'ve come - one of those foolish Magnataur on the plains meddled and managed to get the dragons involved. Do you enjoy serving them like dogs?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'27003'),
(-893,'You seek their leader... little things, you wage war against the clans of Grom\'thar the Thunderbringer himself. Don\'t be so eager to rush to your deaths.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'27003'),
(-894,'Hah! So be it. Blow the horn of a magnataur leader at the ring of torches south of the Blue Dragonshrine. Make peace with your gods... Grom\'thar will come.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'27003'),
(-898,'Do not allow Kaskala to forget what has happened here.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25321'),
(-899,'Thank you for freeing me! May the tides always favor you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25321'),
(-900,'Thank you, $c. May the winds and seas always deliver you safely.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25322'),
(-901,'May the ancestors always aid you, $c, as you have aided me.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25322'),
(-948,'What is this? I recognize you from when I killed Akali. You must be this $n that everyone is dreading.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29028'),
(-949,'You don\'t worry me, boy. Just the opposite - I look forward to killing you and your friends. Nothing will stand between me and Zim\'Torga now!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29028'),
(-950,'How sad that only now do you grasp the truth - I wield the power of a god. You are a mere mortal. You cannot hope to defeat me!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29028'),
(-951,'You\'ve meddled in affairs that were none of your business. You are nothing but foreign invaders. Prepare to die!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29028'),
(-952,'What? HAR\'KOA?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29028'),
(-953,'Very well, kitten. I see no need to delay your inevitable demise. I look forward to dealing with you just as soon as I finish off these simpletons!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29028'),
(-954,'NO! I will kill you all!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29028'),
(-958,'Thank you. Once again you have saved us all. I will see you back at Zim\'Torga.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'29050'),
(-964,'Excellent. We must focus our efforts on the cleansing of Nagrand!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'18537'),
(-993,'I will go with you. Just spare my men. They\'re good lads who\'ve only made a mistake...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'23941'),
(-994,'Calf killer! Murderer! You will pay for this!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'DEHTA'),
(-995,'Butcher! Die',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'DEHTA'),
(-996,'.. the hunter will become the hunted.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'DEHTA'),
(-997,'Drohn\'s brew is the stuff legends are made of! Come taste the legend!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24492'),
-- 1001-1201
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_texts` WHERE `entry` IN ();
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_texts` VALUES
(-1001,'If you wanna live life to the fullest, you gotta try T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brew!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24493'),
(-1002,'T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brews helps keep the party going! Check out the party at Brewfest!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24493'),
(-1003,'Hey you! T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brewers have got a brew that won\'t kill you! But they\'ve also got a brew that might...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24493'),
(-1004,'T\'chali\'s Voodoo Brewery has the best brew you can find! They were voted \"Best Brew\" by the Goblin Brew Weekly!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24493'),
(-1005,'Whoah! Walk by again girl!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24495'),
(-1006,'Hey! Sweet cheeks, over here!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24495'),
(-1007,'Hey, hey sweet thing! Looking good!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24495'),
(-1008,'Hey, hey! Nice build you got there honey!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24495'),
(-1009,'Yo! Big lady! You think you\'re big enough to handle me?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24495'),
(-1010,'Hey tough stuff! Hey, $c! Do you like money? I\'m loaded! How about you come over here and check out my gold coins?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'24495'),
(-1011,'The Dark Lady fought as many as she could, but in the end... I hope she survived. Please help!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'31437'),
(-1012,'They killed hundreds! We barely escaped with our lives! Help!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'31437'),
(-1013,'You must help! We\'re homeless!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'31437'),
(-1014,'Could you spare a gold?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'31437'),
(-1015,'Dat cloud look like da Warchief.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'34723'),
(-1016,'De\'re be a bug.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'34723'),
(-1017,'Wa\'re da ship! A harpy! ...wait, dat be another bird.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'34723'),
(-1018,'De\'re be a bird!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'34723'),
(-1019,'This will teach you to lay off the herb, $r.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'11447'),
(-1020,'Step right up! Step right up! Greetings my friend. I\'m Silas Darkmoon and I want to welcome you to the greatest show on Azeroth! It\'s the Darkmoon Faire friend, and it\'s your lucky day! Sparing no expense, we\'ve gathered wonders and treats from around the world for your delight. Whether you\'re young or old, rich or poor, the Darkmoon Faire has it all!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14823'),
(-1021,'Amaze at the wonders that the Darkmoon Faire has uncovered in this vast and mysterious world! We have spared no expense in bringing you excitement that children of all ages will delight in!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14823'),
(-1022,'We have it all... delicious food, strong drink, exotic artifacts, fortunes read, amazing prizes and excitement without end!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14823'),
(-1023,'And, don\'t forget to turn in your Darkmoon Faire Prize Tickets! All it takes is five or more and you\'re on your way to the most wondrous prizes on all of Azeroth. Everybody is a winner!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14823'),
(-1024,'Step right up! Get your Red Hot Wings right here!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14845'),
(-1025,'You\'ve got money and we\'ve got food. What are you waiting for?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14845'),
