Loqor / ait

Adds the TARDIS from Doctor Who that you can interact with in a new plethora of ways. Updated for Fabric 1.20.1.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
19 stars 12 forks source link

Unlockable Dimensions? #305

Open Flexico opened 1 month ago

Flexico commented 1 month ago

I know, I know, the Tardis is always going to be overpowered just by nature, but being able to just pop over to any dimension right out the door might be fixed pretty easily by requiring the player to feed the Tardis a medium-difficulty item from the dimension in question, like netherite scrap for the Nether, chorus fruit for the End, a zanite gem for the Aether, etc. That way you still have to get to the dimension in question via the vanilla route before you can fly there~

Duzos commented 1 month ago

could feed it from telepathic circuit, could be cool but how would modded dimensions work..

Flexico commented 1 month ago

I guess add in the item/dimension name to a config file, and any dimensions not listed in the file are just made available by default?

Loqor commented 1 month ago

We could also just allow you to use a modded item from that dimension ig. could make it data generated, not sure.

miner100910 commented 1 month ago

Could make it so once the owner or a high loyalty crew member of a TARDIS enters that dimension then the TARDIS is able to go there via some sort of telepathic circuit linking system

DrTheodor commented 1 month ago

I side with Masker here. Some "item from a dimension" is pretty vague, also won't solve the issue for datapack dimensions and situations where the server has a multiworld setup.