Looky1173 / launchpad-bugs-migration2

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[BUG n°1961400] Error by evaluating and displaying TrackItems from the *.tdb #2529

Open Looky1173 opened 2 years ago

Looky1173 commented 2 years ago

Imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1961400

Property Value
Reported by Rippstein (ch-signale)
Date reported Fri, 18 Feb 2022 09:45:03 GMT

In the *.tdb, the locations of Trackitem (Signals, Speedpost, Milepost, Levelcrossing, etc.) are defined as follows, example entry in the TDB: SignalItem ( TrItemId ( 3 ) TrItemSData ( 18.1304 00000002 ) TrItemRData ( 137.325 49.9499 -226.043 -5578 14978 ) TrSignalType ( 00000000 1 4.23109 Sig25VHp01_fH_jm )

there exist two Parameter to locate a TrackItem, which define the same point TrItemSData ( ) is the distance in meters from the starting point of a track part TrItemRData ( ) is a three-dimensional coordinate in space, for the same object

OR and MSTS process these coordinates differently to determine locations and function of TrackItems:

The MSTS consistently uses the same parameters for location of TrackItems: MSTS-Simulator TrItemSData( ) MSTS-RE TrItemSData( )

OpenRails uses, in CONTRAST to MSTS, the space-parameter in its tools. OR-Simulator TrItemRData( ) TrackViewer TrItemRData( ) BUT the TSRE5, the only route-editor for OR, uses the same parameter as MSTS TSRE5 TrItemSData( )

In order to ensure the compatibility of the OpenRail with MSTS, TrItemSData( ) should also be used in OpenRails and Trackviewer for the location of TrackItem

The MSTS-RE has left many routes where the two coordinates do not indicate exactly the same position of a Signal. This is even so in the six MSTS original routes!!

Calculated with TrItemSData (MSTS simulator), signal A precedes signal B. Calculated according to TrItemRData (OR simulator), signal B precedes signal A. In the OR simulator, the signal sequence then appears as reversed, signal B is in front of A, which leads to disturbances of the signals.

This problem is probably also the cause of similar problems with other trackitems.

Surprising finding: If I set the first 3 coordinates of TrItemRData ( 137.325 49.9499 -226.043 -5578 14978 ) to zero in .tdb and .tit as this: TrItemRData ( 0 0 0 -5578 14978 ) then the problem in OR disappears and the signal A precedes signal B and OR is handling the Signals correctly! So it seems, that OR can handle also TrItemSData( ) for TrackItems, if the space-coordinates are not present.

see here: http://www.elvastower.com/forums/index.php?/topic/35990-signals-too-close/ in Post:1,5,8,11