(-1026,'Darkmoon Dogs fresh off the grill. Come and get em while they\'re hot!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14845'),
(-1027,'For a limited time only, Crunchy Frog available exclusively here at the Darkmoon Faire.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'14845'),
(-1028,'The Scarlet Crusade shall smite the wicked and drive evil from these lands!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,0,'Common Scarlet Text'),
(-1029,'You carry the taint of the scourge. Prepare to enter the twisting nether.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,0,'Common Scarlet Text'),
(-1030,'The Scarlet Crusade shall not fail in it\'s mission!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,0,'1667'),
(-1031,'These undead atrocities will be destroyed!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1667'),
(-1032,'These lands shall be cleansed!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1667'),
(-1033,'Here to visit the family? Die, fool!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1657'),
(-1034,'The Agamand Mills is held by the Scourge, $c. Join us!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1657'),
(-1035,'This desert be mine!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5876,1,0,0,'7267'),
(-1036,'The Sandfury reign supreme!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5878,1,0,0,'7267'),
(-1037,'Feel the fury of the sands!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5879,1,0,0,'7267'),
(-1038,'Die, outlander!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5877,1,0,0,'7267'),
(-1039,'Let the executions begin!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5874,1,0,0,'7274'),
(-1040,'Justice is done!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5875,1,0,0,'7274'),
(-1041,'Tell the Warden this prison is ours now!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1716'),
(-1042,'I\'ll crush your skull beneath my boot!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1716'),
(-1043,'Death to the Warden\'s men!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1716'),
(-1044,'Fresh meat!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1716'),
(-1045,'More of the Warden\'s errand boys!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'1716'),
(-1046,'Tartek and nasty dragon going to kill you! You so dumb.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'28105'),
(-1047,'How dare you enter my sanctum!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'7271'),
(-1048,'You are in the presence of a god!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'15963'),
(-1049,'No Touch Spores!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Common Bloodspore Text'),
(-1050,'Who disturbs my meditation?!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'26073'),
(-1051,'What is the meaning of this?! I have not yet finished my feast!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'26076'),
(-1052,'I am the baddest of the bad, the coolest of the cool! To my side, my elements, let us freeze and rule!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'30024'),
(-1053,'I\'m the king of dirt, there is none higher! To my aid, minions - assist your sire!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'30025'),
(-1054,'%s collapses but the broken body rises again!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'10381'),
(-1055,'No tampering with the mail!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'11142'),
(-1056,'That\'s our treasure, you lubber!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Treasure Hunting Common Text'),
(-1057,'Hey! Get away from our treasure!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Treasure Hunting Common Text'),
(-1058,'%s seems to no longer be able to cast spells...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'7666'),
(-1059,'Hey folks, go easy on me... it\'s my first time.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,24,'19228'),
(-1060,'I never met a tauren I didn\'t like...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1061,'To eat!!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1062,'Last week I was in Goldshire. Have you been there?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1063,'That town\'s so small, I asked a kid to draw me a map. He drew it on the back of a Defias wanted poster...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1064,'to scale!!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1065,'Impersonation time!! I call this, \"The Silly Tauren.\"',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1066,'The comedian clears his throat.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'19228'),
(-1067,'The comedian impersonates a tauren.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6386,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1068,'Goldshire\'s inn advertises a lakeside view...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1069,'I saw a murloc swim by my window.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1070,'What\'s the deal with women? I mean they are always like...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1071,'The comedian impersonates a human female.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6143,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1072,'And then gnomes are even worse! They are always saying stuff like...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1073,'The comedian impersonates a gnome.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6133,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1074,'How many kobolds does it take to change a lantern wick?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1075,'You no take candle!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1076,'Come on! These jokes are epic!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1077,'Hey Hey Hey! It\'s Raliq the drunk... His momma\'s so fat she didn\'t just make the front cover of Ogre Today...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,25,'19228'),
