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Individual Issue: Bank Not Working #434

Open HobbitForHire opened 1 month ago

HobbitForHire commented 1 month ago

Issue User xxRetro is getting an error when trying to interact with banks on all personas. The error reads "You are busy. Try again when you are free." Unable to find why this is happening to replicate

https://gyazo.com/ee93e29607ed2ac1660c9d327b5a9a01 https://gyazo.com/295e59a529418b238a2df39cebc3f83c

Ticket refence number: RTS-155663

HobbitForHire commented 1 month ago

Unsure as to closing process, but user said issue has resolved No idea if there was code change or it resolved itself Feel free to close issue through standard process when this is looked at