Lora-net / sx1302_hal

SX1302/SX1303 Hardware Abstraction Layer and Tools (packet forwarder...)
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DevEUI and AppKey inside packet-forwarder (payload structure) #89

Closed sergorl closed 1 year ago

sergorl commented 1 year ago

Hello, guys. I work with packet-forwarder and wonder about structure of payload here:

struct lgw_pkt_rx_s {
    uint32_t    freq_hz;        /*!> central frequency of the IF chain */
    uint8_t     if_chain;       /*!> by which IF chain was packet received */
    uint8_t     status;         /*!> status of the received packet */
    uint32_t    count_us;       /*!> internal concentrator counter for timestamping, 1 microsecond resolution */
    uint8_t     rf_chain;       /*!> through which RF chain the packet was received */
    uint8_t     modulation;     /*!> modulation used by the packet */
    uint8_t     bandwidth;      /*!> modulation bandwidth (LoRa only) */
    uint32_t    datarate;       /*!> RX datarate of the packet (SF for LoRa) */
    uint8_t     coderate;       /*!> error-correcting code of the packet (LoRa only) */
    float       rssi;           /*!> average packet RSSI in dB */
    float       snr;            /*!> average packet SNR, in dB (LoRa only) */
    float       snr_min;        /*!> minimum packet SNR, in dB (LoRa only) */
    float       snr_max;        /*!> maximum packet SNR, in dB (LoRa only) */
    uint16_t    crc;            /*!> CRC that was received in the payload */
    uint16_t    size;           /*!> payload size in bytes */
    uint8_t     payload[256];   /*!> buffer containing the payload */

My question: where is the DevEUI and AppKey inside payload of struct lgw_pkt_rx_s?

mcoracin commented 1 year ago

Hello, the gateway doesn't have this information, and doesn't need it. It just forward the received packets to the LoRaWAN Network Server.

sergorl commented 1 year ago

Hello, the gateway doesn't have this information, and doesn't need it. It just forward the received packets to the LoRaWAN Network Server.

I understand it. But where is DevEUI location inside payload?