(-1078,'She made the back cover too!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1079,'Used to be you couldn\'t trust a goblin...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1080,'Who am I kiddin\'? If you trade with goblins you\'d better have iron plating in your coinpurse.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1081,'I love blood elf women. Especially when they say stuff like this...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1082,'The comedian impersonates a blood elf.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,9643,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1083,'How desperate do you have to be for allies that you recruit your livestock?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1084,'I own a dog, but I\'m not giving him a sword.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1085,'One last impersonation. It\'s tough, but let\'s see if you can guess who it is...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1086,'The comedian impersonates an orc.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6368,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1087,'Now that the show\'s done, can someone run me through Scarlet Monestary?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1088,'What a good looking crowd. The dwarven women even shaved.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1089,'Is it over already? You\'ve been great folks. Walk safely and have a good night.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1090,'Have you ever noticed that all those cute, orc kids look the same?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1091,'It\'s too bad they don\'t stay cute. There must be some right of passage in the Barrens called, \"Climb ugly tree and fall out.\"',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1092,'The comedian impersonates a female tauren.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6377,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1093,'Here\'s a good one, why do watermelons have water in them?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1094,'Because they are planted in the spring!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1095,'Hey, it\'s Raliq the drunk... His momma\'s so fat, when she flies to Blade\'s Edge they charged her by the pound!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,25,'19228'),
(-1096,'What do you call a broken boomerang?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1097,'A stick!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1098,'Thank you everyone! And keep clapping, there is a fly in here and one of you are bound to get it! Good night!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1099,'Can I get a buff? I\'m dying up here!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1100,'What time is it when an Elekk sits on your fence?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1101,'Time to get a new fence!!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1102,'So, the Blood Elves think they\'re one step away from ruling the world...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1103,'Twelve steps is more like it!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1104,'The gnomes used to be a nice respectful people...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1105,'The other day I saw one walking down the street shouting, \"Once you go gnome, you never go home!\"',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1106,'The comedian impersonates a female dwarf.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6106,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1107,'So this gnome tells a tauren he\'s been to Molten Core.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1108,'The tauren says, \"That\'s a load of bull.\"',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1109,'Is it just me, or is the Horde about the ugliest enemy we could find?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,7,1,'19228'),
(-1110,'Just so you guys don\'t feel left out, all I said was how attractive the blood elves are. It loses something in the translation.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,1,1,'19228'),
(-1111,'My wife and I were happy for 23 years...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1112,'And then we met!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,5,'19228'),
(-1113,'I love night elf women. Especially when they say stuff like this...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19228'),
(-1114,'The comedian impersonates a night elf.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6179,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1115,'The comedian impersonates an undead.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,6422,2,0,5,'19228'),
(-1116,'Look who\'s here, it\'s Raliq the drunk... His momma\'s so fat dragon\'s won\'t eat her...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,25,'19228'),
(-1117,'They dont\'t know where to store the leftovers!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,25,'19228'),
(-1118,'Wow! The laughs dont\'t drop very often here, do they?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,6,'19228'),
(-1119,'Kill $N!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,25,'15392'),
(-1120,'You are not worthy to face the Lich King!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16921,1,0,1,'36723'),
(-1121,'Master, I have failed...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16922,1,0,0,'36723'),
(-1122,'Men... Women... and Children. None were spared the Master\'s wrath. Your death will be no different.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16710,1,0,0,'38112'),
(-1123,'..Marwyn..! Finish them..!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16713,1,0,0,'38112'),
(-1124,'Sniveling maggot!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16711,1,0,0,'38112'),
(-1125,'The children of Stratholme fought with more ferocity!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16712,1,0,0,'38112'),
(-1126,' exhilarating!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16715,1,0,0,'38112'),
(-1127,' delicious',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16716,1,0,0,'38112'),
(-1128,'Soldiers of Lordaeron, rise to meet your master\'s call!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,16714,1,0,0,'38112'),
(-1129,'I\'m not gonna lie to you, soldiers. We\'re getting our butts out there! Now which one of you is orc enough to do something about it?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19255'),
(-1130,'I can\'t belive that Papa Wheeler thinks he\'s going to dupe anyone into going out to Manaforge B\'naar!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19541'),
(-1131,'We can\'t let a failing servo slow down the construction of the X-52 Nether-Rocket!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19541'),
(-1132,'Netherock?! That thing\'ll squish you flat with one step of its massive foot! No thanks!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'19541'),
(-1133,'That Broken worm gave you that staff, didn\'t he? Did he also tell you he\'s the one that sold out his tribe? No matter, you will both pay for this!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'19354'),
(-1134,'We will find what the Master is looking for! Failure is not an option!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'19354'),
(-1135,'None can stand against the serpent lords!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5786,1,0,0,'3671'),
(-1136,'Speak, filthy refugee! What was your caravan doing in the Bone Wastes?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'22378'),
(-1137,'Come Scourgebane, I\'ll show the Lich King which one of us is truly worthy of the title, champion!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,17020,1,0,0,'37126'),
(-1138,'What a pitiful choice of an ally Crok.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,17021,1,0,0,'37126'),
(-1139,'Come, $n. See what the Nightmare brings...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'15625'),
(-1140,'The Nightmare cannot be stopped!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'15625'),
