LordBoos / discord_game

Home Assistant custom component to get online and game status of Discord users
MIT License
56 stars 7 forks source link

Enhancement: HACS support #24

Closed SublimePotato closed 3 years ago

SublimePotato commented 3 years ago

Hey and thanks for contributing your sensor. It would be an really nice addition for HACS (home assistant community store) which would make installing and updating the sensor a breeze.

Basically only a few describing files are needed ->https://hacs.xyz/docs/publish/start

LordBoos commented 3 years ago

It's already available at HACS.

LordBoos commented 3 years ago

Or at least it was and I can still see it in the HACS. You can't find it there in integrations?

SublimePotato commented 3 years ago

It's there, my bad