Lora-net / SWDR001

Driver for LR11xx chip (LR1110 / LR1120 / LR1121)
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bug - lr1120 returns false Command Status indicator #3

Closed zafersn closed 1 month ago

zafersn commented 1 year ago

Hi @matthieuantoine

I'm not sure if it is a bug or not. but seems a bug or something is weird. this error was the first time I came across it,

sequentially, I am executing these commands;

  1. lr11xx_wifi_scan_time_limit
  2. lr11xx_wifi_get_nb_results

lr11xx_wifi_get_nb_results this command sometimes returns 0 or 13(hex) in nbresult byte. I'm sure it should be 0 and whenever I read 13 and status byte was always CMD_PERR (3) and I can understand that nbresult byte value is wrong and must ignore it. However, one time I got the status byte 5 with nbresults 13. Now I am really confused.

here is a write command output for nb result


here is a read command output below for nb result. as seen in the first byte the status indicator shows The last command was processed successfully. but I got 13 as nbresult byte.

I'm wondering why I get sometimes 13 sometimes 0. there is no problem with the status indicator when I got nbresult byte as 0.



opeyrard commented 3 months ago

Could you please double check with the latest release and let us know if the issue remains ? Many thanks

opeyrard commented 1 month ago

Issue closed as there is no more activity.