(-1141,'%s squeezes the last bit of life out of $n and swallows their soul.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'15625'),
(-1142,'Dig faster, wretch! Do not force me to show you the true meaning of pain!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17058'),
(-1143,'Do not stop! I promise you a thousand deaths if you even think about putting down that pick!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17058'),
(-1144,'Faster, scum! The Master won\'t be pleased if we don\'t find the Ata\'mal crystal he\'s after.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17058'),
(-1145,'Slay these intruders, filthy Dreghood! I promise you neverending pain if you disobey me!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17058'),
(-1146,'You dare interfere with the Master\'s endeavors? You will pay, foolish mortal!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17058'),
(-1147,'Go, you little wretches! Show these fools that our Master is not to be trifled with!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17058'),
(-1148,'Do not even think of fleeing, Broken wretches! I promise you a fate worse than death if you don\'t slay these intruders!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17058'),
(-1149,'Perhaps... you were right... Crok.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,17023,1,0,0,'37126'),
(-1150,'You must not approach the Frost Queen, quickly... stop them!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,17024,1,0,0,'37126'),
(-1151,'Wait for me orders. I handle dis myself!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26919'),
(-1152,'Dey be stronger then I expect mon, attack dem!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'26919'),
(-1153,'The prisoners shall not go free. The word of Malygos is law!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13594,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1154,'It is too late to run!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13598,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1155,'Gather \'round...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13599,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1156,'None shall escape!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13600,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1158,'Tremble, worms!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13595,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1159,'I will crush you!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13596,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1160,'Can you fly?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13597,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1161,'A fitting punishment!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13602,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1162,'Sentence: executed!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13603,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1163,'Another casualty of war!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13604,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1164,'The war... goes on.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13605,1,0,0,'27654'),
(-1165,'There will be no mercy!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13649,1,0,0,'27447'),
(-1166,'Blast them! Destroy them!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13650,1,0,0,'27447'),
(-1167,'Take no prisoners! Attack!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13651,1,0,0,'27447'),
(-1168,'Strike now! Obliterate them!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13652,1,0,0,'27447'),
(-1169,'You were warned!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13653,1,0,0,'27447'),
(-1170,'The Oculus is ours!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13654,1,0,0,'27447'),
(-1171,'They are... too strong! Underestimated their... fortitude.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13655,1,0,0,'27447'),
(-1172,'I have fallen! Fear not, brethren! Let nothing keep you from the Stoneforge!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'24371'),
(-1173,'Me crush puny friend of dragons!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'23786'),
(-1174,'You leave Stonemaul lands now!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'23786'),
(-1175,'Why you wake ghost? Where other Stonemauls?!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'23786'),
(-1176,'We finish this now, champions of Kirin Tor!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13947,1,0,0,'31134'),
(-1177,'I will end the Kirin Tor!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13952,1,0,0,'31134'),
(-1178,'Dalaran will fall!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13953,1,0,0,'31134'),
(-1179,'So ends your defiance of the Spell-Weaver!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13954,1,0,0,'31134'),
(-1180,'Perhaps... we have... underestimated... you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13955,1,0,0,'31134'),
(-1181,'A valiant defense, but this city must be razed. I will fulfill Malygos\'s wishes myself!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13946,1,0,0,'31134'),
(-1185,'The air teems with latent energy... quite the harvest!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14501,1,0,0,'29266'),
(-1186,'Plentiful, exploitable resources... primed for acquisition!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14502,1,0,0,'29266'),
(-1187,'Intriguing... a high quantity of arcane energy is near. Time for some prospecting...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14500,1,0,0,'29266'),
(-1189,'More... energy.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13999,1,0,0,'29314'),
(-1191,'Fall... to shadow.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,14001,1,0,0,'29314'),
(-1193,'Know... my... pain.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,13997,1,0,0,'29314'),
(-1194,'Emperor Thaurissan does not wish to be disturbed! Turn back now or face your doom, weak mortals!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'9938'),
(-1195,'Prepare to be Malowned!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'11143'),
(-1196,'You just got MALOWNED!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'11143'),
(-1198,'Tell me... tell me everything!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5847,1,0,0,'3983'),
(-1199,'Naughty secrets!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5849,1,0,0,'3983'),
(-1200,'I\'ll rip the secrets from your flesh!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5850,1,0,0,'3983'),
(-1201,'Purged by pain!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5848,1,0,0,'3983'),
(-1205,'Release the hounds!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5841,1,0,0,'3974'),
(-1206,'Azeroth has cowered too long under our shadow! Now, feel the power of the Burning Crusade, and despair!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18338'),
(-1207,'Your fate is sealed, Azeroth! I will find the Aspect Shards, and then you will not stand against our might!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18338'),
