In this stage I have found a meesage This does not appear to be the root of a Buck project. Please 'cd' to the root of your project before running buck. If this really is the root of your project, run 'touch .buckconfig' and then re-run your buck command. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/net/users/Linux_Home/karim/.local/share/warp/packages/buck/bin/buck/programs/", line 241, in <module> File "/net/users/Linux_Home/karim/.local/share/warp/packages/buck/bin/buck/programs/", line 219, in main File "/net/users/Linux_Home/karim/.local/share/warp/packages/buck/bin/buck/programs/", line 149, in from_current_dir raise NoBuckConfigFoundException() NoBuckConfigFoundException: This does not appear to be the root of a Buck project. Please 'cd' to the root of your project before running buck. If this really is the root of your project, run 'touch .buckconfig' and then re-run your buck command.
So I have run touch .buckconfig and re-run ./buck and I have seen Description: Buck build tool with some other info.
7. Then I have run [from here]( `buckaroo quickstart` and the following Error text appeared `buckaroo: command not found`
Please enlighten me what is the problem of my approach?
## Context
<!--- How has this bug affected you? What were you trying to accomplish? -->
I have to see how this project works as one of my idea is to apply this idea in my project but stumbles in the first try.
## Your Environment
<!--- Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in -->
* Version used:
* Operating System and Architecture: Ubuntu 18.04
A silly mistake ./buckaroo quickstart but I guess in the documentation it should use. Also, putting the installation of buck before buckaroo will be better I guess.
I am trying to initiate Quickstart Project but failed with the following Error message
I have seen this issue but could not solve my case. Maybe my approach is wrong and I am giving what I have done so far.
Steps to Reproduce
The approaches i have followed so far:
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
Then followed instructions from here to install buck
wget -O buck
chmod +x ./buck
In this stage I have found a meesage
This does not appear to be the root of a Buck project. Please 'cd' to the root of your project before running buck. If this really is the root of your project, run 'touch .buckconfig' and then re-run your buck command. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/net/users/Linux_Home/karim/.local/share/warp/packages/buck/bin/buck/programs/", line 241, in <module> File "/net/users/Linux_Home/karim/.local/share/warp/packages/buck/bin/buck/programs/", line 219, in main File "/net/users/Linux_Home/karim/.local/share/warp/packages/buck/bin/buck/programs/", line 149, in from_current_dir raise NoBuckConfigFoundException() NoBuckConfigFoundException: This does not appear to be the root of a Buck project. Please 'cd' to the root of your project before running buck. If this really is the root of your project, run 'touch .buckconfig' and then re-run your buck command.
So I have run
touch .buckconfig
and re-run./buck
and I have seenDescription: Buck build tool
with some other info.Then followed instructions from here to install Buckaroo
wget -O buckaroo
chmod +x ./buckaroo
And the following text appeared which resembles that Buckaroo is installed properly(my assumption)Buck, Buck, Buckaroo! 🤠