Looking4Group / L4G_Core

Looking4Group Core
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Vazruden the herald no respawn, zone in combat bug #916

Open Xadras opened 8 years ago

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Originally reported by: Anonymous

with these numerous server resets, every time we pull Nazan and the server goes down, the sentries won't respawn to start the boss event again. We must abandon the instance as a result

When the boss is pulled, Vazruden jumps off Nazan immediatly. Then another Vazruden on top of Nazan appears and lands, with the two guards at the start respawning a couple of times (maybe that last bit is supposed to be like that?).

Also Nazan despawned almost immediatly when I ran the dungeon so I couldn't loot the last quest item, please don't make monsters despawn before quest items are looted if it's somehow possible to do.

Xadras commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Anon X (Bitbucket: Anonx, GitHub: Anonx):

Core Script for 17517 to respawn properly on failed encounter.

AnonXS commented 8 years ago

Nazan Reset Bug: everybody should die on failed encounter not running out. Boss does not instantly reset takes about an hour.

Also adds seem to respawn sometimes as the boss doesnt aggro the group, maybe increase respawntime, or rather their respawn is linked to boss in corescript and sometimes gets triggered when groups tryhard too much.

Waren vorhin auf NHC drinnen, Gruppe ist bei Vazruden / Nazan gewipt, ein Spieler ist rausgelaufen, Boss Event ist nicht resettet.

Die Zone kann während einer Begegnung nicht betreten werden.


Gruppe war HC drin und Vazruden (http://looking4group.de/database/?npc=18435) war tot und während der Drache Nazan (http://looking4group.de/database/?npc=18432) gespawnt wurde (vom himmel geflogen kommt) ist die gruppe gewhiped. anschließen konnte man die instanz nicht betreten weil der boss encounter noch infight war.

Saltgurka commented 7 years ago

Sentry respawn is handled here when instance data is FAIL: https://github.com/Looking4Group/L4G_Core/blob/master/src/scripts/scripts/zone/hellfire_citadel/hellfire_ramparts/instance_hellfire_ramparts.cpp#L106

Instance data is set to FAIL here: https://github.com/Looking4Group/L4G_Core/blob/master/src/scripts/scripts/zone/hellfire_citadel/hellfire_ramparts/boss_vazruden_the_herald.cpp#L257

Problem is that instance data will never be set to FAIL on server crashes, because Vazruden will never execute JustReachedHome(), since he's a temp spawn.