(-1208,'Cower, little worms! Your heroes are nothing! Your saviors will be our first feast!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18338'),
(-1209,'Where? Where are the Shards! You cannot hide them from us!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18338'),
(-1210,'Your world will die, mortals! Your doom is now at hand!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18338'),
(-1211,'Your own strength feeds me!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18338'),
(-1212,'Ha! This place is not yet worthy of my infliction.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18338'),
(-1213,'You have approximately five seconds to live.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11109,1,0,0,'19710'),
(-1214,'With the precise angle and velocity...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11112,1,0,0,'19710'),
(-1215,'Low tech yet quite effective!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11113,1,0,0,'19710'),
(-1216,'A foregone conclusion.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11110,1,0,0,'19710'),
(-1217,'The processing will continue a schedule!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11111,1,0,0,'19710'),
(-1218,'My calculations did not...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11114,1,0,0,'19710'),
(-1219,'%s raises his hammer menacingly...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,3,0,0,'19710'),
(-1220,'Skywing! I will free you from your curse over my dead body!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'18533'),
(-1221,'You\'ll never leave this place... alive.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5825,1,0,0,'7358'),
(-1222,'To me, my servants!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5828,1,0,0,'7358'),
(-1223,'Come, spirits, attend your master!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5829,1,0,0,'7358'),
(-1224,'I am the hand of the Lich King!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,5827,1,0,0,'7358'),
(-1226,'Oh now you\'ve gone and angered me! Time to see the true force of the Stone of Tides!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'2624'),
(-1227,'This is sacred ground!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10530,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1228,'This is sacred ground!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10533,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1229,'This is sacred ground!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10536,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1230,'How dare you come here?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10531,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1231,'How dare you come here?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10534,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1232,'How dare you come here?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10537,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1233,'Outsiders are forbidden!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10532,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1234,'Outsiders are forbidden!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10535,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1235,'Outsiders are forbidden!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10538,1,0,0,'18702'),
(-1245,'%s begins to summon in a Cabal Deathsworn!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'18634'),
(-1246,'%s begins to summon in a Cabal Acolyte!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'18634'),
(-1247,'Cabal Summoner summons a Cabal Deathsworn to his aid!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'19209'),
(-1248,'Cabal Summoner summons a Cabal Acolyte to his aid!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'19208'),
(-1249,'You\'re a slave. That\'s all you\'ll ever be.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10407,1,0,0,'17862'),
(-1250,'I don\'t know what Blackmoore sees in you. For my money, you\'re just another ignorant savage!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10408,1,0,0,'17862'),
(-1251,'Thrall will never be free!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10409,1,0,0,'17862'),
(-1252,'Did you really think you would leave here alive?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10410,1,0,0,'17862'),
(-1253,'Guards! Urgh..Guards..!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10411,1,0,0,'17862'),
(-1254,'You there, fetch water quickly! Get these flames out before they spread to the rest of the keep! Hurry, damn you!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10428,1,0,0,'17848'),
(-1255,'I know what you\'re up to, and I mean to put an end to it, permanently!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10429,1,0,0,'17848'),
(-1256,'No more middling for you.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10432,1,0,0,'17848'),
(-1257,'You will not interfere!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10433,1,0,0,'17848'),
(-1258,'Time to bleed!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10430,1,0,0,'17848'),
(-1259,'Run, you blasted cowards!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10431,1,0,0,'17848'),
(-1260,'Thrall... must not... go free.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10434,1,0,0,'17848'),
(-1261,'Enough! I will erase your very existence!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10421,1,0,0,'18096'),
(-1262,'You cannot fight fate!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10422,1,0,0,'18096'),
(-1263,'You are...irrelevant.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10425,1,0,0,'18096'),
(-1264,'Thrall will remain a slave. Taretha will die. You have failed.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10426,1,0,0,'18096'),
(-1265,'Not so fast!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10423,1,0,0,'18096'),
(-1266,'Struggle as much as you like!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10424,1,0,0,'18096'),
(-1267,'No!...The master... will not... be pleased.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,10427,1,0,0,'18096'),
(-1268,'At last I am liberated. It has been too long since I have tasted true freedom!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11309,1,0,0,'21875'),
(-1269,'I have no equal.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11306,1,0,0,'21875'),
(-1270,'Perish, mortal.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11307,1,0,0,'21875'),
(-1271,'Yes, YES! Ahahah!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11308,1,0,0,'21875'),
