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Request: metadata standard or best practices for animated and non-image filetypes #192

Open sk33z3r opened 2 years ago

sk33z3r commented 2 years ago

I understand there is no standard for metadata files yet. However, OpenSea is making strides to develop one, and I think that it would be beneficial to come up with something for a few reasons. At the very least, some type of article to the users about how metadata is structured in various ways in the NFT world. Basically something to make the user consider a future market place when minting something other than a static image.


The OpenSea standard documentation


sk33z3r commented 2 years ago

For anyone that comes to this ticket looking for an idea of how metadata should be structured, you may want to follow the below. There have been an influx of high-quality NFTs minted, all following this same schema.

The Bare Minimum

At the very least, it would be a good idea to include these fields. Note that the "image" field is intended to be a smaller, faster loading thumbnail of your content, while the "animation_url" is intended to be the full size, video, or other file type of your NFT. It's OK to set both to the same value, several NFTs have done it this way.

    "name": "NFT Name",
    "description": "Description of your collection.",
    "image": "ipfs://CID-TO-SMALL-THUMBNAIL",
    "animation_url": "ipfs://CID-TO-FULL-SIZE-IMAGE-OR-VID",
    "royalty_percentage": 0,
    "attributes": [],
    "properties": {}


The royalty_percentage field is an integer. So far we've seen anywhere between 0 - 10 in actual mints. In the Smart Contract, there is also a creatorFeeBips field. So far all of the royalty_percentage fields have matched the creatorFeeBips set in the smart contract.

According to documentation and testing, the maximum value accepted for creatorFeeBips is 50.

Example with Traits

With traits you can give some indication of rarity. This is just an example. It's unlear what "properties" is exactly, but they are identical to the traits in the cases that I have seen so far. They are both slightly different data types, so could just be different ways to store the same data for various purposes on the front-end.

    "name": "NFT Name",
    "description": "Description of your NFT",
    "image": "ipfs://CID-TO-THUMBNAIL-SIZE",
    "animation_url": "ipfs://CID-TO-FULL-SIZE-OR-FILE",
    "royalty_percentage": 0,
    "attributes": [{
        "trait_type": "Hair",
        "value": "Curly"
    }, {
        "trait_type": "Nose",
        "value": "Massive"
    }, {
        "trait_type": "Mouth",
        "value": "Closed"
    }, {
        "trait_type": "Chin",
        "value": "Beard"
    "properties": {
        "Hair": "Curly",
        "Nose": "Massive",
        "Mouth": "Closed",
        "Chin": "Beard"
sk33z3r commented 2 years ago

I created a site to generate this metadata in large batches should anyone want to try it out: https://metagen.sk33z3r.site

OctagonNFT commented 2 years ago


MIME types could be passed along with all of the content.

A game asset with multiple media elements might look like this:

    "name" : "Title of NFT"
    "description" : "",
    "royalty_percentage": 1,

    "external_url" : "https://creators.site/",

    "image" : "ipfs://CID-TO-SMALL-THUMBNAIL",
    "image_type" : "image/png",

    "animation_url" : "ipfs://CID-TO-FULL-SIZE-IMAGE-OR-VID",
    "animation_type" : "video/mp4",

    "attributes" : [
            "trait_type" : "Author",
            "value" : "OctagonNFT"
            "trait_type" : "Type",
            "value" : "Collection of multiple data types"
    "properties": { },

    "content" : [
            "name" : "A cool picture",
            "content_type" : "image/webp",
            "image" : "ipfs://...",
            "name" : "An embedded image",
            "content_type" : "image/png",
            "image_data" : "data:image/png;base64,...",
            "name" : "3Dmodel_1",
            "content_type" : "model/fbx",
            "FBXHeaderExtension" :  {}
            "GlobalSettings" :  {}
            "Documents" :  {}
            "References" :  {}
            "Definitions" :  {}
            "Objects" :  {}
            "Connections" :  {}
            "Takes" :  {}
            "name" : "runtime_settings",
            "content_type" : "application/specific",
            "data" : "...",