Lookyloo / lookyloo

Lookyloo is a web interface that allows users to capture a website page and then display a tree of domains that call each other.
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Takedown information filter #903

Closed adrima01 closed 2 months ago

adrima01 commented 2 months ago

Pull requests should be opened against the main branch. For more information on contributing to Lookyloo documentation, see the Contributor Guidelines.

Type of change

Description: Adding the MISP lookup. When an URL was submitted to MISP during the last 24h, it is shown in the report email (timestamp + link to the MISP event). Emails and domains from the takedown information are now filtered/or replaced. The parameter name in genericapi.py has been changed so that it is displayed correctly in the doc.

Select the type of change(s) made in this pull request:

Fixes #900 #901

Proposed changes


Rafiot commented 2 months ago

(merged, not sure why github says it's not)