(-1272,'I\'m thinking of a vacation. I hear Hearthglen is nice.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1273,'Quitting time can\'t come too soon.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1274,'I hear that Blackmoore has been acting strange.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1275,'This area is restricted!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1276,'Halt!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1277,'Surrender immediately!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1278,'Stop them!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1279,'Why...?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1280,'Blackmoore will have... your head!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1281,'I was just... following orders.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1282,'Cursed scum!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1283,'He\'s here, stop him!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1284,'Give up or die!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1285,'You won\'t get far....',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1286,'You think you\'ve won?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1287,'I\'ll...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1288,'You don\'t stand a chance!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1289,'We have all the time in the world....',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1290,'All that you know... will be undone.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1291,'You cannot escape us!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Old Hillsbrad Foothills'),
(-1292,'Hm, hungry.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18598'),
(-1294,'Intruders have breached the hatchery! Sound the alarm! Protect the eggs at all costs!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'12557'),
(-1295,'Foolish mortal, you serve me now!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'12557'),
(-1296,'The power of the light is truly great and merciful.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'14484, 14485'),
(-1297,'We shall be reunited once more, my love...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'14484, 14485'),
(-1298,'At last, it ends...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'14484, 14485'),
(-1299,'Stranger, find the fallen Prince Menethil and end his reign of terror.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'14484, 14485'),
(-1300,'Should I live through this, I shall make it my life\'s sole ambition to destroy Arthas...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'14484, 14485'),
(-1301,'I won\'t make it... go... go on without me...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'14484, 14485'),
(-1302,'Death take me! I cannot go on! I have nothing left...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'14484, 14485'),
(-1303,'You have my gratitude, $c. I thought I\'d never be free.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25321'),
(-1304,'The people of Kaskala are in your debt, $c.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'25322'),
(-1305,'The light condemns all who harbor evil. Now you will die!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Scarlet Monastery'),
(-1306,'You carry the taint of the scourge. Prepare to enter the twisting nether.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Scarlet Monastery'),
(-1307,'There is no escape for you. The Crusade shall destroy all who carry the scourge\'s taint.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Scarlet Monastery'),
(-1308,'The Scarlet Crusade shall smite the wicked and drive evil from these lands!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Scarlet Monastery'),
(-1309,'Do as I say, Fly!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'17994'),
(-1310,'Welcome to flavor country!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'11058');
(-1311,'Kitten for sale, looking for a good home.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'8666'),
(-1312,'I can\'t believe dad won\'t let me keep your sister.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'8666'),
(-1313,'Can anyone give my adorable, extra little kitty a home?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'8666'),
(-1314,'What does allergic mean anyway? And what does it have to do with either of my kitties?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'8666'),
(-1315,'Will someone please give my little kitten a good home?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'8666'),
(-1316,'Don\'t worry, I\'ll find a good home for ya.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'8666'),
(-1317,'Silithid Creeper lays an egg!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'3250'),
(-1318,'Silithid Creeper Egg begins to crack and open...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'5781'),
(-1319,'Silithid Creeper Egg splits open!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'5781'),
(-1320,'Your pathetic attempt to escape will be short lived, Gorefiend. Let the boy go and submit! Even with your armour and weapons, you cannot defeat the ancients!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21877'),
(-1321,'What ... have you done...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'21877'),
(-1322,'Pray that the chilling embrace of Teron Gorefiend does not reach out for you...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,4,0,0,'21788 21795'),
(-1323,'It is you who have invaded our home. Gorefiend will avenge us!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,4,0,0,'21788 21795'),
(-1324,'We will never dissipate, mortal... Our fate is tied to Gorefiend...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,4,0,0,'21788 21795'),
(-1325,'We are bound here... eternally. It is the will of Gorefiend.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,4,0,0,'21788 21795'),
(-1326,'Gorefiend will have your head, interloper!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,4,0,0,'21788 21795'),
(-1327,'%s returns the rude gesture to $n',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'Jenn/Elly Langston rude'),
(-1328,'Well hello, $n, what can I get you today?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Jenn/Elly Langston random text'),
(-1329,'Been a tough day? A nice ale should loosen those worries right up.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Jenn/Elly Langston random text'),
(-1330,'Do you think I need more pieces of flair?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Jenn Langston random text'),
(-1331,'What do you fancy, $G sir:miss;?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Jenn Langston random text'),
(-1332,'Hi, what would you like?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Jenn Langston random text'),
(-1333,'Look what the cat dragged in. What can I get you, $n?',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'Jenn Langston random text'),
(-1334,'Remain strong. Kael\'thas will - error - Lor\'themar will lead you to power and glory!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18103'),
(-1335,'Maintain order within these walls.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18103'),
(-1336,'Happiness is mandatory, citizen.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18103'),
(-1337,'Do not be disheartened. Silvermoon will remain strong through this course of events.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18103'),
(-1338,'The magister\'s going to kill me...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18230'),
(-1339,'Argh. They told me those crystals would work properly!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18230'),
