LordBoos / discord_game

Home Assistant custom component to get online and game status of Discord users
MIT License
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Add support for custom statuses #4

Closed ayancey closed 4 years ago

ayancey commented 4 years ago


Now that discord has custom statuses, this would be a really incredible addition to this plugin.

Thanks, Alex

LordBoos commented 4 years ago


thanks for you suggestion.

Unfortunately this is impossible right now because of two things: Discord issue: https://github.com/discordapp/discord-api-docs/issues/1160 Discord.py: https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py/issues/2400

Once those issues are resolved I can add support to this component.

ayancey commented 4 years ago

Thank you, keep up the good work on this project

LordBoos commented 4 years ago

Custom statuses support added in version 3.0.0, commit https://github.com/LordBoos/discord_game/commit/673bb9876c2054cfe64b11f6aa3fc5bd9cfbe2dc