Lookyloo / lookyloo

Lookyloo is a web interface that allows users to capture a website page and then display a tree of domains that call each other.
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adding 3rd party report to mail #908

Closed adrima01 closed 2 months ago

adrima01 commented 2 months ago

Pull requests should be opened against the main branch. For more information on contributing to Lookyloo documentation, see the Contributor Guidelines.

Type of change

Description: Adding a 3rd party module section to the email template. We want to display if an URL is malicious or not according to the 3rd party modules to provide more information.

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adrima01 commented 2 months ago

Maybe it's not a good idea to reuse the modules function in init.py to filter the response from the 3rd party modules? I tried to use it to avoid duplication, maybe put the filter somewhere else?

AntoniaBK commented 2 months ago

I tried to use it to avoid duplication, maybe put the filter somewhere else?

I too would rather put all the filtering in an extra function that can be called when sending the mail and when displaying the 3rd-party lookups on the website. So mail and website are not mixed together in one function.

adrima01 commented 2 months ago

I think the concept of checking if the response is empty doesn't work.Urlscan triggers a scan (which wasn't the case at my lookyloo instance because it wasn't enabled) So even if it isn't malicious, there will be something in the response (url to the urlscan scan)