(-1340,'When I catch you, I\'m going to disenchant your components, so help me...',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18230'),
(-1341,'You stay out of the regent lord\'s way! I mean it!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18230'),
(-1342,'No, no, no! Come back here!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'18230'),
-- 1343 - 1348 fehlt
(-1349,'Burn Burn Burn',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,12,0,'18109'),
(-1350,'%s appears very grateful to be free of the koi-koi spirit\'s influence.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,34,'21326'),
-- 1354 - 1364 fehlt
(-1365,'I\'ll crush you!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'9196'),
(-1366,'Me smash! You die!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'9196'),
(-1367,'Raaar!!! Me smash $R!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,1,'9196'),
(-1368,'I cannot be destroyed! By the will of Ragnaros, I shall be reborn!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'9017'),
(-1369,'What are you doing? Intruders!!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,0,0,'9476'),
(-1370,'Intruders in the Manufactory? My constructs will destroy you!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'8983'),
(-1371,'%s gets really dizzy!',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,2,0,0,'9554'),
-- 1371 - 1382 fehlt
(-1383,'Your world is at an end.',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,'21315');
wo diese fehlen:#!sql
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ich bin nicht nur ein einfacher Untergebener.' WHERE entry=-37;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Band\'or shorel\'aran!' WHERE entry=-38;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Was wird werden...' WHERE entry=-41;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Es wird Zeit, sich uns anzuschließen, $C.' WHERE entry=-42;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Los, zeigt mir, was Ihr drauf habt! Ich kann was einstecken!' WHERE entry=-90;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3=' ruft mit einem kreischenden Schrei um Hilfe!' WHERE entry=-100;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Für den Drachenmalklan!' WHERE entry=-101;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Lang leben die Orcs des Drachenmals! Sterbt, $Gwertloser:wertlose:r; $R!' WHERE entry=-102;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Gehirne...' WHERE entry=-103;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Diese Land gehört den Dunkeleisenzwergen. Bereitet Euch auf das Jenseits vor, $C!' WHERE entry=-104;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Eure Knochen werden unter meinem Stiefel zerbrechen, $R!' WHERE entry=-105;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3=' gerät in Raserei!' WHERE entry=-106;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Verteidigt die Unschuldigen!' WHERE entry=-107;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Dient im Namen des öffentlichen Vertrauens!' WHERE entry=-108;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Für Recht und Ordnung!' WHERE entry=-109;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3=' zerbirst und überschüttet die Umgebung mit arkanem Überschuss!' WHERE entry=-111;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Mehr, mehr, mehr! Bald brauche ich Nahrung.' WHERE entry=-113;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ich halte die Schmerzen nicht aus! Ich muss eine neue Quelle finden.' WHERE entry=-114;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Habt Ihr nicht genug Schaden angerichtet? Müsst Ihr mich auch noch in meinem Schlaf stören?' WHERE entry=-115;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Wozu ist diese Gewalt gut? Was geschehen ist, ist geschehen. Ich habe meinem Volk gegenüber versagt.' WHERE entry=-116;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Gebt alle eure Hoffnungen auf! Die Legion ist zurück gekehrt, um das zu beenden was vor vielen Jahren angefangen wurde. Dieses mal wird es kein Entkommen geben!' WHERE entry=-117;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Reesh, hokta!' WHERE entry=-118;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ein Geschmack... dessen was Euch erwartet' WHERE entry=-119;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Bekämpf Ihn nicht' WHERE entry=-120;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Eure Zeit ist fast... um' WHERE entry=-121;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Keiner wird kommen um euch zu retten.' WHERE entry=-122;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ich werde Euch aufschlitzen!' WHERE entry=-231;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ein stürmischer Wind umhüllt Vakkiz als er sich bedrohlich in Eure Richtung windet.' WHERE entry=-234;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s Fleisch zerbirst vor unbändigen Zorn!' WHERE entry=-235;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s entblößt ihre Zähne und faucht alle um sie herum bedrohlich an.' WHERE entry=-236;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s konzentriert sich auf $N.' WHERE entry=-237;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Dieses Öl nicht gut für Grek! Sieht Grek aus wie Ihr, Schwächling in Robe?' WHERE entry=-246;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Grek bekommen ein Getränk.' WHERE entry=-247;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es Manaöl werden würde! Dafür herrscht genug Bedarf! Außer von Grek natürlich.' WHERE entry=-248;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Jackpot!' WHERE entry=-249;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s wird ohnmächtig.' WHERE entry=-251;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Kommt her, $R. Ihr wollt Euch doch nicht in ein Verlies wagen, oder? Drecksarbeit, und wozu? Für einen nutzlosen Schnickschnack? Nee, Ihr braucht eines meiner Amulette. Funktionieren garantiert!' WHERE entry=-252;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Gefährlich da draußen, was? Wisst Ihr, was Ihr braucht? Schutz. Ich kann Euch helfen, den Tod selbst zu besiegen! Tragt diesen Wahnsinnsstein um Euren Hals, so, und dann könnt Ihr zurückkehren, wenn Ihr Euch in der Geisterwelt befindet! Ihr müsst nur noch schnell zu Eurem Körper und da seid Ihr wieder, frisch und neugeboren!' WHERE entry=-253;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Schaut her, $C! Ich habe was für Euch. Genau das, was Ihr braucht. Es ist Seife, ja... und sie hat ne Schleife! Nichts für ungut, $GSüsser:Süsse;, aber Ihr hättet es mal wieder nötig, nich\' wahr?' WHERE entry=-257;
-- Das $R war ein $r
UPDATE `creature_ai_texts` SET `content_default` = 'Hey! Hey, $R! I be havin\' just the thing for ya. Ya ever see a Tikbalang? Frightenin\' creatures. Prone to stealin\' ya away. What ya need is my tikbaland wards. Guaranteed to ward away all tikbalangs!' WHERE `entry` = '-258';
