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[BUG n°1800222] Orts.Viewer3D.Processes.ThreadHangException at Orts.Viewer3D.UserInputRailDriver.SetLEDs (X4249, BARI-FOGGIA, FDT-FB8828_BA-FG, freeze with Raildriver 20KPH) #2084

Open Looky1173 opened 5 years ago

Looky1173 commented 5 years ago

Imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1800222

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Reported by ANDREA MASELLI (amas29)
Date reported Fri, 26 Oct 2018 19:54:35 GMT
Tags crash
  1. Some sessions on Open Rails start but the Cab Controller is not working (only some key working like horn, alert, bell). I have to restart the simulator until it work.

  2. When it work, I start my run and when the display reach 20 Kph it freeze and OR shut down

Looky1173 commented 5 years ago

Imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/or/+bug/1800222/comments/1

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Posted by ANDREA MASELLI (amas29)
Date posted Fri, 26 Oct 2018 19:54:35 GMT
Looky1173 commented 5 years ago

Imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/or/+bug/1800222/comments/2

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Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Sat, 27 Oct 2018 12:29:08 GMT

"Thread hang" means that the computer was too slow in computing OR code. Your computer is not a slow machine, so the problem is probably caused by the many log messages you get. If you look at the logfile, you will see many lines of the type Warning: File ....\Suono_Italiano\XXVentilo.wav missing from D:\Programmi\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator\trains\trainset\FS_E464_CC\sound This means that you haven't installed "Suono_Italiano". I see also many warnings of type Warning: Signal referenced in .w file -5672 14413 as TrItem 13792 not present in .tdb file which means that there is incoherence between world files and the tdb file. This is a problem of the route, although probably it is not the cause of your crash.

Before installing "Suono_Italiano" you may try unchecking the "Scrivi log" checkbox in the OR main menu. If you have no more crashes, the missing "Suono_Italiano" should be the reason of the crashes.

Looky1173 commented 5 years ago

Imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/or/+bug/1800222/comments/3

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Posted by ANDREA MASELLI (amas29)
Date posted Sat, 27 Oct 2018 16:12:10 GMT

I've tested the RailDriver with differents Activity/Routes and I always have the same problem. Without RailDriver it works without crashes and lags.

I'm attaching a new OpenRailsLog referring to another Activty and using another train.

The RailDriver and OR always freeze at the speed of 20KPH.

Looky1173 commented 5 years ago

Imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/or/+bug/1800222/comments/4

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Posted by Carlo Santucci (carlosanit1)
Date posted Sun, 11 Nov 2018 09:14:30 GMT

Hi Andrea, I've checked on the code. The program seems to be frozen during the execution of this module PIEHidDotNet.PIEDevice.WriteData(Byte[] wData) which is called by following OR code line Device.WriteData(WriteBuffer); within the SetLEDs module. PIEHidDotNet.PIEDevice.WriteData(Byte[] wData) is a standard Raildriver module (not an OR module), which hasn't been written by OR people. So I really can't help you. Maybe there is a hardware problem in your Raildriver or in your PC port, or some incompatibility problem of the hardware with that version of the Raildriver module.