boost/thread works great on iOS, but the buckaroo BUCK file's platform_* parameters are missing regexes for iOS support. We added them successfully for our project and wanted to contribute back. It sounded like the way you'd like us to do that was to just submit an issue, but if there's a better way for us to contribute, let us know.
Here's the diff to the boost/thread/BUCK file to make things work on iOS:
boost/thread works great on iOS, but the buckaroo BUCK file's platform_* parameters are missing regexes for iOS support. We added them successfully for our project and wanted to contribute back. It sounded like the way you'd like us to do that was to just submit an issue, but if there's a better way for us to contribute, let us know.
Here's the diff to the boost/thread/BUCK file to make things work on iOS:
@njlr It looks like the actual BUCK file lives in one of your repos?