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='He! He da, $R! Ich hab genau das Richtige für Euch. Habt Ihr je nen Tikbalang gesehen? Schlimme Biester. Klauen Euch glatt vom Fleck weg. Ihr braucht einen meiner Tikbalangschutzzauber! Hält garantiert alle Tikbalang fern!' WHERE entry=-258;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ihr seht aus, als hättet Ihr Liebeskummer. Zieht Euch jemand Bestimmtes runter? Keine Sorge, keine Sorge. Kauft mir dieses Medaillon ab, zieht es an, wenn Ihr Euer Herzblatt seht, und keiner kann Euch widerstehen, Süße!' WHERE entry=-265;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Nichts geht über einen kühlen Krug, um meine Krapfen hinunterzuspülen.' WHERE entry=-269;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Dieses Exemplar ist etwas besser geraten als das letzte. Aber dennoch hat es denselben schwachen Knochenbau wie die anderen. Wenn Ihr einen von denen beschwört, dann seid Ihr auf dem richtigen Weg.' WHERE entry=-311;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Hol euch der Sand!' WHERE entry=-320;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Dich zu töten wird einfach.' WHERE entry=-321;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Gleich bist du tot.' WHERE entry=-322;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Du wagst es die Frostmähnen zu entweihen, $R. Bereite dich auf deinen Tot vor!' WHERE entry=-323;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Dieser Krieg - und glaubt mir, das hier ist ein Krieg - wird sich nicht von alleine gewinnen. Wenn wir nicht um jedes bisschen Land dieser zerstörten Welt kämpfen, koste es was es wolle, wird alles verloren sein.' WHERE entry=-336;
-- Lösung finden keine Genderabfrage bei uns oder falsch geschrieben
--UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Die Kreaturen an diesem Ort sind stark, $GReisender:Reisende;. Ihr werdet reichlich Munition brauchen wenn ihr hofft zu überleben. Ihr habt Glück - ich bin gut ausgerüstet mit herrlichen Pfeilen, Geschossen und Wurfwaffen. Die Preise sind günstig, wenn man die Umstände betrachtet.' WHERE entry=-337;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ah, ein weiterer mächtiger Reisender. Der Nether kann gefährlich sein, da braucht Ihr die kräftigsten Zauber. Ich führe die feinsten Reagenzien, gebräuchliche und exotische. Kommt, kauft... Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen!' WHERE entry=-338;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s flüstert leise und in ehrfurchtsvollem Tonfall.' WHERE entry=-339;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s springt aus den Schatten hervor!' WHERE entry=-341;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s ruft weitere Verbündete aus den Schatten.' WHERE entry=-342;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Lasst mich Euch dabei helfen.' WHERE entry=-343;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Trinkt dies, es wird helfen.' WHERE entry=-344;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Es wird Euch bald besser gehen.' WHERE entry=-345;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s beginnt, Verstärkung zu beschwören!' WHERE entry=-346;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Wo steckt dieser Hund?' WHERE entry=-349;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Wie könnt ihr es wagen das Abendessen des Meisters zu stören!' WHERE entry=-350;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Das war eine Verschwendung euresgleichen.' WHERE entry=-351;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Das war ein 200 Jahre alter Pupellyverbos Portwein!' WHERE entry=-352;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ich nicht rennen davon vor $C wie Euch!' WHERE entry=-353;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ja! Ich töten!' WHERE entry=-354;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Nur ein toter $R ist ein guter $R!' WHERE entry=-355;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='$GSchwacher:Schwache:c; $C. Ihr seid $Gkein Gegner:keine Gegnerin; für den Splittersteinstamm!' WHERE entry=-356;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Spürt die Macht der Dunkeleisenzwerge!' WHERE entry=-357;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Zeit zu sterben, $C!' WHERE entry=-358;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ich werde Euch zermalmen!' WHERE entry=-359;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ich zerschmettern! Du sterben!' WHERE entry=-360;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Raaar!!! Ich zerschmettere $R!' WHERE entry=-361;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='König Magni Bronzebart ist ein Narr und ein Scharlatan!' WHERE entry=-362;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Der Thandolübergang ist in die Hände von Ragnaros gefallen. So soll es auch mit dem Steinwerkdamm geschehen!' WHERE entry=-363;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Wahaha! Ich nehme Euch mit ins Verderben!' WHERE entry=-364;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Langsam habe ich diesen Unsinn satt! Gleich seid Ihr tot!' WHERE entry=-365;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='ARRRRRRR!' WHERE entry=-366;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Huh? Was\'n das?' WHERE entry=-367;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Da $R sieht lecka aus!' WHERE entry=-368;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Verprügeln!' WHERE entry=-369;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ein $R der $N genannt wird? Ihr werdet ein ausgezeichnetes Frühstück sein!' WHERE entry=-370;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Sterbt, $R! Dieses Land gehören dem Splittersteinstamm!' WHERE entry=-371;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Der Loch gehört nun dem Splittersteinstamm, $N! Und nun sterbt!' WHERE entry=-372;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Sterbt im Namen von Ragnaros\'!' WHERE entry=-373;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Schnappt ihn!' WHERE entry=-374;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='%s \'s Augen glühen rot, als er das Dynamit entzündet und wie wahnsinnig zu gackern beginnt!' WHERE entry=-375;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Ihr seid kein Gegner für die Schwarzfelsorcs!' WHERE entry=-376; /*NEED RIGHT ORDER FROM ACID*/
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Spürt die Macht der Schwarzfelsorcs!' WHERE entry=-377; /*NEED RIGHT ORDER FROM ACID*/
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Berserkerhaltung! Attackiert sie rücksichtslos!' WHERE entry=-378;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Meins! Ihr sollt diesen Ort nicht einnehmen.' WHERE entry=-379;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Verschwindet, dieser Ort gehört uns!' WHERE entry=-380;
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='ACHTUNG!' WHERE entry=-381; -- nicht Vorsicht xD
UPDATE creature_ai_texts SET content_loc3='Na gut, beruhigt euch. Leute, wir haben viel Arbeit vor uns und wenig Zeit um sie zu erledigen.' WHERE entry=-382;
Issue #471 NPCs - Griftah ,
Originally reported by: Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx)
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